Can´t the decs calculate?

There are now 64 old Artisan Gifts. I picked up 21 pieces today and got 20 old ones.What do you expect with how many accounts you should do this? It´s not that its a simple drop. First you turn in a lot of bods and then you have a very small chance of getting what you want. UO has always been a game with a lot of farm effort. But Broadsword takes it to far, in my opinion. That´s just demotivating.


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited December 2020
    On the farming part, I need to agree.

    I do not know others, but time is limited, and the time often required to do something in the game is simply way too much.

    At that point, one starts to wonder whether so much time might be better spent doing something else rather then insisting on getting drops which never come...

    Just to make an example, I have been trying since day 1 to get a set of the 64 new Forest of the Dark Ilshenar Spawn Statues.

    Well, I average 1, sometimes 2 drops per day (although some day I get none) and so far I was able to get about 30 Statues. I am less then half way.

    I have been confronting my drop rate with other players and, from what they tell me, 1, rarely 2 drops per day seems to be what most players are experiencing (like more less 1 drop every 3 or 4 spawns one goes to....) so, I am among the average player.

    Considering how, with December there is other content going to be activated (like Krampus, the Crafting Festival etc.), of course the time that one will be possible to spend towards the Forest of the Dark Ilshenar Spawn will be less.

    So, because of the conservative drop rate and the limited Event spawn time, I am not expecting to be able to complete a full 64 Statues set. Not to mention that, of the about 30 I got so far, none was of the rare hue.

    To others this might be OK, to me it is not. I do not see the point of participating to an Event if then I end up, because of how conservative the drop rate has been set, with an incomplete set of the new items.

    Either 64 were too many for a set, or the drop rate for them should have been set as quite higher.

    Ending up with most players being unable to complete their set because the "farming" was set as too extreme (i.e. too much time to get it done), I see it as not a positive thing.

    There is a line with farming, at least to my point of view, where when it is crossed, it DETERS the players to play, not incentivate him/her.

    And to have players decide against playing because the farming is too much, I do not think would be good for the game, overall.

    That is at least how I see it.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    Opened 24 got 3 stained glass and a Blanket.  There are 3 pillows I have never got.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    on other shards I got:
    1 of 19
    2 of 21
    3- 19
    4 -21

    I have all the new stuff but the Red Moon Blanket.

    So 10 of 80 got new items.

    It seems they are weighted because you do not get many of the first 2 years gifts.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Have not done these before, but would be nice to change to point systems which can then be used to change items we like. Examples like Treasures event, High Seas, etc.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • DinoDino Posts: 27
    The more items come in the chance of getting something new drops. Its the same with trick or treat. Some players might be more lucky. But it cant be intended that an event like this has to done with multiple accounts on different shards. I can create 100 EJ accounts just to complete my collection. Mechanics like these are just not suitable for events that run for years.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    edited December 2020
    Dino said:
    The more items come in the chance of getting something new drops. Its the same with trick or treat. Some players might be more lucky. But it cant be intended that an event like this has to done with multiple accounts on different shards. I can create 100 EJ accounts just to complete my collection. Mechanics like these are just not suitable for events that run for years.

    So we should just get all 64 items in one try?  This method makes it work for many years.

    You get the new stuff at a higher rate than the year 1 stuff.  If you start this year you will have a chance to get everything.  And why shouldn't we do this on multiple shards?  Gifts are not shardbound thankfully!

    Mechanics like these are Perfect for events that run for years.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 372
    Remember you can devide in two,  if you have:
    positive karma = green reward, 
    negative karma = red reward

    An also remember theres alot of trees, in every season theres 5-6 towns, not all succeed but that depends on the hard work of the citizens.
    And to spice it up you could do multiple shard, but hey who does that, trained worker chars on multiple shards is crazy. Or you could just add the small deed for reward, but that isnt helping out on the tree progress and is kinda lame.

  • DinoDino Posts: 27
    You´re right Psycho, but unfortunately in this game the lame way is usually the most effective. A legion of EJ chars with cheap S-Bods and then laugh at the idiots who bother with L-Bods. But if Broadsword wants it that way.....

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    edited December 2020
    Dino said:
    You´re right Psycho, but unfortunately in this game the lame way is usually the most effective. A legion of EJ chars with cheap S-Bods and then laugh at the idiots who bother with L-Bods. But if Broadsword wants it that way.....

    Or they laugh at you when they choose not to make the tree full.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DinoDino Posts: 27
    Unfortunattely, I´m one of those idiots myself. Therefore in such a case I will by chance find a book with filled Bods to complete the tree. Then I laugh at myself.
    But to get to the point, we had different events this year. At ToT it was the hidden tamers that you couldn´t do anything about because it was an old event. Then the invasions where unfortunately it could not be changed that some players did only the mages and left the rest for the ... . Also an old event and therefore had bad luck. Deceit ? Sampires run through the dungeon, kill all weak oponents and leave the Paragons for the ... . That was a new event. Hmmm ??? And now this. My impression is that Broadsword really tries to reward the most selfish gaming behavior. Why ? No idea.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    It's all a matter of perception and the people who play. The paragons were there, as Kyronix stated, to discourage afk play. I'm sure you can agree that was a worthy intent?  
    On the shard where I play Sampires didn't ignore the paragons. Most of the time several people would come together to take them out. We did have the odd idiot who insisted on collecting them up and running around trailing 2 or 3 of them, but we sorted that out together.
    To the best of my experience Broadsword try to devise events that are fun, and for the majority of people they mostly succeed, but selfish people will always find a way to be selfish, just as cheaters will always find a way to cheat. 
    I long ago paraphrased a quote, and I still believe it to be true. You can please some of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but some people you just can't please any of the time.
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