New Drop's are Shard Bond and How Am I able to sell them?

@Kyronix, you guys really need to think about this, if everything now will be shard bound, How can we even sell them? They cant go into auction safe and they cant go into vendors? so, Do we need to be like Avatar and Spam on gen chat all day?


  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Why can't you put them on vendors?  It's account bound items that can't go on vendors, not shard bound.
    I'd say you are more able to put them on vendors, knowing that the items will sell to genuine players on your shard who need them, not carted off to Atlantic where they're out of reach to most of the shard's players.
    I have often heard people say they won't put power scrolls on a vendor because they'll just be bought up and taken to Atlantic, they sell through general chat instead.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 372
    edited October 2020
    I think his problem with vendors is that you cant price items above 175m on vendors.
    He thinks his item is worth more, but give him a week and he will be quite like a mouse.

    If you however enable vendors to have prices above 175, there will be no need for auction safes.
    Very few use auction saves for bidding on wares, its mostly buy out.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    psycho said:
    I think his problem with vendors is that you cant price items above 175m on vendors.
    He thinks his item is worth more, but give him a week and he will be quite like a mouse.

    If you however enable vendors to have prices above 175, there will be no need for auction safes.
    Very few use auction saves for bidding on wares, its mostly buy out.
    There appears to be a bug where the Epaulets cannot be added to the auction box. I have posted in bug forum.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • The new epaulettes can not be placed on vendors or auction safes.

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Making items shard bound may be the first small step to taking some of the pressure off of the Atlantic server and getting players to spend more time on other shards.  Based on what I have read in the forums about the problems players are having with vendor search and lag on Atlantic, and given the limitations of the likely now obsolete language incorporated in this game I am going to guess that the Atlantic server is being pushed harder than was ever intended for three reasons.
    1. players that can travel among shards sell most of the items players actually want on Atlantic because they move the items faster there and get a better price.
    2. Many of the players that can travel have multiple accounts so they most likely have a second house on Atlantic for their vendor putting even more pressure on the Atlantic server.
    3. UO’s setup application will direct new players that ask it to recommend a shard to the Atlantic server.
    Don’t know the solution but I think shard bound is a good first step.  What I have listed here are assumptions based on my time in the game and what I have read in the forums.  Would be interested in knowing how accurate they are.  Thanks.

  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    this will make dead shard more dead is they start to put stuff shard bound...the only item that should be shard bound are item looted from idoc
  • SinaSina Posts: 32

    @Petra_Fyde and @Kyronix
    The new epaulettes can not be placed on vendors or auction safes.

    ^^ This is the problem!!

  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited October 2020
    i used to do the halloween dungeon events on catskills.  active, but not crammed like atlantic.  i used to buy bone and plate pieces from the locals and pay very well for them.

    with shardbound, i wont be doing that this year. 

    the bone / plate is probably worth next to nothing now unless its on atlantic, and prices this year will definitely be higher for all atlantic items because of the shard transfer limitations.  if you want an item on a dead shard, get farming :)  good or bad?  matter of opinion but for an event thats supposed to be fun, shard bounding the items seems a little counterproductive.
  • SinaSina Posts: 32
    @Kyronix and @Mesanna ;
    and this is why we are all concerned about the new upcoming new shard!
    There is little to no communication, We are all reporting problems and concerns and and probably 20+ posts later (counting the ones closed) @kyronix or any other devs could care less to come here and say something. That means the attention seems to be all about the new shard and not to the ones we current play, seems like things are released with no previous test and the only way to us communicate is thru here and yet no response.

    PLS care to answer my question????

    @Kyronix, you guys really need to think about this, if everything now will be shard bound, How can we even sell them? They cant go into auction safe and they cant go into vendors? so, Do we need to be like Avatar and Spam on gen chat all day?  because as other people already mentioned:
    The new epaulettes can not be placed on vendors or auction safes. is That hard to come here and say something???

    and @mariah , I am really trying not to make any personal attack or anything to that nature, but closing Hot topics like this, players are upset because the lack of communication and this forum is the only way of communication that we have.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    @ Petra_Fyde and @ Kyronix
    The new epaulettes can not be placed on vendors or auction safes.

