Forest of the Dark statues' drops... what are the odds ?



  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    The systems affected by luck are listed on the page
    Champion spawns are not included on that list.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited November 2020
    It might have really helped here times, with which template you yourself went to this event – there was no statement about it and it might have given you a corresponding advice. What are you up to? With Tamer/Mage? With Warrior? With Worker? How are the skills, what kind of weapon does he use or which spellbook? Do you have a good armor to protect you? I have to fight monsters and what is this super slayer group? And so on and so on – you play long enough to know something yourself – everything else is then just testing and translating to the right template.I don't know wich template you prefer to play!

    My own example to make this event :

    I play mostly an old-school tamer mage, for me my pets are now my weapons. I approach the spawn as Pawain described above:

    With Chival FWW Triton and an 28% Repond and Undead Slayerbook from the Invasion. I pull the spawn on the pet and then caste Area Spells like Meteor at the Savages and Rottings and Earthquake at the Reapers. The only luck on my armor is 140 luck from a robe. I had made about 20 spanwns now and got 6 statues - till no lich statue, but that's oki for me - the champ is going till 19th dezember - so much time enogh to make easy gold if the boss dies - much more easier than hunting or looting the spawn. 

    Well, I posted it in this Thread at this post here ;
    Tamer with 3,200 Luck (with the Statue), at first alone and then like about 15-20 minutes later another player joined.
    I also used a Triton like you only, mine is Chivalry and Armor Ignore.

    I figured, like you did, that it would have been beneficial especially throughout the first 2 levels of the spawn, to use a "tanking" pet to throw into the crowd and then cast AoE spells to speed up the killing....

    Of course, due to the high Luck, I had to take some compromises so, some of my resistances are in the fifties and my SDI only comes from a 50% Invasion Spellbook, I could not pick up any more because I decided to maximize on Luck, instead....

    Sure, this Template is nowhere a killing machine as I have seen Sampires with Frenzied Whirlwind doing at this Spawn but, I do get kills.... I figured that, with some "decent" kill rate BUT a whole lot of Luck, I would have eventually gotten Statues' drops....

    Instead, as my 1 hour test at 3,200 Luck shows, I got none.

    If I had to speak out my personal impression after quite a good deal of this new Ilshenar spawn, is that the number of kills far outdoes the Luck one might have on the Template towards increasing the likeliness of getting a Statue drop.

    And, from the posts I am reading from fellow players, apparently also other players think likewise and have, therefore, heavily invested in DPS (Damage per Second) Templates rather then on Luck Templates like I did.

    Of course, this is all speculations and "feelings" gotten from playing experience yet, and this is the argument I am trying to bring out to the Developers ( @Kyronix , @Bleak ? ), if we got Luck in the game meant for Templates to wear or to absorb from the Luck Statue and the Sphynx (or from the Felucca facet bonus), I think that the Developers at this point should really sit down and straighten this out for players....

    Either they tell us that it really works, and then it better REALLY work in the code at any and all times that a Template is having Luck on the Template .... OR, and I would perfectly accept this argument, they can well tell us that worn Luck as well as the Luck that can be absorbed from the Statue or obtained from the Sphynx or coming from the Felucca facet bonus, does nothing, and players will then arrange their Templates accordingly, just forgetting that Luck exists in Ultima Online, althougether....

    I do not care which is the case, I just want to have reliable informations on which to base my playing decisions. If Luck is a thing in Ultima Online or not, I would like to know for sure, so as to base my playing decisions for my Template on sure facts, not mere guessing and speculations.

    The thing is, that from the Deceit's Treasures of the Undead Lords, I do have read players comments on the Forums or in Chat that, doing it in Felucca on Atlantic was granting them more likely drops as compared to doing it on Trammel, because of the 1,000 Felucca Luck bonus...

    So, I need to think, Luck DOES have an impact on drops, it seems....

    Yet, in 1 hour of trying with 3,200 Luck from items and the Luck Statue, I got not a single Statue drop....

    So, Luck seems to work at times (Atlantic Felucca Deceit drops as many reported), but on the other side, it doesn't seem to work at other times like in my case...

