current stable menue

There are a great many things that annoy me in UO, tiny tiny things that could be easily fixed..and ive decided that im just gonna get on here and gripe about them like everyone else does. So lets start with stabled pet menues.  I have bought tokens to have extra pet slots, which means i have right around 30 or so pets currently.... i am also old and senile and remembering what Dr. Mombo is is completely out of the question when i cant even remember where i laid my cordless phone.. so this is what i propose... a more hassle free pet menue, a menue where u not only see the name of the pet you are claiming but u also see what exactly that pet is. i threw this together on photoshop. \
now with menue u could see what your pet is, and in the case of CUs u could also see what color they are. you could also click on the Pet info button just to the right of said pet and see all the info you could access by loreing  you would simply scroll down to see the full info

and while im on the subject of pets, you have these nifty critters here which i would love to use because i love snakes but for some reason they can only be 2 slot pets....Kyronix i have bugged you about this for years now and i have no plans on stopping with that any time soon =)  Giant Ice worms can only go to 2 slots, a bull can go to 4.....giant ice worms can eat cows.... see how much sense this is making...
^ really needs his slots raised to 5 =)
more gripes to come with photos!


  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    I like all this, in particular the mock-up of a new stable menu. I have to rely on my own spreadsheet via google drive and the saved planner function through to keep track of my pets. Having to use two external tools just to keep track of our pets is a bit much.

    I, too, wish there were more 5-slot pet possibilities. I'd even accept a 5 slot "token" available via the uo store which, if bought, turns any tamable pet into a pet tameable up to five slots. I would -kill- for a 5 slot black bear pet that is like another non-mountable pet. 
  • Jepeth said:
    I like all this, in particular the mock-up of a new stable menu. I have to rely on my own spreadsheet via google drive and the saved planner function through to keep track of my pets. Having to use two external tools just to keep track of our pets is a bit much.

    I, too, wish there were more 5-slot pet possibilities. I'd even accept a 5 slot "token" available via the uo store which, if bought, turns any tamable pet into a pet tameable up to five slots. I would -kill- for a 5 slot black bear pet that is like another non-mountable pet. 

    i love that token idea!  i would pay to make my snake a killer lol...
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I want that menu in the CC
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    I wish there was a pet info button for the Magincia stalls so buyers could get info on the pet for sale. Id rather have a choice on the stable menu.  I don't want to scroll 10 screens to find a pet.  

    I wish we could remove a pet by name if the name has a space. You can not do that in CC.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • I play CC, refuse to play the wow knock off EC UO..   I don't want to look at a giant list of pet names when I can't remember which is which or what color they are.  U know Pawain  u could just say Claim " insert animal name" will keep you from having to do that daunting task of rolling your mouse wheel
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    But most of mine have spaces in their name.  Like "Pretty Bird"  you can not say claim Pretty Bird and get the pet out in CC.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    It would also be nice to assign stable spots. I spend so much time trying to find where the pet jumped to on the list.
  • Marge said:
    It would also be nice to assign stable spots. I spend so much time trying to find where the pet jumped to on the list.
    YES! Agree 1000%
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    Good idea.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I love it - but, there might be a less pretty, but easier, quicker way to achieve something like it. 
    While nicest is most pleasing, quicker, easier might be more possible?
    My idea would be to take the Magincia stalls menu, remove the price column and change the 'buy' option to 'claim'.  Something like this:

    A lot of waste space there, but you get the general idea?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    The pet type would help those who name all there pets the same name.  I see this when returners show up and I ask them to show me their Nightmares and they pull out random pets with the same name.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Nice idea @Petra_Fyde.  You use the pet stalls to hold pets, does it cost you anything to place/remove pets from the stall?  @Kyronix would this be possible to add this menu to the stables/hitching posts?
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    well the idea was to 'steal' the menu and adapt it for stables. There is a weekly fee for a pet stall, much like a normal vendor, based on the prices you're selling at. Any pet you store on a stall you risk someone coming along and buying. It's a lower risk on a Fel stall, but it's still a risk. Best to use if for pets you're probably going to be selling anyway.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    I looked into this a while back and basically the entire stable UI needs a rewrite.  
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    Kyronix said:
    I looked into this a while back and basically the entire stable UI needs a rewrite.  
    What can we do to help facilitate this?
  • Kyronix said:
    I looked into this a while back and basically the entire stable UI needs a rewrite.  
    I still see no mention of those ice snakes... lol
  • I very much like the idea of an updated stable menu. Even without the ability to see the pet information. If it looked like those images, that would already improve things a lot!
    I'm much like you with stable slots, I have a lot of pets, and it can get quite hard locating them in the long list of names - especially when you move one out and the whole thing shifts around.

    I also like the idea of the slot increase item. However, if they were to make such item there would have to be some pets that would be excluded, such as the small birds, cats, hares etc. as they could cause some problems, being hard to target by other players. I think that's why they changed the phoenix when they did.
    But in my opinion, every pet (except the really small ones) should be able to go to 5 slots. This is a role playing game, so if I wanted demon slaying great hart, that wouldn't be much more strange than a giant slug that spews magic, or a big wolf-creature that somehow has the ability to apply bandages on its wounds. Not to mention that lions and tigers can be trained to 5 slots, but bears, cougars, wolves, gorillas etc. can not.  
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