Players are being driven out of PvP.



  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited September 2022

    Your problem is you have an agenda as an EC user and are in denial, you are not correcting anything of mine, this is why I don't want to get involved, I've seen it all before.

    I've pvp'd against EC since day 1, I've got many friends and enemies who have used EC since day 1, and we can all see, and they all say the same thing, it's so obvious, this is why I don't want to be arguing the toss out of semantics when you clearly have an agenda and are so wrong. We know the reasons, I don't need you to nit-pick each point.

    All I'm doing, is pointing out the black and white. Don't be so upset and defensive about it.

    I'm not saying you're cheating, I'm not saying you should not be allowed to use EC, I'm clearly stating the issues that UO pvp has, the use of 2 unequal clients for competitive play, which is the root of most of the issues. I've asked if they can be separated (I obviously don't expect that to happen - although I am saying with hindsight, maybe that was the best solution), one got rid of (I clearly don't expect that to happen), or them to be balanced (which is sort of what I'd like if possible, in any areas). The reason I believe it is more possible, is the **** client achieves a lot.

    I'm not asking to nerf you, although of course it will feel like a nerf to your style of play, having CC users on an equal footing to EC users - without the need for 3rd party programs.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited April 2021
    sibble said:

    As long as you continue to post misinformation about EC I will continue to correct you.  No, EC does not "cast spells way faster".  EC allows you to send a target with your spell cast at the same time, saving the time it takes a CC user to pick their target and send it to the server.

    Example:  My EC Greater Heal macro that has Greater Heal set to target my current target, if I hit it, I'm sending information to the server "cast greater heal and put it on this target" all in one packet.  In CC you don't have this option.  In CC, you tell the server "cast greater heal" and then "target something".

    So therefore it is faster. Baseline, this is exactly what I said. I did say due to the macros EC has right from the beginning. You are not reading what I say, and you are going defensive, and trying to pull apart something that doesn't exist to pull apart.

    I've clearly stated I'm talking very high level, I'm not interested in all the nitty gritty, because we all know it!! I 100% agree with the statement you just said, and it completely backs up everything I have posted to date, which is why we have now wasted about 5 posts going around in a circle we didn't need to do. I wish you would learn to read, and understand.

  • sibblesibble Posts: 179
    edited April 2021
    All I'm doing is correcting your misinformation.  Continue to make assumptions though that's what a lot of smart people do weirdchamp.  There's nothing about anything I've written in this thread that is being defensive.  I've stated several times that you are posting misinformation.  What don't you understand about this?

    You said "EC casts way faster" - which is a false statement.  You can't seem to comprehend this.

    You continue to cry because you want something changed but use misinformation to back your case up.

    Try using accurate statements when attempting to make a point.
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited April 2021
    sibble said:
    All I'm doing is correcting your misinformation.  Continue to make assumptions though that's what a lot of smart people do.

    You continue to cry because you want something changed but use misinformation to back your case up.

    You corrected my misinformation by clarifying what I posted? Interesting.

    You proved EC is faster due to movement style, you proved EC spells are faster due to the macros - perfect, and tried to use that as an argument against me, when I meant that in the first place?

    You made assumptions about what you believed I thought the definition of "faster" was, you built straw men, then knocked them down. The problem for you is, the argument you proved - was what I meant in the first place.

    This really is the problem of forums, and talking with less experienced, less intelligent, defensive players who have an agenda.

    I'm not crying. I made a factual post, based on my experience of what I have seen a ton of pvpers going through, and the state of the game.

    Fact - there are 2 clients being used in PvP, and they are not equal. In a competitive game, is this going to cause issues? If you want to focus on anything - answer that question. The root fundamental cause.

    If you continue to avoid that question, by attacking other minor points, it shows your bias. Which is clear anyway.

  • sibblesibble Posts: 179
    edited April 2021
    Funny how as soon as I said I was an EC user, your argument turned into "oh so you're defending EC".  Your attempt to sway this debate is pathetic.

    You're straight-up asking devs to make a change based on your lies.

