Potion of Glorious Fortune : Can we please get a final word from a Developer whether it works?

poppspopps Posts: 4,132
edited October 2020 in General Discussions
Some players say it works, some players say it doesn't.

I am talking, about raising decisively the drop rate for Minor Artifacts for the Treasures of the Undead Lords as to compared by not using it.

And even if it worked, which noone knows for sure, it is unknown in what way and to what results it works.

Since it cost real money (about 2 dollars), only lasts for 1 hour and its description still mentions soulbinders, I think that, before players spend their real money on it its details should be well known... that is, whether it works for real and in what way....

I mean, assuming that it works, but that it only increases drops marginally, (say that instead of 1 drop an hour one gets 2....), it would still not make it economically viable since an item costing 50 drops would mean ending up costing 200 Sovereigns x 50 = 10,000 Sovereigns which is in the range of 100 dollars... quite expensive for a 50 points item, wouldn't it be ?

So, I think that players, before spending their money on it, should get to know : 

1) - Whether it works to decisively increase the drop rate for Minor Artifacts for the Treasures of the Undead Lords as to compared to not using it ;

2) - Exactly "how much" this increase would be, in that 1 hour lifetime of this Potion, so that players can figure out whether the real money expense is worth the gain.... as mentioned, a LOT of points (and thus drops) are needed for the Rewards items and if this Potion was to only marginally increase the number of drops, it would make it not economically viable for those players who might think spending real money on it.... I mean, if it only doubled the drop rate, and a player gets only 1 drop an hour without the Potion, this would mean that 2 Dollars (200 Sovereigns) basically bought 1 point.... an item costing 50 Points would then mean ending up costing 100 dollars.... some players might think that this is way too much real money to spend on....
So, I think, costing this item real money, players should know what they would be getting for the money they are thinking to spend on this Potion to make a responsible and reasonable decision with their money.



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited October 2020
    Since not all players, of course, have the same drop rate, some who have a better template may get lots of drops in an hour, and other players, for example new or returning players who do not have yet a well developed template, may not get a similar higher drop rate, I think that, in order to be fair (all players spend the same amount of real money on it), the Potion should "guarantee" an X number of "extra" drops in that 1 hour it lasts, equal to all players, for the money it cost.

    Let me make an example to better explain myself.

    Let us assume a player A and a player B.

    Player A is a Veteran, with a well developed and geared up Template who can achieve, say, 15 drops in an hour down at Deceit.

    Player B, instead, is a New or Returning player, with only a half developed Template and basic gear who can achieve, say, 1 drop an hour.

    Now, let's say that, for the 200 Sovereigns that it cost (moreless 2 US dollars), the Developers decide that the Potion should grant, guaranteed, 30 drops (that would make it about 7 cents per drop), by purchasing that potion, player A would get 15 + 30 = 45 drops in that 1 hour while player B would get 1 + 30 = 31 drops in that same 1 hour of play.

    Both would get the same return (30 drops) for the same amount of real money spent in that 1 hour that the Potion was to last, and there would be no inequality in the return of their real money spent as it would happen if, instead, it was a % applied to the drops return of that character which can vary enormously between Veteran players and New and Returning players.

    That is how I think it should work.
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