    This inconsistency is what drives me nuts.

    Code is code, if Luck is factored in to matter for drops likeliness, then it HAS TO matter all the times, not sometimes yes and sometimes not.

    This unpredictability and uncertainty does not help playing the game, it only frustrates players who expect a given result from setting up their Template accordingly, but get instead another for who knows what unknown reasons....
  • Mene_DrachenfelsMene_Drachenfels Posts: 247
    edited November 2020

    @ Popps

     I agree with you on this point that the customer service point has seriously deteriorated in recent years and the gaming community here in the last few months has only received scattered information from the top and almost no concrete information at all – on this point I really agree with you. A great newsletter or a message on a forum page is sometimes not enough – if people do not receive it or do not know these pages. Even the personal statements from the developer side have dropped sharply – that was even better sometimes. Probably because you had more time for it and not the pressure of a company behind it to bring a project on the market as soon as possible. Time is money or what was it like?

    But the miserable customer service doesn't only happen at BS - it happens everywhere - not in large companies and corporations or mid-sized or micro companies - it always happens exactly when people can't find a reasonable time to communicate. At the end there are again or more hours of a working day around and ends with the statement that you did not come to what you wanted to do at all, because some other fool wanted something from you and you had to set other priorities.

     Nevertheless – in my opinion, even a small team with 6 people – and that with all the understanding as a customer, who knows how difficult sometimes agreements can take place between each other and with management levels – and that still in Corona times, where everything is hanging around at home and barely exchanging via voice chat or phone – will probably be somewhere still 1 hour a week can take care of their clients, who bring them the money in the coffers.

    According to my foolish mind and my own personal professional experience, in a service business like this one, the customer is usually the king – but if I don’t get anything really tangible to work as a customer – then I’m probably a king without clothes. I already expect that the the hard earned money I spent for this game - which I invest here in a “so-called hobby” in my free time, that this is also well spent and invested. And I also like to wish to know what they they did with! 

    I posted my opinion about Luck, I'm not going to repeat it. For me it just has no effect. Period. I have the same results with 2400 Luck that I have on another char when it comes to RNG controlled events, as I have with a char that is only 140 Luck roaming around here. Point again. No great effect except maybe that maybe when the loot is better. By the way, the only effect is that my boxes become fuller and fuller, because I think every better item would have to be taken along - could be good for something. So I'm gonna skip the sucking armor. Concerning the drops - here and in the other forum (Stratics) the suspicion arises that the programming might be a bit buggy again.

     Again, as a reminder, you are not here in any Treasurs of . . . . Event . . . . You're making a champ! TOT and champs are two fucking pairs of shoes! Sandals and boots for my sake *G* Mariah has now posted above in the link very specifically where Luck will affect the following SystemsLuck will affect the following systems,

    And there's clearly nothing here about Luck affecting champing. When champing there are other factors - the so called RL-Luck, which might drop the nice gimmick like statues at some Dynamics Champs or Pink Scrolls at the other three Ilshenar Champs or the 105-Skill Scroll in Felu !

     I got now tired with this strange behaviour of this forum, if you want to copy and paste, oder to quote something. I leave this disscussion now. Popps in this point you’re a lot better than me and a really master – you  should teach me that

     @ Mariah: I don't really get it with searching in the archives. Pplease help me and find out the requirements for Champs. That'd be nice. Thanks.

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,194
    I went 2 days without getting a statue, on the third day I got one.

    None of my characters have luck, sometimes I hit the statue, sometimes I don't.

    Sorry if you don't like the RNG but for games like this, you just have to work with it. I notice some of my characters are luckier then others.

    During the Black Gate spawn, I got 2 cube....2! And I worked that one a lot. This time around I have gotten 5 statues and I have been working it a LOT!

    I do think Kyronix mentioned somewhere...either on the forums or at a meet and greet, that luck does affect the drops for these particular champs but I cannot remember.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    Right from the start in 1997 UO devs have prefered players to explore and discover for themselves rather than reveal the nuts and bolts behind it all. They have reluctantly revealed forumulas, but not for everything.
    The main page for champion spawns is this one: Key sentences in it are found under the heading "Summoning the Champion"
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,676
    @popps my miner wears a luck suit for Salt Peter. It actually works there. But we can buy it at the sea market now.

