The Publish 66 Music Box Gears. Anyone have a list of what drops non-rares?

This is a question specifically about the 20 gears that were added with Stygian Abyss music. (12 common, 5 uncommon, 3 rare, that are a bronze color)

We know that reknowned (mini-bosses) have the rare gears (only?).
We also know that the volcano eles in the Eodon volcano can have the rare gears (only).
As a result of the above, the SA "rares" are actually the most common ones available.

Sutek's quest drops any of the 75 gears (all but "The Wanderer", and we're STILL waiting a decade later for that promise to have it (and "The Redeemer" Paladin sword, and the ability to craft the base paladon sword) available by other means fulfilled). But that is extremely random, and is difficult to attempt by someone with right arm movement issues. (If you could see me now, most of my arm from wrist past my elbow are in compression bandages, and I take motrin 800s 3/day for shoulder and arm pain).

But, after 8 years, there is no list of things that drop the NON-rare gears. Even attempts to go out hunting to look for gears is useless without a place to start looking, and the attempts documented on other sites were of no help (several of the creatures that were suggested, I went hunting for gears, but after an hour had only gotten harpsichord scrolls (that we didn't even know that the creatures had as loot). Even farming 1 golem a minute in central ilshenar, the 55 original gears drop 3-5 an hour.

Help a guy out. I've been trying to help a bunch of recent returnees on my shard get their boxes caught up for the last month, and the SA commons and uncommons have been the bottleneck, as I have to struggle through the Sutek quest to get them.


  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Leather wolves drop gears in SA.  Betrayers and blackthorn juggernauts in central Ilshenar also drop gears.
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    edited April 2018
    Betrayers and Juggernauts only drop the OLD gears. I'm specifically asking about the SA gears only.

    And, the numbers of Betrayers, Juggernauts and Golems are tiny compared to in the past, with the destruction of the faux Blackthorn's keep (having mostly taken over the old mining camp by the Honor entrance), though there's a single golem and 2 controllers in the ruins of the old outbuilding on the Compassion side that can be farmed without much interference with other spawns.

    And, I farmed the leather wolves for about an hour yesterday. 4 Harpsichord scrolls, ZERO gears (and a lot of leather - strangely, the red wolves give spined, with the non-red ones they call in give regular leather). In the same time farming Golems last night, 7 gears - and I killed more wolves than golems (and even the leather wolf summons could have music scrolls without other loot).
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Stick with the leather wolves. They do drop the gears. I got some just a few days ago.
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    After another couple hours of tests:

    88 Leather Wolves (only 33 were the "original"/red, with the other 55 being ones called in/grey)
    • 6 more Harpsichord scrolls, which occurred on both the reds and greys
    • 2 music gears, that only occurred on the reds - in fact, on #30 and #33 (last) of the test period
    Is there any small places they repeat-spawn in? wandering the entire length of the northern forest from the docks to the desert (and getting jumped by everything from stone sliths, HP Boura and silver serpents, to anlorvaglem, and fighting them more than wolves), gets old.

    It would be nice if there were actually, you know, more things spawning the COMMON gears than the RARES (seeing how much quicker and easier it is to spawn a volcano elemental or do a reknowned, than the average number of leather wolves per gear drop).
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    Cavern of the Discarded, but then you'd have to deal with ratmen. If you hang out in the southern passage to Sutek's lair, you can just pull wolves and the occasional ratman.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Cavern of the Discarded, but then you'd have to deal with ratmen. If you hang out in the southern passage to Sutek's lair, you can just pull wolves and the occasional ratman.
    CoD is so easy, can solo the whole thing every cycle. And no, I'm not a "hugely tweaked" paladin.
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    Question: Are you saying the animals in the cavern of the discarded have the Stygian Abyss music box gears as loot, or are you going off a tangent?

    And, aren't the ratmen down there supposed to be aggro? I was just down there, and all of the clans ignored me - only the animals (rats, wolves, clockwork scorpions) attacked.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    You asked "Is there any small places they repeat-spawn in?" when you were talking about leather wolves. Leather wolves spawn in the Cavern of the Discarded. That's all I was saying.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    @Arroth_Thaiel Sorry, you are mistaken. Leather wolves are not part of the Cavern of the Discarded spawn
    @Basara The first wave of each group of rats do not aggro (scroungers, supplicants & assistants), the second wave do.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited April 2018

    @Basara @Mariah

    Sorry Basara, I stand corrected. Haven't played in that area in a long time. My memory was of leather wolves.

    I checked this morning to see if the loot was similar, but after killing a few

    I got 18 reflective wolf eye, but no leather wolf skin, and nothing else. Thought if the loot was similar they might drop gears for ya, but it doesn't look that way. However, judging by the hours you were spending farming leather wolves, me killing 100 or so of these in 15 min. might not be enough to tell (but it seriously doesn't look that way). 

    Anyway, good luck with the gears!

  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    Mariah said:

    @ Basara The first wave of each group of rats do not aggro (scroungers, supplicants & assistants), the second wave do.

    Last night must be the first time, then, since the release of SA that the rats weren't already on the second wave when I got there. I've been through that area going from the east SA house teleporter to Sutek at least ten times in the last month, and they were aggro every time but that time, and every previous time in memory. 

    I guess it means people go down there a lot more than I thought, if it's been kept at a near-constant state of partial advancement so long.
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    edited April 2018
    Apparently the goblins drop the common gears as well, but so far only got them in the underworld, not the mini-champs in the Abyss proper. (the reknowned bosses have rare gears, and apparently only rares). Appears to be both gray and green types.
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