February 2018 Newsletter - Discussion
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Not a whole lot here, just a preview of what's to come - but have any of you seen anything about the new chat system? Are they bringing back the friends chat that was available in KR? Maybe the old chat window from 2D?
Not a whole lot here, just a preview of what's to come - but have any of you seen anything about the new chat system? Are they bringing back the friends chat that was available in KR? Maybe the old chat window from 2D?
Why is the artwork we have today, of lower quality then what we had in 2007?

Demorde on ATL/PAC/SP || ICQ: #330663732 || Why not join the DiscordChat, its fun!

Demorde on ATL/PAC/SP || ICQ: #330663732 || Why not join the DiscordChat, its fun!
The Enhanced Client is basically the Kingdom Reborn client I think just with all the art assets stripped out. I doubt they even have those art assets any more, or have any interest in trying to re introduce them.
What gets me is that the EC 2D art is of lower quality than the 2D art that KR had before it was discontinued. I really wish they'd at least put an unofficial toggle in to let you run it.
Demorde on ATL/PAC/SP || ICQ: #330663732 || Why not join the DiscordChat, its fun!
My only concern would be, how much art needs to be added to get it caught up with the expansions and things added since the art was done.
Is the current team even capable of doing such a thing?
They would also need to address the way items were presented in game, which if i remember was the one of the biggest gripes.
KR world art (plants, building pieces, etc) looked great.
Mobiles were a bit hit-or-miss, but decent in general. Though they did make some curious choices when updating a few mobs...
Demorde on ATL/PAC/SP || ICQ: #330663732 || Why not join the DiscordChat, its fun!