    Sorry, when thinking of vendors I didn't take into account the price some people think the things are worth. It's all good, with prices like that it will encourage more people to do the content to get their own. 
  • Exactly!!  
    Dont look now but there are players on shards that don't go off to peddle the event and rares they get on Atlantic.   Again its all Greed.
  • Jesus christ you tagged the dude 5 times. If you want to make sure to annoy him instead of have him look at the  problem that's a good way to do it,. I promise you that you aren't the only one doing it. 3 times in one message is just obscene.
  • SinaSina Posts: 32
    Jesus christ you tagged the dude 5 times. If you want to make sure to annoy him instead of have him look at the  problem that's a good way to do it,. I promise you that you aren't the only one doing it. 3 times in one message is just obscene.

    Maybe because the key thing of any company is communication.
    Its amazing that the devs come here and check all the posts or Mariah may even tell them sometimes about the issue and yet none of them come here and say something about, it is not polite and not professional on any way to ignore the so called customers. They are not doing us any special favor, We are paying for a service and the least that they can do is communicate with us. There is many posts about people complaining or telling them that something is not working properly and they don't answer. Than they tell us to email the producer, that also don't answer. so yes, we all start to get mad about. as they said earlier, their focus are on the new upcoming shard and with that said, we can already have a feeling on how the remaining shards will be left to die.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    This is the worst team as far as communication goes. I've said it many times. Professionalism starts at the top. 

    As far as the new shard, they had 6 months of "downtime", yet the big announcement was...Here are thoughts, but we have nothing to tell you at this time. We don't even know if this is anything more then a idea. For the record, I do like the idea.
  • Developers do not have the time to come and reply directly on a forum to all these issues. There are 100's if not 1,000s of these issues that we bring up. A developer often enjoys telling people all about things that are going on, etc. Just watch the E3, etc conferences. They love talking about the game they are working on. But when they do people get angry because stuff changed along the way. People take literally everything a developer says and holds them to it. That is one of the many reasons a PR person should be the "face" of customer relations to the game community. Things need to be filtered a bit before the responses to our issues get posted.

    Developers are not - nor are they trained - in public relations. This game needs a good public relations person very badly.
  • SinaSina Posts: 32
    Developers do not have the time to come and reply directly on a forum to all these issues. There are 100's if not 1,000s of these issues that we bring up. A developer often enjoys telling people all about things that are going on, etc. Just watch the E3, etc conferences. They love talking about the game they are working on. But when they do people get angry because stuff changed along the way. People take literally everything a developer says and holds them to it. That is one of the many reasons a PR person should be the "face" of customer relations to the game community. Things need to be filtered a bit before the responses to our issues get posted.

    Developers are not - nor are they trained - in public relations. This game needs a good public relations person very badly.
    Agree to disagree...
    I understand is a very small Dev. Team, We know that, but this forum is the only channel that we have to communicate with them.  but to my point, we have @Mariah ; and we have @Rorschach ; as moderators, I am sure both of them have directly channel with them and their cel #'s and all other things available, If I was a moderator of any website and I see 5,10,20 posts of people asking fir a specific thing, I would take my time and ask the devs myself for the answer or ask them to take 1 min and say something about and not just ignore the questions or Lock the topic.  and That is the problem.
     * They just released a new event for us *Deceit Dungeon". than they made the drop's Shard bound, no big deal imho, but than you cant sell them because they are not vendorable, and not because the value but because the vendor will give you the msg that the item is not acceptable, you cant sell them on auction safes either, many people ask about and all we got is silence.
    * They opened Fel Deceit for Atlantic only?? why?, what about all other shards? and again many people ask about and all we got is silence.
    so lets give the devs a break , because they are too busy to come here and reply and lets ask the Moderators of this forum, to use their directly access to the Devs and please Kindly ask them WTF is going on?
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