Classic Client --> Options --> Macro Options : "Use Object" -Egg Bomb- missing .....

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited February 2021 in Bugs
In the Classic Client, Options Menu --> Macro Options, under "Use Object" while SmokeBomb is present, Egg Bomb is NOT.

And, unfortunately, the Client does not see an Egg Bomb like a Smoke Bomb, even though they do the same thing.... it is important that also Egg Bombs are an option to be used for those players who prefer to use these in alternative to Smoke Bombs (the crafting paths are different, Smoke Bombs require Alchemy, Egg Bombs require Cooking, although they both share the use of eggs...).

Result is, that, as of now, it is NOT possible to set up a Macro to use Egg Bombs, rather then Smoke Bombs.

Egg Bombs can be used manually, clicking on them, but, since they are missing from the Macro Options Menu, it is not possible to use them with a Macro.

Expected Result : To see Egg Bombs included along with other Objects so that it would be possible to use them with a Macro.

Thank you.


  • I have an easier solution: get rid of egg bombs and make both crafting ways produce smoke bombs. I really don't see any need for egg bombs to be present in the game on top of smoke bombs, especially since they work exactly the same.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    I have an easier solution: get rid of egg bombs and make both crafting ways produce smoke bombs. I really don't see any need for egg bombs to be present in the game on top of smoke bombs, especially since they work exactly the same.

    If they were to do this, they would need to consider cooking BODs. The egg bomb is included in a large BOD.They could change the large BOD (and the associated small BOD) to be labeled and accept smoke bomb BODs. They could also leave in egg bombs for cooking and just add smoke bombs to the cooking menu also.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Marge said:
    I have an easier solution: get rid of egg bombs and make both crafting ways produce smoke bombs. I really don't see any need for egg bombs to be present in the game on top of smoke bombs, especially since they work exactly the same.

    If they were to do this, they would need to consider cooking BODs. The egg bomb is included in a large BOD.They could change the large BOD (and the associated small BOD) to be labeled and accept smoke bomb BODs. They could also leave in egg bombs for cooking and just add smoke bombs to the cooking menu also.
    I think it is much easier and would take much less time to simply add Egg Bombs as an option in the Classic Client Options Menu --> Macro Options -> "Use Object" along with Smoke Bombs........
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