WOW, 100 Exodus Controllers and ZERO Compassion Sage... how can this be possible ?

Yes, I know, the RNG and all that but still....

And this was with several Paragon Exodus Controllers who, to my biggest surprise, also did not spawn any Compassion Sage....

I went to 100 out of curiosity and then quit, gave up, this is not fun to my viewing, it is only tedious....

Do you think @Kyronix , @Bleak that this is reasonable ?

I have 7 characters in my account to get the Compassion Sage for and it is only 1 of the eight items needed for the Black Gate Quest.... there is also other items which are quite time consuming to get.

Perhaps, "just" perhaps you might want to look into the Compassion Sage drops rate ?

As it is, to me it looks absurd.



  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited October 2020
    I have 19 stones.  You can get the sage just fine.  Should have got it in advance instead of writing novels.  

    *waits for upcoming publications:  Troglodytes, How can I kill so many. Dragons: To hard for my tinker to kill.  Unbound Vortex and the passing of time. *
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Ive done 103 without any drop with zero luck on suite, next 103 with 1250 luck gave me 7 compassion sage. So try to have some luck on your suite not sure if max luck gives you more drop Ive tried with 2490 but didnt have any more luck with drops then compared to 1250 although didnt test it all 103 so it isnt an exact comparison.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited October 2020
    I have 0 luck on my characters.  Got sage with melee toons and mages.  It is a 1/50 drop rate so killing 75 or more without a drop is in range.  Just run around and 1 shot kill them, don't fight anything else, the area is huge and there is a new one around the corner.  For some reason the paragons there are slow. But just kill controllers so you don't make paragons of other things.

    Why do players count how many things they kill?  Just kill them all!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Pawain said:
    I have 0 luck on my characters.  Got sage with melee toons and mages.  It is a 1/50 drop rate so killing 75 or more without a drop is in range.  Just run around and 1 shot kill them, don't fight anything else, the area is huge and there is a new one around the corner.  For some reason the paragons there are slow. But just kill controllers so you don't make paragons of other things.

    Why do players count how many things they kill?  Just kill them all!

    Why do players count how many things they kill?  Just kill them all!

    I do not count the kills, but collect the Arcane Gems which they have on the corpse, always 1.

    So, I just looked at the Arcane Gems collected (and yes, I ONLY killed the Exodus Controllers, none others), and saw that they were 100 and thus knew I had killed 100 Exodus Controllers and no Compassion Sage drop....

    At the very least, the Paragon Exodus Controllers should drop always 1 Compassion Sage....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited October 2020
    So you are just going to stop and complain?  Or you gonna go kill them until you get the number of sage you need.  Or pay 3M for others to get it.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Pawain said:
    So you are just going to stop and complain?  Or you gonna go kill them until you get the number of sage you need.  Or pay 3M for others to get it.  
    Why do scripters exist ?

    Perhaps, "just" perhaps, to alleviate such extremely long, tedious and repetitive tasks ?

    So, maybe "just" maybe, if the goal is to have player "not" script it could be beneficial not to give to players reasons to script in the first place ?

    Just wondering....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    I didn't script and got enough for 18 tiles and more because I took some to other shards to learn how it works.

    I would bet that one of the reasons they are a small drop rate is because you can drink them and gain compassion.  So don't do like I did and drink some.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @popps - it sounds like you likely did them over a few days (not all in a straight shot). I can tell you that the RNG seems especially streaky when doing a handful (let's say 50-100) of things, stopping and going back later and doing the same thing. If you camp the controllers in Exodus it shouldn't take you 1000 controllers to get one let alone none.

    Same applies to MIB. I used to open like 5-6 MIBs each time I went fishing at the end of the trip and literally had to be into the hundreds of MIBs with an ancient one. Someone told me I should be saving up 50 or so and do them all in a straight shot which I did and then I ended up with like 3-4 from the 50ish I had.
  • I spent five hours and got zero. Someone said luck helps so I put together a luck suit that has 2200-3300 luck depending on statue. I now average one sage every 33 controllers.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    if you think those odds suck you'd never make it as a fisherman ;)
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited October 2020
    keven2002 said:
    @ popps - it sounds like you likely did them over a few days (not all in a straight shot). I can tell you that the RNG seems especially streaky when doing a handful (let's say 50-100) of things, stopping and going back later and doing the same thing. If you camp the controllers in Exodus it shouldn't take you 1000 controllers to get one let alone none.

