idoc home placment needs change

there's a group of 3 people Atlantic realtor,scribbles and Joxer the mighty. have a new home placement script that wins 100% of the plots then try to place. u need to make changes, a stone for random winners or some thing. any thing. just want is going no is unfair. there atl home is by yew gate tram 19 homes for sell. all script place. idoc home placement need changes. any thing be nice. all uo is behind this. 99.9999 % thinks is unfair and need to be fix. people are quitting the game over this. there not going to pay there crazy prices for homes. fix this. all uo wants this fix thank u


  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited January 2021
    I said before that I would like to see a ticket system similar to the SA house system but I got shot down in flames by the scripters. 

    Simply go to the idoc and click sign. You get a ticket    When the house has fallen a pew appears.  After an hour it becomes active. You click your ticket and then the pew and the RMT decides if you win the plot.   Obviously 1 ticket per master Acct 

    making sure you are within the place,met rules, i.e not placed within a week and taking will condemn current house etc.....l

    then you can decide if you want to keep or sell it 

    if you dont claim in a week it goes randomly to another ticket holder etc

    this way we can get rid of the RMT cancer or ridiculous 800m price tags.  They have 19 script plots for sake for a reason. No one is willing to pay their gross profiteering prices 

    Of course this won’t happen as these cheats obviously grease the palms of Mesanna as she dies nothing about this 

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited January 2021
    not to mention this current dev team is pushing in with the joke New Legacy shard no-body wanted or asked for means there is little hope of any action on this cheating, or perceived cheating.  Good luck getting @Mesanna to do anything right now. 
  • stevensteven Posts: 124
    yep jack  and make it  so winner is pick in 24 hours. really easy.  i talked to a lot of people one guy i talked to went from 40 accts to 3. i went form 15 to 2 lol. if u don't listen to players its only going  to get worst. i play only to hand out with kool guild. and only have time went my shop is slow. i been super busy as a small bussiness owner(some how ar think it's funny lol). i own a card shop( yea i sell pokemon,yu-gi-oh,dragonball and  magic the gathering cards. ar thinks its  super funny and call me out all the time saying go sell more pokemon cards lol. i work a lot to get my shop up and going. i am very sad to want has happen to uo in the last year. make uo great again. fix homes thanks
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    lol Mariah, deleting another post because we dare to say the dev's are dong a crap job! you must be the only person who thinks they are great, which I assume means you dont actually play either.......
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited January 2021
    Lead Developer  10/10 great job on idocs,  there, not breaking any rule there am I?

    Oh wait, I am, I am being dishonest,  there a rule against that?

    Shame there is nothing in the employer ToS about not doing their  job properly, I bet if we look there will be. Hopefully only a matter of time.........
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Personal attacks are not allowed, nor are unfounded allegations. As to your assumption that I do not play, well I know how far from the truth that assumption is.
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    edited January 2021
    On Atl a few days back another house seller came to me and was talking about this and not placing at all. I asked if they ran around and looked for a big house spot and they said there isnt any.. It didnt even take me 20 minutes to find a 17x18 malas plot (i think 18x18 fit). I took him there told him to sell it fast and i would find another one and lets do this to bring prices down. Guess the house placer didnt want to sell cheap and fast because i went around and looked found another 18,but he just put a name on sign and left. I dont think you can beat them placing at idocs but there are spots for 18xs. All you need to do is run around and look for them, sell them fast and cheap then place another. 

    He sold the house for 75m. 17x18 malas no blocking less than 1 minute run to umbra.. Really happy he sold it cheap. Lets all start selling them cheap to bring house prices back down. 
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    working has intended !!! it s been more than 6 months it s occuring...i should link my post from 6 months with an easy solution...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    A stone would just allow those same players to get them still.  They do not have all their accounts under a master account, they have many more accounts than the average player.  That would insure the prices increase since they will have all houses.

