Pirate Cave?

NecronomNecronom Posts: 79
edited January 2021 in Sonoma
Hi all,
A friend of mine told me about the Pirate Cave that she went to on Atlantic, where she had to say 'loot' to get there. She tried the same spot on Sonoma, but it didn't work. So I searched online for it and found: "Sonoma. LL, Terra Sanctum 5 45N 1 7E password Ransom" from Petra Fyde and Trebr on Stratics in Aug. 2009.
I'm assuming that's 5o45'N, 1o7'E .. But that's in the middle of the water on a boat close to Terra Sanctum? I dunno.. Anyone can shed some light on this?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I used a sextant to figure out the coordinates. The map in the Enhanced Client was showing wrong coordinates.


  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,298Moderator
    edited February 2021
    Known shard locations and passwords are:
    Atlantic: Ruins to the right of cove graveyard. (one of the Zeefzorpul(sp?) locations) password 'loot'.
    Baja.  black gate on the 2nd floor of Lord Blackthorn's Keep in Britain No password required. (probably lost since the change to Blackthorn's)
    Catskills: 14.14 South and 35.34 West password  foremast
    Drachenfels  Haven  Coordinates: 76° 22'S 146° 57'E (B) Password: plunder
    Europa:  under the archway in the ruins on dragon Isle  password Rhumbaba
    Great Lakes On a large beach on the SW coast of the mainland is a tent with a net on the ground in front of it. Stand on the net Password 'booty'
    Lake austin Brazier on the ground in the cave leading to Delucia. Password "scalawag".
    Lake Superior, Haven: 89.54s 147.05E  password: "Loot".
    Legends: 84o27s 8o18e  T2a is a hole. Simple walk on the hole
     Napa.  Minoc, Blacksmith and follow the trail leading south to a house, there is a add on to the house that sorta looks like a cellar. password: "parrot".
    Pacific, go to the ruins south east of Trinsic and speak the word "shinies"?
    Seige: second small house to the right just south of occlo bank,  password booty.
    Sonoma. LL, Terra Sanctum 25 45N 1 7E password Ransom

    edited to correct information

  • NecronomNecronom Posts: 79
    edited February 2021
    Hey there Drakelord...

    Thanks muchly for the images of where it actually is.

    Hiya Mariah...

    Yes, I know about that post. It is exactly where I got the coordinates from. However, after arriving at the spot that Drakelord shows, I checked the sextant coordinates. It's 25o 46'N, 1o 7'E. 25 and 5 are very different coordinate locations. I'm surprised that no one corrected it after all this time with so many copy & paste of that post.

    Thanks for the replies!

    Edit: Perhaps a land shift or change made it that way?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,298Moderator
    hmm, I will edit that list to show that. I think it more likely that it was a mistype by whoever supplied the initial information. A missing '2'
  • AenianAenian Posts: 30
    Mariah said:
    Known shard locations and passwords are:
    Atlantic: Ruins to the right of cove graveyard. (one of the Zeefzorpul(sp?) locations) password 'loot'.
    Baja.  black gate on the 2nd floor of Lord Blackthorn's Keep in Britain No password required. (probably lost since the change to Blackthorn's)
    Catskills: 14.14 South and 35.34 West password  foremast
    Drachenfels  Haven  Coordinates: 76° 22'S 146° 57'E (B) Password: plunder
    Europa:  under the archway in the ruins on dragon Isle  password Rhumbaba
    Great Lakes On a large beach on the SW coast of the mainland is a tent with a net on the ground in front of it. Stand on the net Password 'booty'
    Lake austin Brazier on the ground in the cave leading to Delucia. Password "scalawag".
    Lake Superior, Haven: 89.54s 147.05E  password: "Loot".
    Legends: 84o27s 8o18e  T2a is a hole. Simple walk on the hole
     Napa.  Minoc, Blacksmith and follow the trail leading south to a house, there is a add on to the house that sorta looks like a cellar. password: "parrot".
    Pacific, go to the ruins south east of Trinsic and speak the word "shinies"?
    Seige: second small house to the right just south of occlo bank,  password booty.
    Sonoma. LL, Terra Sanctum 25 45N 1 7E password Ransom

    edited to correct information

    No Chessy?

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,298Moderator
    The list was put together long after the event and based on players' memories. If anyone has the information for Chessy I'd be delighted to edit it in.
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    The Catskills entrance is since long gone or at least 5 years or so. Good thing there is marked runed inside.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,759
    edited July 2021
    NOTE: Pacific location is still there, but when you get down there...

    this is in the way and you can't open the doors lol
    "you cannot use this"
    so you will have to have a rune to get inside
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