Regarding the Poison EL Paragons
They are a bit over the top and they start adding up FAST on lower pop shards. Nothing against Dexers but they won't kill them or even rams for that matter unless they see a tamers pat tanking it for them. Takes a month of Sundays for a tamers pet to kill one (rams a take little while but are reasonable) At best the PE Paragons take ALL of the fun out of dungeon and at its worst makes the dungeon simply undoable when every place you run to there is at least 1 if not 2-3 of them. Really need to get rid of them on the low pop shards or reduce their spawn rate way down. There is hard and then there is "This is just stupid" Tried helping a couple of guys get their corpses on the back side of level 1 this morning. Even with me leading as many of them away as I could they still could not make it half way back to their corpses and the corpses finally decayed. Real enjoyable game time for them and a waste of their money on the store pots.
This is not a problem on Shards like LS and Atlantic where everything that might give a drop gets swarmed by numerous people. Might be a stretch but in the future it might be nice to scale the event dungeon difficulty based on the number of people in the dungeon. Or scale to the dungeon level like 1 being easier and capped at say Liche Lord Paragons, LvL 2 capped at ram paragons and level 3 anything goes. With the % chance of rewards/drops increasing with each level as the difficulty and risk increase. Would let the less skilled players enjoy the content and it not be just BOOM INSTANT DEATH because someone ran out and left 2-3 PE ELS right at the entrance.
LOL and a skeleton paragon that reveals 10 tiles away is just as good at ruining a scripters day as a PE EL
PE ELS seem to have no effect on the multi box players running their cross healing scrips though. 4-6 Multi Box toons cross healing take them down very fast. ANd those scumbags are or were actually kind of handy for keeping the PE ELS in check initially guess they have moved on to another shard to farm now.

Yup, wish we had that problem. Our sampires pass em by but the core players call em out and we kick their butts.
I thought these dynamic events were dynamic because the spawn changes for the amount of participants. Are they supposed to @Kyronix Also please turn on Fel deceit, we need stuff to kill!
Or you can keep them away from you using Energy fields, they break them so keep 2 up.
Plus, people see two fighters standing side by side and immediately lure everything they can to you. Sometimes the luring is on purpose and consistent and over and over. Other times I think players are just looking for help killing off a paragon, and don't realize the x-healers are not invulnerable and can get overwhelmed. When the x-healers go down though it can be chaos and lots of ghosts!
It seems few remember the old Deceit bone wall and to keep the x-healers alive for your own safety. Which is especially sad since the event is in Deceit!
Judging from the drop rates posted by others, you're probably going to get twice the drops running a single SDI tamer or Pure Paladin/Samurai, then from running 2 (individually managed) x-healers.
A team of 2 can do this, I do with 2 accounts.
Find the target. Lead it to a spot where no other spawn will be. My fav spot is 3rd floor telepad.
I Sacred Journey out. Then make a gate to that spot. Send in tamer first. Put pet on target. The target has yet to change to my tamer because when I get there I walk back a few spaces. If needed I could invis. Then switch to Melee toon. He goes in same gate, Target switches to him. But he can heal with bandies and keep using specials.
I kill the Para Poisons in 20 to 30 seconds. The Rams take a minute. I use a macer with a war hammer. Use Stagger and hit with crushing blow. I am using my undead slayer weapon, I could kill them faster if I used an ele weapon. But they disarm and I fumble around later.
The only time I have trouble is when someone runs by and the target switches to my tamer. I invis him, step back start again.
I have killed at least 20 this way tonight, we have a lot of paras on the third level. Only died once when someone ran by and the melee guy accidentally went in the teleporter and there was a Para LL and ram there.
So basically a Team of a tamer and a melee can run around and when they come to a paragon, invis both, put pet on it, then melee guy. The tamer can heal the melee guy and invis himself if needed.
Also if two melee toons are running together they can also take on any single paragon and kill even faster.
I just run it with one acct and use pretty much the same tactic for not getting targeted except I use smoke bombs and invis pots. LOL only reason I was running 6-12 on Batlin was to get their tallies and later to help folks out that were still trying to get their tallies. Get target pop smoke or chug a pot and keep healing the pet and running consume. Problem comes when there are 5 PEs at the bottom of the steps and 2 more in the first hallway. And then here comes the L33T Dexxer with the two in the hallways in tow and dies right before the steps and now yer butt deep in PE Paragons and at least 2-3 others lesser paragons. No pet can stand up to that many paragons, heck no 4 pets would survive it and as soon as you reveal from invising at least 3-4 of them target you. So you run up the steps and Gee someone left one or two ram or PE paragons parked there for you. LOL I made it a point to not do deceit on LS unless one certain dexxer was not down there because she intentionally would drag every paragon she could find right to you. Gotta remember to throw nut paste on her bones and let the squirrels clean it up. Was very happy to get everything I wanted on LS and move on to Origin
It is a grind.
Especially, considering how Shards' Population levels can greatly vary....
I mean, it is not possible to give the same spawn to Atlantic and, say, Oceania, right @Kyronix ?
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Oh yeah, i know that. I used to duo Exodus and Blackthorn Captains with my Macer and a Fencer buddy. We would cross heal each other while the Fencer would use Pierce 3 times over 30 seconds to drop the mob to 0% Stamina, and then after that i'd keep Stagger up to reduce their SSI to -60%, neutering their melee damage output. Very few people did that though. When it comes to dexxers nowadays, Macers and Fencers are rare enough, let alone ones with Healing. My Fencer buddy hasn't played in awhile though
honor to get damage bonus
confidence (heals thru poison)
i dont have much healing, only 70heal 70 anat, so the poison is still a pain, but its very doable. could use greater cure potions too.
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ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
And when I see both LL and PE inside a confined space, its time to run lol
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
confined space yes, but open space double paragons isn’t too bad.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs