It's almost December, why are graveyards and pumpkin patches still active? Shouldnt they have ended

usernameusername Posts: 1,025
edited November 2020 in General Discussions
Shouldnt they have ended with the treasures of deceit??? A month after halloween and still active, c'mon man!
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  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
  • Because it is fun..........

    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    WOW So the Devs leave something running that is fun and you want to whine about it, go play scrooge somewhere else.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    My memory may be playing tricks on me, but isn't it usual for it to last until Thanksgiving?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    I think it is nice to keep the graveyard skeles going since we have had 2 events that have produced many deaths.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • It's not really fun - the butchers for hunting tools to cut the pumpkins are gone ;). So take it as a nice deco .

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    The NOOBs are still having fun killing the skeles and others have no reason to go there so the skeles do not bother anyone.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • @Pawain who you calling noob, Noob!  :D
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited November 2020
    Bilbo said:
    WOW So the Devs leave something running that is fun and you want to whine about it, go play scrooge somewhere else.
    It's not fun and it will return next year. Why not whine about deceit with actual rewards instead of boring skeletons that have been going for the last 10 years for 3 months out of the year, your priorities and whining is misplaced

    end it @Mesanna halloween is long over.
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    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
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  • A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    username said:
    Bilbo said:
    WOW So the Devs leave something running that is fun and you want to whine about it, go play scrooge somewhere else.
    It's not fun and it will return next year. Why not whine about deceit with actual rewards instead of boring skeletons that have been going for the last 10 years for 3 months out of the year, your priorities and whining is misplaced

    end it @ Mesanna halloween is long over.
    Didn't you make this whine thread?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited November 2020
    username said:
    Shouldnt they have ended with the treasures of deceit??? A month after halloween and still active, c'mon man!
    There is no need for that. Does it affect you as a player, game stopper, destroy your fun, or do u need to do something at the cemetery and they are obstructing?

    Last time, some players ask to stop invasion and return town to normal because they missed doing stuff in towns.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
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  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    I love it! I won't have to collect pumpkins next year for any new designs they might add and I do enjoy getting the fertile dirt for my garden beds.

    The graveyard skellies have yet to produce any cool colored bones but I still enjoy the kill ;)

  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    Seth said:
    username said:
    Shouldnt they have ended with the treasures of deceit??? A month after halloween and still active, c'mon man!
    There is no need for that. Does it affect you as a player, game stopper, destroy your fun, or do u need to do something at the cemetery and they are obstructing?

    Last time, some players ask to stop invasion and return town to normal because they missed doing stuff in towns.
    Thank you for an actual productive question instead of slinging insults like several others in this thread. Yes there is a very unique feature of the monsters that spawn in the graveyards that make them extremely frustrating and are used to grief players with. While I will not go in to details, rest assured this is a reason why this event being drawn out so long is annoying.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    The town guards are too aloof to indulge in conversation, however should you find yourself under attack, or being robbed, within a guard zone you may call upon them for help. You will need to ‘yell’ rather than simply speak, and the word to yell is ‘GUARDS’.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Well that does not work.  Tried in other places also.  The NPC in the pic is a guard.
    You could try things before you proclaim them as fact.

    temp.bmp 102.7K
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    Well that does not work.  Tried in other places also.  The NPC in the pic is a guard.
    You could try things before you proclaim them as fact.

    He saw that Glacial hair and figured you didn't need any help . . .
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Pawain said:
    Well that does not work.  Tried in other places also.  The NPC in the pic is a guard.
    You could try things before you proclaim them as fact.

    That was a cut and paste directly from Wiki NPC Commands.

    Did the system tell you you are in the "guard zone"
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Yes I went all the way to the Brit bank with 3 skeles with me.  I took that pic cause the guard is right there.  They also were attacking me.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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