    Same applies to MIB. I used to open like 5-6 MIBs each time I went fishing at the end of the trip and literally had to be into the hundreds of MIBs with an ancient one. Someone told me I should be saving up 50 or so and do them all in a straight shot which I did and then I ended up with like 3-4 from the 50ish I had.
    Nope, I did it in a straight shot, unfortunately....

    I kept saying to myself that the next Controller would have gotten 1 Sage, over and over, 100 times.... it was so unbelievable to me that after like 30 or 40 I still had not gotten 1, not even from several Paragons, that I forced myself to believe that the "next one" would have had it....

    And I got to 100 when I then "finally" realized how crazy and futile was my waste of time in doing that and I quit.

    That is a chunk of my life time that I wasted in doing that which will never come back... and I did not even have fun in doing that, being it so repetitive and tedious....

    I am really wondering on whether a player's idea of what "fun" is can differ so much from that of a developer's....

    Oh well....
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    seriously pops...think about time you invest posting here....That is a chunk of my life time that I wasted in doing that which will never come back...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    popps said:.

    I am really wondering on whether a player's idea of what "fun" is can differ so much from that of a developer's....

    Oh well....
    We started getting sage on LS the week before the event. Interested players have already done the quest with all their toons. We help each other with the vortexs. We carved pumpkins We have moved on to the Black Gate Spawn.  This is a busy month, you have to keep up.

    Maybe you need to move to a more active shard. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    I average 1 sage for every 20 controllers killed with zero luck on my suit. popps doing 100 controllers is believable.  I've done 160 controllers in one trip.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    the shard he play had many for sale for like 1.4 mil eh complain about everything in the damn game he want all in 5 minutes and complain again there is nothing to do blah blah
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    I've done 100 in a row and no drop, but I've also gotten 3 in 15 so the RNG is a flakey beast.  I always take the gems to use as counters and I usually quit after 100 since it's boring. I have 18 tiles so believe me I farmed the compassion sage for quite some time.  I have hit the 100 marker without getting one more than once and so has a friend.  I've also gotten 7 in the time it takes to get 100 (usually about an hour or less).
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    The night I farmed sage (just before the event started), I got 18 in about... 4 hours? Couldn't tell you how many I killed, but I was getting a drop once roughly every 15 minutes.

    I wasn't in Exodus dungeon though, I was at the tiny controller spawn in the ruins of Blackthorn's old keep.
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 597
    edited October 2020
    Pawain said:
    So you are just going to stop and complain?  Or you gonna go kill them until you get the number of sage you need.  Or pay 3M for others to get it.  
    I'm just going to forget this crap even exists and go do something fun instead. It's what I do every time there's some super grindy event that has forum fanboys telling me I must want the world on a silver platter if I think I have better things to do than kill a trillion mongbats in a row or whatever. I make the same decision every time and I've never been given reason to regret it yet.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    So, they should just give us everything when we log in? Or have the quest givers in Luna so we do not have to do anything but click accept?  

    I had no problem getting 20 Sage. Or doing the quests on low skill melee toons.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited October 2020
    Yea I am not a huge fan of grindy stuff but it at least gives people the option if they want to grind. For me it was a bit of a let down on the Black Gate Quest that it was 1 per char because although it is a bit grindy, that where the people who don't mind it can make a profit or make multiple sets.

    So for the past couple days I've been refreshing the UO site every hour to see when the Treasures Of event would be active as a result
  • Pawain said:
    So, they should just give us everything when we log in? Or have the quest givers in Luna so we do not have to do anything but click accept?  
    Whatever reward is involved can be given away at the bank or left out of the game completely for all I care. If something isn't fun, I'm not doing it. 
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Faeryl said:
    The night I farmed sage (just before the event started), I got 18 in about... 4 hours? Couldn't tell you how many I killed, but I was getting a drop once roughly every 15 minutes.

    I wasn't in Exodus dungeon though, I was at the tiny controller spawn in the ruins of Blackthorn's old keep.
    This is where I go, don't have to deal with any other spawn. Yes it's a bit slower but I wasn't having any luck in the dungeon, went to the ruins and got about 1 every 15 minutes or so?

    It's all about the RNG, I said the same thing at the beginning....running around the dungeon, I got LOTS of exodus keys! NO try going to the ruins and test your luck there!

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