[Mysticism] Rising Colossus
Does the RC become more hard to dispel when you reach 120? GD and Frost Dragon are dispelling him really easy and I'm wondering if I won't drop this magic school.
Does the RC become more hard to dispel when you reach 120? GD and Frost Dragon are dispelling him really easy and I'm wondering if I won't drop this magic school.

Yeah, I know taming but wanted to play something different
I really like the support of Mystic spells for TH but I guess I'll have to resign and go to tamer ... again.
The more complicated answer is that the skills and stats of your RC are determined by a combination of both your Mysticism and Focus skills. The higher those skills, the stronger the RC. Having both skills at 120 would summon an RC with generally higher Resisting Spells skill, making the RC more resistant to Dispel and Mass Dispel.
You can test out various levels of skill and see what strength RC they produce by jumping on Test Center and creating a character with Mysticism, Focus, and Lore.
Having said all that, Greater Dragons and Frost Dragons have pretty high Magery Skill and possibly (can't remember off the top of my head) spellbooks that include 7th circle (Mass Dispel). Those creatures are still going to have a pretty good chance of dispelling even a 120/120 Mystic/Focus summoned RC.
Good luck!