    Your luck does not work so use a suit with mana regen.  Carry a respond book. Blast the mobs with thunderstorm or chain lightning. Your chiv pet just collects mobs. Unless you make a FWW Triton you are the one that needs to kill the mobs.

    That's probably your issue. You think a single target pet is good for 200 little targets.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    Mariah said:
    The systems affected by luck are listed on the page
    Champion spawns are not included on that list.

    Well, let me say then that this is something that needs to be addressed then....

    I mean, as we all know, Champion Spawns were designed for scrolls of Power whereas they drop as long as one gets looting right on the Boss as well as for the Protection from being Knight of Justice, that is.

    "So far", simply, there was no need to implement luck into Champion Spawn since, for what they were used, Scrolls of Power, it was not needed.

    But now that Champion Spawns are used for else "other" then Scrolls of Power ?

    I think that if you are right and Champion Spawns are currently excluded from Luck being factored in, since now they are being used for other types of drops besides Scrolls of Power, Luck should be now coded to matter and factor in, for whatever drops one expects to get other then Scrolls of Power from a Champion Spawn.

    What do you think @Bleak and @Kyronix ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    Mariah said:
    Right from the start in 1997 UO devs have prefered players to explore and discover for themselves rather than reveal the nuts and bolts behind it all. They have reluctantly revealed forumulas, but not for everything.
    The main page for champion spawns is this one: Key sentences in it are found under the heading "Summoning the Champion"
    When the game was new, I could understand such a stance but now ?

    The game has grown incredibly massive, it is quite difficult, I'd go as far as to say impossible, to remember everything....

    If it was not for the web sites which most know about, the UO Wiki, the UO Guide, Stratics and some others, as well as the Forums of course, the game would be flat out unplayable to my opinion....

    I mean, just let's imagine it for a split second...

    As we know UO Guide has been down for a while, and many players have been worried about it, let's imagine now, that any and all UO related Web site were to be down, nowhere to go to to check about something or have a doubt or a question answered....

    How many would think that someone coming to Ultima Online now, not in 1997, would be able and willing to play the game, with nowhere to be able to go to to find out anything about which they might have questions for ?

    What I am trying to say, is that 2020 Ultima Online is nowhere possible to be compared to 1997 Ultima Online.

    The game has grown many folds and now, to my opinion, players need to be able to get answers to their questions in order to better address their gameplay.....
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited November 2020
    I somewhat agree with popps in regards to supplying certain info. In 2000, we have all the shards packed like Atlantic. It’s very different today.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited November 2020
    Pawain said:
    @ popps my miner wears a luck suit for Salt Peter. It actually works there. But we can buy it at the sea market now.

    Your luck does not work so use a suit with mana regen.  Carry a respond book. Blast the mobs with thunderstorm or chain lightning. Your chiv pet just collects mobs. Unless you make a FWW Triton you are the one that needs to kill the mobs.

    That's probably your issue. You think a single target pet is good for 200 little targets.
    Well, from reading that @Kyronix 's post that I quoted a little above, I understood that Luck did make a difference and I figured, since I also understood that from now on all new spawns and content were going to be governed under the new "Treasures of..." tools which the developers worked on over the past months, I would have had greater credit towards a Statue drop from tougher Monsters (such as the Blood Elementals and the Rotten corpses)... so, against them my Triton would have done better alongside with my high Luck....

    It looks like that I was dead wrong....

