Treasure map with no red X

My treasure hunter has deciphered a number of Ter Mur maps that do not have a red X marking the spot to dig.  My cartography is 100, and I can read the map - but there's no red X.  Has anyone else seen this happen?  I have 8 of them at the moment, just from the Ter Mur maps I've deciphered.  

I threw them back in the locker and will try them again in 30 days after they reset.  Just curious if this is a known issue; I've never seen this before.  


  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    I think it has something to do with Eodon maps after being placed in a locker. I've had a few of those but I just toss them.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Does the Davies locker give co-ordinates? Ter Mur maps have north/south co ordinates between 110 and 180. Eodon maps have north/south co ordinates between 0 and 50

    Even without the red X you can dig the map if you go to the listed co ordinates.
  • ElessarElessar Posts: 23
    Good question.  I will check it out when I can.  
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    It gives me coordinates - the map shows Ter Mur and says Ter Mur but gives Eodon coordinates.

    (I'm guessing the red X is EC since mine shows a red pin in CC?)
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    There was a bug with Eodon maps, it's since been fixed and newer maps don't have that problem, I'm guessing these are older. Yes, red X is EC.

    In CC you may need a sextant, but the facet maps I linked should allow you to roughly work out where they are.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    Usually I find that when it doesn't give an X, that it could be out of bounds
    (inside the mountain or off the chart)
    so you will have to wait 30 days when that happens.
    (i have done this a few times)

    This has been happening with Ter Mur and Malas tmaps.
    The maps that have been doing it, are from maps I got before the tmap changes.
    so far, it is only doing it with the Hoard maps.

    I use Pinco's UI
    I am not sure which client EM Xanthus uses, but he has had the same problem with some of the maps I have given him for the tmap hunts.

    He said he was going to report it.
    Also that if you dig up a chest at the steps of someone's house,
    the guardians pulled up with failed attempts, 
    either poofs or goes inside the private persons house.
    (shows them being sucked up into the house, but he could continue to loot the chest)

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    All my characters have a sextant on them. I think I may be the only person that still uses them. :D

    The maps I have may be old ones - not really sure. They all get tossed in the locker and reshuffled alot.
  • ElessarElessar Posts: 23
    edited October 2020
    My Ter Mur maps which don't show a red X do show coordinates in Davey's Locker.  The north/south coordinates all correspond to the Eodon coordinates you listed above.  In other words, these are labeled as Ter Mur maps but have Eodon coordinates.  

    I may have purchased these; I don't know as I have a full locker.  It's possible these are old bugged maps someone sold to me.  I'll try finding one by the coordinates in Eodon when I'm feeling suicidal.  I hate Eodon maps.  

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    You could always just turn them in for clean up points? I agree Eodon hoard maps are exceedingly difficult if trying to do them alone.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Elessar said:
    My Ter Mur maps which don't show a red X do show coordinates in Davey's Locker.  The north/south coordinates all correspond to the Eodon coordinates you listed above.  In other words, these are labeled as Ter Mur maps but have Eodon coordinates.  

    I may have purchased these; I don't know as I have a full locker.  It's possible these are old bugged maps someone sold to me.  I'll try finding one by the coordinates in Eodon when I'm feeling suicidal.  I hate Eodon maps.  

    Ill go to the Eodon ones. Just holler in chat.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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