Bag/Body Display Issue

I'm using the enhanced client and bags/bodies aren't displaying anything at all until I click switch to list view. Is that a bug, or is there a fix for it? It results in a MAJORLY slow looting experience/carpal tunnel. lol I'll open a bug post about it if it is, but I have a feeling there's a setting I can change to alleviate that, so I wanted to ask you fine folks first. Thank you for your time, as always!


  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Do you use the grid view or the legacy view? Sometimes when I see this happen I’ll just resize the grid a little and the stuff will show. There’s so many bugs with viewing and interacting with containers in EC. I found using only the grid view (not the grid inside the legacy container view) is the least buggy although it still is. 
  • An organizer may also still be running. Mouse over the icons on a container and see if you get "Stop Organizer" or something as a choice.

    I have this happen every once in awhile. 
  • I do use the grid, so mayhap that's it? Also, as far as I can tell I don't have an organizer running, although I do have a vacuum macro setup that another user on the forum here posted about a while back. It only started about 3 days ago, so maybe I'll just empty my pack and try that.
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