    I will now adjust my gameplay and see how it goes, if it increases drops, nonetheless, I think that now that Champion spawns are going to widely be used for items "other" then Scrolls of Power, Luck should be coded in to factor towards having better chances at a drop....
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    Pawain said:
     Your chiv pet just collects mobs. 
    Actually, with the right pet, the pet kills mobs quite well enough. I have gotten statue drops with my peace tamer, who only used her magic for a little extra healing when the pet got a bit too surrounded. I learned some time ago that most 'human' type mobs are weak against energy damage. I used a chiv/AI 5 slot Crimson Drake with energy damage for the first 2 waves, switching to a fire damage drake for the plant life and undead/blood ele levels. The stable at the camp just through the tunnel has a nice handy stable for switching pets - and we're running there quite often for a rez anyway.
    I will admit the fire drake does appreciate it if a handy necromancer nearby recognises his fire damage ability and casts corpse skin on the guide.
  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    Drop rate is fine. If you expect a drop each time, you should play Solitaire. Seriously ...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,676
    Pawain said:
     Your chiv pet just collects mobs. 
    Actually, with the right pet, the pet kills mobs quite well enough. I have gotten statue drops with my peace tamer, who only used her magic for a little extra healing when the pet got a bit too surrounded. I learned some time ago that most 'human' type mobs are weak against energy damage. I used a chiv/AI 5 slot Crimson Drake with energy damage for the first 2 waves, switching to a fire damage drake for the plant life and undead/blood ele levels. The stable at the camp just through the tunnel has a nice handy stable for switching pets - and we're running there quite often for a rez anyway.
    I will admit the fire drake does appreciate it if a handy necromancer nearby recognises his fire damage ability and casts corpse skin on the guide.
    A single target pets hits single targets.  I use a AI/FWW/Chiv Triton. It has lots of HP, it heals it can actually damage multiple targets with its FWW.  The first and second round you can have 20 mobs around your pet.  With high SDI on your toon, you can get close to the crowd and use Chain Lightning from a mage, Area spells from a Mystic, or Thunderstorm from weaving to kill the masses in 2 or 3 shots.  Then let the pet collect mobs while you walk around zapping the crowds around the sampires, tamers who just stand there, and peace tamers.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    popps said:
    @ popps a question:  In your hour of working the spawn alone, to what level did you advance it? How many candles did you manage to add to the altar? What was spawning? 
    Was it male & female savage warriors? or savage ridgeback riders & shamans?  or tangling roots & reapers?
    I went as far as to advance it to savage ridgeback riders & Shamans, then another players came, and we brought it up to tangling roots & reapers. Then my 1 hour Luck from the Statue was over, Luck dropped, I felt I was just wasting my time (as I actually did waste that 1 hour all for nothing, no drops, no loot, just nothing...) and so I quit.

    @popps - Sorry to break it to ya bub, but if you could only advance the spawn up to level 3 before your luck ran out (and that was with some help) then you aren't really killing "lots".

    Secondly, I've done the spawn many times solo from the start and get it up to blood eles / RC (a few times right from server up) and I haven't gotten a statue. I've also done the spawns on ATL from the beginning to the end 3-4 times back to back without a statue drop. Thems the breaks. You just keep doing it and eventually you might get a statue in back to back spawns. Again that's RNG, thats UO. Why have you not learned this by now?
  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    Does this popps guy is a troll or what? Every post I read that he is involved, he's always going against everyone.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    Aayla said:
    Does this popps guy is a troll or what? Every post I read that he is involved, he's always going against everyone.
    Yea I think so... seems like 90% of his claims or "issues" are bogus and just a means to fire people up. I'm surprised he hasn't suggested something like turning all the grass grey because some people are color blind...
  • Aayla said:
    Does this popps guy is a troll or what? Every post I read that he is involved, he's always going against everyone.
    IBTL:  If not a troll, simply one of those people that would complain if you gave them a hammer to continually hit themselves in the hand, because it was blue and not yellow......  and write a 45 minute dissertation about it....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    keven2002 said:
    popps said:
    @ popps a question:  In your hour of working the spawn alone, to what level did you advance it? How many candles did you manage to add to the altar? What was spawning? 
    Was it male & female savage warriors? or savage ridgeback riders & shamans?  or tangling roots & reapers?
    I went as far as to advance it to savage ridgeback riders & Shamans, then another players came, and we brought it up to tangling roots & reapers. Then my 1 hour Luck from the Statue was over, Luck dropped, I felt I was just wasting my time (as I actually did waste that 1 hour all for nothing, no drops, no loot, just nothing...) and so I quit.

    @ popps - Sorry to break it to ya bub, but if you could only advance the spawn up to level 3 before your luck ran out (and that was with some help) then you aren't really killing "lots".