    They need to fix the placement feature they are using according to posters.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DelthorDelthor Posts: 61
    I have been on the back end of one these scripts before also, but I screwed up there script when I placed a 7*7 in an area so they couldn’t place a castle, was on LS couple months ago, it’s annoying. They got rid of the scriptures getting all the good items, now they’re just placing houses and making money off it I. Life just off atl ones alone 
  • Steven = IDOCGUY   :# I buy houses and resell them, and I place houses to resell. I've even found a couple of these open 18x18 spots. Please Don't be made you got beat at placing, Just because I beat you on house beside your AUCTION SAFE house  ..besides Aren't you The one that gates in several accounts to loot the idocs on Daredevil to mass barrel punch ?  :o
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    I'm not debating if there is scripting on houses because I don't try to place houses to actually know but what I can say is that ATL is pretty much the only shard that people have trouble finding a max size house. I've run around other shards with massive empty plots ready to have someone place their house.

    Outside of the 18x18/castle/keeps which are all dependent on what house falls before, I see some decent size houses for around 100m. Taking into consideration that the "treasures of" event rewards are going for 200m (SSI eps) or 175m (Ice spellbook) these aren't really bad. I was able to get 100 drops in ice in a week which could buy a house with money left over to furnish it (all within a week!). 20 years ago when I got my first house it was an 8x8 that took me months to save for!

    Again I don't really care much to do IDOCs so I'm not sure how lucrative it would be but I feel like people make it seem like it much more than it really is with as many threads as I read on it. 

  • keven2002 said:
    I'm not debating if there is scripting on houses because I don't try to place houses to actually know but what I can say is that ATL is pretty much the only shard that people have trouble finding a max size house. I've run around other shards with massive empty plots ready to have someone place their house.

    Outside of the 18x18/castle/keeps which are all dependent on what house falls before, I see some decent size houses for around 100m. Taking into consideration that the "treasures of" event rewards are going for 200m (SSI eps) or 175m (Ice spellbook) these aren't really bad. I was able to get 100 drops in ice in a week which could buy a house with money left over to furnish it (all within a week!). 20 years ago when I got my first house it was an 8x8 that took me months to save for!

    Again I don't really care much to do IDOCs so I'm not sure how lucrative it would be but I feel like people make it seem like it much more than it really is with as many threads as I read on it. 

    All these threads are usually just one idocer complaining about another idocer. Its just best to move on and enjoy the game.  These people dont effect me or my happiness playing a game and they shouldnt effect others.  Unless of course the posters here are all in competition with each other. which is probably the case. 

    Next please. 
  • stevensteven Posts: 124
    first joe u script hard core. 2nd u think ever one is idoc guy thats uoking noob. just because i was with him for months noob dont mean thats me. thats him..all was trying to make up bs and lies. u cheat/script. ever one that falls u get and ar and scribbles get it. buy hay dont make changes to homes. people quitting left and right just going to cost uo 400k+ this year. gold u  dont mind losing cash to make your friends happy
  • I place houses all the time with no problem at all. Just like Spring said, there is a lot of open spaces everywhere, you just need to look. as far as the poster, the same OP (idocguy/daredevil) is the one gating 5,10 accounts to auto punch all barrels, he don't even care on hide, he just open the gate with his daredevil toon and gate all his bots and than leave. He is the same person that not long ago was offering people to buy his script package, I could post links here but would break the TOS.  He like to play the saint but he is by far out. Same person that gate people to his auction houses and than ban the buyers after they put a bid on the auction safe. so you Sir are far from be the nice guy that you play. as far as placement you should dedicate a little but of your time and learn the game mechanics on how to properly place. I beat all this people all the time, with no scripting at all, I don't think they use any script at all, they just learned the mechanics behind house placement.
  • steven said:
    there's a group of 3 people Atlantic realtor,scribbles and Joxer the mighty. have a new home placement script that wins 100% of the plots then try to place. u need to make changes, a stone for random winners or some thing. any thing. just want is going no is unfair. there atl home is by yew gate tram 19 homes for sell. all script place. idoc home placement need changes. any thing be nice. all uo is behind this. 99.9999 % thinks is unfair and need to be fix. people are quitting the game over this. there not going to pay there crazy prices for homes. fix this. all uo wants this fix thank u

