Imbuing Strategies
I am new to imbuing and would like to eventually imbue a kick ass suit for my mage. The goal is to have max luck, max spell damage increase, max lower mana cost, max mana regeneration, max mana increase, max faster cast recovery, max faster casting, max hit point regeneration, and as much resistances as possible without sacrificing the magic stuff.
What are some strategies I could employ to make my dream suit?
Max Luck and Max SDI don’t go together. Most SDI armor pieces are artifacts and don’t have luck on them and the best luck pieces (loot or crafted) can’t have SDI on them.
Good to know about max luck and max SDI. What changes if I skip the luck and go for SDI? If it matters I do count rings and bracelets as part of the suit. I have a Legendary tailor and blacksmith and a GM tinker so crafting is not an issue.
You can have all of that. Except the luck part. Your only luck will be from the 10th anniv statue.
Pets sold...
If you wanted to fit in some luck, maybe get 150luck minax sandles and 140luck conjurers garb, with 1 reforged / enhanced 190 luck imbued, or a luck legendary.
i dont value luck much, unless your farming low level stuff. when your with a group the luck check is based off the highest damager, who probably isnt going to be wearing luck. Only thing its going to effect is solo-play. if you look at how luck works, having 200 to 600 luck for solo play is "worth it" for me. other than that the suits just lacking too many important stats. Killing stuff faster, looting more, is going to give you more chances for the rng hit right.