    Secondly, I've done the spawn many times solo from the start and get it up to blood eles / RC (a few times right from server up) and I haven't gotten a statue. I've also done the spawns on ATL from the beginning to the end 3-4 times back to back without a statue drop. Thems the breaks. You just keep doing it and eventually you might get a statue in back to back spawns. Again that's RNG, thats UO. Why have you not learned this by now?
    Where you using 3,200 Luck on your template when doing it ?

    I thought that having that much Luck would have indeed prompted for a statue drop in that 1 hour time frame... apparently I was wrong and Luck does not factor in, go figure why......
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited November 2020
    I have a feeling that the drop rates are exactly the same as pinks and 105s, and are subject to the same rules and RNG. I can and often do go thru an entire felucca champion spawn without a single scroll dropping because I am a stealth tamer. I do get scrolls while stealthed, but it's much less often than more visible players. I'm convinced this applies to the current event drops.

    Every time you kill something, the RNG rolls the dice. A sampire can run into the area and drop a slew of spawn faster than my pet can, and thus rolls the dice more often than I do. I am not jealous or bitter about it - I could make a sampire also if I really wanted to. I just prefer the tamer. There are other events that are better suited for a tamer, and the sampire struggles.

    Has anyone gotten more than 1 drop in the same champion spawn on the same character? I have run this several times now (and many many times on the previous one) and have yet to get more than 1. Just curious if that is just me. I have gotten more than one in the same day.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    Tanager said:

    Every time you kill something, the RNG rolls the dice. A sampire can run into the area and drop a slew of spawn faster than my pet can, and thus rolls the dice more often than I do. I am not jealous or bitter about it - I could make a sampire also if I really wanted to. I just prefer the tamer. There are other events that are better suited for a tamer, and the sampire struggles.
    The problem that I see, is that it looks like that the content better suited for a Sampire has way , but waaaay more odds to come up as content better suited for other types of Templates...

    Is this a message from the Developers to players that we should all make a Sampire and be done with other Templates ?

    Just wondering....
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    You have 6 character slots. Probably 7. What reason would there be to make multiple characters and enjoy different templates if all content was exactly suited for all possible combination of skills? (Even if that was possible.)

    As others have said - repeatedly- choose the template that best suits this content. If you prefer something less than ideal, then play it and accept the consequences.

    I need to make sure I have my caffeine infusion before checking forums... my resistance to responding is weakened.

    Have a nice day.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    Tanager said:
    You have 6 character slots. Probably 7. What reason would there be to make multiple characters and enjoy different templates if all content was exactly suited for all possible combination of skills? (Even if that was possible.)

    As others have said - repeatedly- choose the template that best suits this content. If you prefer something less than ideal, then play it and accept the consequences.

    I need to make sure I have my caffeine infusion before checking forums... my resistance to responding is weakened.

    Have a nice day.
    The point is not whether one can make Template other then a Sampire because it obviously is possible.

    The point is about new content being cranked out that unusually often, VERY often seems to be pleasing Sampires or their variations of more then other Templates.

    Sure, players can make other Templates but to what purpose, if I may ask, if then most always the "ONE" Template that "does it" is a Sampire or its variation of ?

    So, again, I ask, is this a message from the Developers to players that we should all make a Sampire and be done with other Templates ?

    Just wondering....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,676
    edited November 2020
    popps said:

    Just wondering....
    Instead of wonder, why don't you try it.  Like I have said before in these threads about the spawn, If you hold a repond book and have high SDI you can run around and kill whole crowds.  Or you can run around with a melee toon and kill crowds with WW. 

    The choice is yours.  You do not have to make a sampire.  Sampires are good for single targets.  Any melee toon is good for crowds. Sampires are not good with the Boss at this event.

    A weaver necro with high a SDI template works. Go into wrath form and thunderstorm everything and never run out of mana.

    If you try, you can use many templates in spawns.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,676
    Tanager said:
    Has anyone gotten more than 1 drop in the same champion spawn on the same character? I have run this several times now (and many many times on the previous one) and have yet to get more than 1. Just curious if that is just me. I have gotten more than one in the same day.
    I always have 2 toons at the camp.  I go in with one and if they get a drop, I run to the camp and grab the other one.  I've only gotten 2 drops in a spawn twice.  One on each toon.

