LOL, something is very wrong if I found a STASH Map on a Paragon Troll....

poppspopps Posts: 4,003
edited December 2020 in General Discussions
Sure, Paragon Trolls are not the hardest paragon there is in Ice Dungeon but still.... STASH Treasure Maps can be found, among others, on a plain Orc or an Ogre (

I can tell why people leave Paragons be and they pile up.... they are really not worth the hassle and time it takes to kill them....

By the way, are Bardic skills still messed up in regards Paragons ? They still not work ?


  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    hang on..... who's leaving para trolls behind? 

    And it's not bard skills in general not working. It is provocation not working and it's not specific to paragons but all treasure of mobs... and yes, still not fixed. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,676
    edited December 2020
    Paragons are too easy to give any reward for taking an extra 30 seconds.  

    You probably misread the map anyway.  If it was a stash map, verify they all have them and post it as a bug.

    The higher map will be in the Chest the paragon may have.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited December 2020
    Pawain said:
    Paragons are too easy to give any reward for taking an extra 30 seconds.  

    You probably misread the map anyway.  If it was a stash map, verify they all have them and post it as a bug.

    The higher map will be in the Chest the paragon may have.
    Nope, it was no Paragon Chest, was a Treasure Map in the open....

    And it sure was a Stash Map, old level 1.... the same that plain vanilla Orcs and Ogres carry, for example...

    And what do you mean by "verify they all have them" ?

    Do you know that, according to ,
    The odds of a map appearing on one of these monsters is approximately 1%.
    That is 1 in 100 .....

    Probably that Paragon Troll was the 1 in 100 that I killed, to yield a Treasure Map, lol....

  • vortexvortex Posts: 215
    Congratulations on your first Paragon kill!
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    A paragon creature does not always make a chest when it has a map. It will have the same level map a regular troll would if there is a map but no chest. The chest holds the next level higher map. It has always been like that for all paragons.
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited December 2020
    and paragon chest doesn't necessarily hold next level higher map. It actually depends on the treasure map level before tmap revamp held by the mob. This has been discussed in another thread. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,676
    I misread the mob.  I thought he said AOL.  That's why I said 30 seconds and not 10...

    @popps a troll is supposed to drop a Stash map.  It is on the link You posted!

    Paragons do not drop a higher level map than normals do.  Have you played UO?

    Popps would drop a Stash map if we look inside.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Who cares... jeez
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    Pawain said:
    I misread the mob.  I thought he said AOL.  That's why I said 30 seconds and not 10...

    @ popps a troll is supposed to drop a Stash map.  It is on the link You posted!

    Paragons do not drop a higher level map than normals do.  Have you played UO?

    Popps would drop a Stash map if we look inside.
    It is my point that Paragons "should" drop better quality loot, Treasure Maps included, as compared to their "plain vanilla" counterparts....

    This, since it is considerably harder to kill a Paragon as compared to its plain vanilla counterpart.

    People often fills their mouths with Risk vs. Reward and where is this, when it comes to fighting a Paragon ??
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    This is, as has been pointed out, working as intended. Frost trolls drop stash maps (pre-update, plainly drawn maps). This has been true of paragon frost trolls found in Ilshenar since the inception of paragon beasts on that facet. I believe that concludes this query.

This discussion has been closed.