    for the Love of God!!  is that english?
  • KingKing Posts: 142
    oh boy, I could post and link so many videos of daredevil scripting idocs on 20+ shards and show so many things that he wrote on icq or discord about all his scripts and all and it is so funny to see him bitching about scripters. it takes 2 min on google to find many posts of idocguy on scripting forums asking for scripts. I have a lot of icq msgs of him selling scripts that dont even work.
    The funny thing is, We need to have 120 Legendary Scribe, to understand the language that he is using when he post on forums or talk in gen chat, because a normal human can not understand.
  • KingKing Posts: 142
    steven said:
    first joe u script hard core. 2nd u think ever one is idoc guy thats uoking noob. just because i was with him for months noob dont mean thats me. thats him..all was trying to make up bs and lies. u cheat/script. ever one that falls u get and ar and scribbles get it. buy hay dont make changes to homes. people quitting left and right just going to cost uo 400k+ this year. gold u  dont mind losing cash to make your friends happy

    The whole UO community know that is you, because exactly the way you type ^^
    You dont need to have an elementary degree to find out.
  • KingKing Posts: 142
    steven said:
    like it says quit uo and have 1k+ items on most servers. will sell cheap can full a  home  and  let u clean it out. great for people who have mess shard shields. pm and well set up a home and full it up and lock stuff down. bulk sell only

    so you have 1K+ on most servers? and I can full a home?
    and what you mean when you say:  great for people who have mess shard shields

  • well Steven, When anyone out places you, you tend to cuss and Call them Scum of UO and few other things and think everyone is AR ,scribbles or me ..Just because I know people and they know me ,when they place they know I'll buy for resell as I hold houses for best price I can get. I've even taken houses to sell & split 50/50 with placer so they could place more. with way EM x sharded items sell for several 100 mil to several plat! why don't we shut x-sharding down as well that's a ban on the economy as well ? ..there are so many ways to make gold in this game. It just seems your upset you are on a slow internet connection  :/
  • stevensteven Posts: 124
    u script and cheat no one cares want u have to say bring more of your friends here to stick up for u. dont matter 99.9% of uo hates u  and knows u are scum. lie bs and keep it up.
  • stevensteven Posts: 124
    if u cant make changes to home placement then make shard shields in uo store. buy dont play dead servers no one to play with and noting for sell there. ever thing go's to atl. with shard shields then can go to atl and there home server. tonsssssss of people will play the dead servers. u can even cap the shields to 2 per acct. make them 100-200 per shield and people will still buy.people dont want to come back to game were there no homes cheap. there not spent 200 bucks for a  max lock down home. there not going to spent  200 for a  suit. and then no guild to play with. made changes and people will come back and stay. dead server will come back to live with shard shields for ever one to buy. again max it at 2 and u will numbers go way up $$$$
  • KingKing Posts: 142
    steven said:
    if u cant make changes to home placement then make shard shields in uo store. buy dont play dead servers no one to play with and noting for sell there. ever thing go's to atl. with shard shields then can go to atl and there home server. tonsssssss of people will play the dead servers. u can even cap the shields to 2 per acct. make them 100-200 per shield and people will still buy.people dont want to come back to game were there no homes cheap. there not spent 200 bucks for a  max lock down home. there not going to spent  200 for a  suit. and then no guild to play with. made changes and people will come back and stay. dead server will come back to live with shard shields for ever one to buy. again max it at 2 and u will numbers go way up $$$$

    looking for the meaning of all that on google translate and found zero match.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    That is enough.
This discussion has been closed.