Can we get some quick, common sense changes in one of the next publishes please?

Nothing controversial, just a few things that impact parts of the game that should hopefully not take too much dev time. Please post and add your own common sense, non-controversial changes that you'd like to see in a future publish.

For me, I want to be able to train a pet in something besides chivalry. So some changes that would be helpful:

1. Bushido pets using honorable execution: This never helps, the buff is too small, and it never actually procs unless you are fighting enemies that are so weak the buff wouldn't be needed. All it does is gimp the pet by having it drop its resistances to 0 when fighting a tough monster and failing to kill it. Just remove it please.

2. Remove magic reflection from the pool of spells cast by Magery Mastery pets. If the AI isn't advanced enough to know when this is beneficial or when this is harmful to cast, then the pet just shouldn't cast it at all. Its not a big enough effect to be helpful when it works, but its a big enough physical debuff to be hurtful when it procs for a mainly physical damaging enemy (which is most enemies)

3. Death ray should only be cast by Magery Mastery pets when they are NOT  currently targeted by an enemy otherwise it is just wasted. Also is this even a DPS boost? If all it does is make the pet drain its mana to less damage than it would if it attacked normally, it should also just be removed. 

6.Fix the elemental AOE abilities damage wise. I got cold wind on a cold drake, it does next to nothing. its a worthless ability. Either give it some sort of nice debuff to apply or buff its damage, otherwise there's no point to picking it above ExplosiveGoo. Also I dont ever see anyone useing aura of energy, i assume its the same problem as cold wind, but someone else would have to provide info on this.

5. Add in Ki attack and focus attack for Ninjitsu pets. Ninjitsu for pets is useless as heck, we all know it, and I figure the devs will never have time to go and fix the thing to make it useful. So just please add in the moves its missing if it can be done simply so that its not such complete trash. 


  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    How would focus attack help? Doesnt it just double our procs chance on hit?

    Ninjitsu shoukd really have gotten FWW added for free the way Bushido did.

    In fact, bushido gets so many useful abilities that i feel it should be swapped.
  • Focus Attack....Wow that takes me back.

    Many years ago there was the implication that this spell was actually far more powerful than we realized.  Folks would brandish weapons at the bank with almost all of the item properties doubled.  Periodically the effect would fall off, then be immediately replaced.

    If that's half as powerful as it seems the thought of it on a pet is worrisome.

  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Again, how would focus attack help a pet. They have toggle moves, so not able to use them when using focus attack.

    Life leech and poison maybe.... but most attacks woukdnt be affected by that because they are nit properties
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 998
    Make clean jewelry PoF-able or make clean non-jewelry unable to be PoF'd.

    Norry said:
    Again, how would focus attack help a pet. They have toggle moves, so not able to use them when using focus attack.

    Life leech and poison maybe.... but most attacks woukdnt be affected by that because they are nit properties
      common sense tells you, it wouldn't...  Oh the irony.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

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