Reset your mythic account password?

Can't get it to work. keep getting a msg: an error occurred.
Has anyone else tried to reset/recover their password with any luck?


  • SableSable Posts: 248
    It has been awhile since I did it, but I think I used to click the reset EA master password link.  Make sure you are logged out of the origin store before you do it.  Then click the link and it should take you to an EA site where you can click forgot password/reset password or something like that.  You type in your email address and wait for it to email the link that will reset the password.  Check the spam folder if it doesn't show up in a few minutes.
  • CyrusCyrus Posts: 49
    That worked. Thank you!
  • SableSable Posts: 248
    Yay, glad to hear it!
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