    It just seems that you will get statues if you just do one spawn a day with a toon.  But, I like to try it over and over.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,194
    There are plenty of templates that work well for all content. And if you work WITH other people that helps a lot. As Pawain said above, I have brought my tamer with a chiv CU, he does holy light and damages the mobs surrounding him and then a mage, tamer or archer will come and hit the mobs with Chain Lightning or Lightning Arrow meaning everyone has a chance to get a drop. As long as people don't get all crazy and think OMG STOP HITTING MY MOBS! just silly.

    Sampires are good for SOME things...I have used mine as the go-to template for this spawn only because I am impatient and EV's just take WAY too long to kill things lol. Same with my archer...I don't care for running around in circles shooting at multiple targets. She's usually used on things like Lady Mel, Exodus etc.

    I usually do lvl's 1-3 on my sampire then switch to my tamer for the last lvl and boss. The last few I have done I have stayed on my sampire for the whole spawn. I have done a few from beginning to end on my tamer, casting EV's for lvl's 1-3 then pulling out a pet for the last lvl and boss and I don't have crazy pets as I am not rich in game and can't afford the power scrolls needed to make them, I have used my Cu, a Dragon Turtle and a Greater Dragon for the boss.

    And SINCE it seems we are getting WAY off topic since the OP wanted to know about statue drops and now all of the sudden it's about templates.

    i have gotten drops on all of the characters that have done the spawn, regardless of what template they are.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    popps said:
    keven2002 said:
    popps said:
    @ popps a question:  In your hour of working the spawn alone, to what level did you advance it? How many candles did you manage to add to the altar? What was spawning? 
    Was it male & female savage warriors? or savage ridgeback riders & shamans?  or tangling roots & reapers?
    I went as far as to advance it to savage ridgeback riders & Shamans, then another players came, and we brought it up to tangling roots & reapers. Then my 1 hour Luck from the Statue was over, Luck dropped, I felt I was just wasting my time (as I actually did waste that 1 hour all for nothing, no drops, no loot, just nothing...) and so I quit.

    @ popps - Sorry to break it to ya bub, but if you could only advance the spawn up to level 3 before your luck ran out (and that was with some help) then you aren't really killing "lots".

    Secondly, I've done the spawn many times solo from the start and get it up to blood eles / RC (a few times right from server up) and I haven't gotten a statue. I've also done the spawns on ATL from the beginning to the end 3-4 times back to back without a statue drop. Thems the breaks. You just keep doing it and eventually you might get a statue in back to back spawns. Again that's RNG, thats UO. Why have you not learned this by now?
    Where you using 3,200 Luck on your template when doing it ?

    I thought that having that much Luck would have indeed prompted for a statue drop in that 1 hour time frame... apparently I was wrong and Luck does not factor in, go figure why......
    Ok... so switch your strategy and play without luck to kill more. What's the issue here? Stop harping on "yea but the devs said..." and just go play the game. UO has always been about strategy and pivoting when that strategy isn't working.

    Disclaimer: Complaining about every single event on the forums isn't what i mean by strategy; we are talking in game strategy only.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Tanager said:
    I need to make sure I have my caffeine infusion before checking forums... my resistance to responding is weakened.

    Have a nice day.

    Checking the forums at 3am while on your 4th hour of bod filling is not a good idea either. :D
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 3,967
    Bards rule at this Spawn  ;) i Moved mine to Origin because i love the way the guide spawns undead !!
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • HippoHippo Posts: 297
    "The stable at the camp just through the tunnel has a nice handy stable for switching pets..." Thank you Petra for reminding me about gypsy corral! I was recalling to Luna stable for pet switch.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,194
    McDougle said:
    Bards rule at this Spawn  ;) i Moved mine to Origin because i love the way the guide spawns undead !!
    Yes! That one spawn we did together was awesome! You got mad skillz! I have yet to build a PURE bard but you make it look amazing and the spawn with you was very fun.

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