    I've posted enough correct information in this thread so at this point I'm out.
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited April 2021
    sibble said:

    As long as you continue to post misinformation about EC I will continue to correct you.  No, EC does not "cast spells way faster".  EC allows you to send a target with your spell cast at the same time, saving the time it takes a CC user to pick their target and send it to the server.

    My lies, lets use your own quote, to prove speed.

    "Saving the time".

    Saving the time = Faster.

    I said Faster.

    You said Saving the Time.

    See what I mean about Semantics?

    So because I used a different word, which means exactly the same thing, I'm lying?

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator
    Time for you both to take a deep breath and count to 10 please?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2022
    "client casting speed variations are a known issue
    as for **** casting speed, i cannot comment."

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator
    Can we not discuss unofficial clients here please? I believe they come under the same heading as 'grey' shards.
  • sibblesibble Posts: 179
    edited April 2021
    Yoshi said:
    As I said, and as well said in the post that you linked... In EC, if you add your target to a spell then it's sent all at once to the server which is faster than sending your target to the server separately.

    That is not the same as "EC casts faster" which is one of the statements I am debating.

    The speed at which you can cast Greater Heal in CC vs EC is not different, for example.

    If you want to add this functionality to CC then great for everyone.

    If you state that casting speed is different between clients, people are going to read that and be mislead.
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Last spell
    Last target

    Cast spell (name)
    Last target.

    Cast spell INVIS
    target self
  • sibblesibble Posts: 179
    Bilbo said:
    Cast spell INVIS
    target self

    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited April 2021
    sibble said:
    Yoshi said:
    As I said, and as well said in the post that you linked... In EC, if you add your target to a spell then it's sent all at once to the server which is faster than sending your target to the server separately.

    That is not the same as "EC casts faster" which is one of the statements I am debating.

    The speed at which you can cast Greater Heal in CC vs EC is not different, for example.

    If you want to add this functionality to CC then great for everyone.

    If you state that casting speed is different between clients, people are going to read that and be mislead.

    The only people who will get confused, are those that want to read too much into it.

    I mean the process of casting a spell, I'm clearly not interested in specific spell times, I'm a pvper, I'm looking at the total process, and the total speed spells are coming at me. It is quicker from EC, therefore faster.

    No common sense. Or you just want to argue the toss. Which is boring. And misleading, and diverts topics away from the original intent, which is what I believe you want, trying to discredit what I say, by posting back at me exactly the same content I'm talking about in different words, it's ridiculous the mentality of some posters.

    I was taking a helicopter view, to try and explain the overall problem, I really didn't need someone diving into the forest, it's too much detail, and leads to complete diversions like this. And I thought we all knew the detail, therefore I didn't have to really say it.

    And re the bit I have highlighted in Bold - yes, I clearly said from the opening post - CC could do with having some of the enhancements to catch-up - which I believe are possible. You are finally catching up with me, thank-you.

    Cookie said:

    2. Bring Classic Client, the original and main PvP client up to their level, by including their features in the game please.

  • sibblesibble Posts: 179
    edited April 2021
    You can believe whatever you want like I already said stupid people make assumptions.

    You said one thing, but you meant another - "the process of casting a spell".  How about next time you try to make an important point you think about what you type before you hit the enter key?

    "It also casts spells way faster" - your quote, completely false.

    Hey, I can cast Energy Vortex way faster on EC than you can on CC.

    Stop spreading misleading information, next time express your thoughts and opinions clearly, thanks.
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited April 2021
    sibble said:
    You can believe whatever you want like I already said stupid people make assumptions.

    You said one thing, but you meant another - "the process of casting a spell" which still isn't right.  How about next time you try to make an important point you think about what you type before you hit the enter key?

    "It also casts spells way faster" - your quote, completely false.

    Stop spreading misleading information, thanks.

    Your reading comprehension is poor.

    I'm only spreading misleading information to those who cannot understand.

    edit - re your EV comment - I was also clearly talking in a pvp context, you seem unable to contextualise. It was clear and obvious to any pvper - hence why I asked if you pvp? (to be able to understand me in the first place) What do you think I'm interested in as a pvper? EV cast spell speed, or the amount of spells coming at me, compared to the amount I can cast back?

  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 520Moderator
    This conversation has become focused on personal opinions and personal attacks
This discussion has been closed.