Vendor Price MAXMIMUM 175mil?
What's with the Vendor item price being limited to 175million? I understand the work around is using an auction safe, but with the introduction of Platinum and loss of banker checks why does the maximum price have to be 175mil? The message says that people without increased bank storage can't could be limited to have 125million gold but goes up to 175million in case they do have bank storage upgrades. Is there a plan to make no limit on the amount a vendor can price items? The maximum is on a commission vendor but not sure about the standard vendors.
I know that several people with auction safes would be pretty upset, but vendors are supposed to allow us to sell whatever we want, for whatever price we want. I thought some of the reasons bank checks were removed was because prices of items were going for more than the amount of items a person can hold in their bank, and to stop people from having billions of gold on their vendors. I am not fond of the idea of using general chat or auction safes to sell Enchantress' Cameos or several rarer that exceed 175millions
@Pawain The price reflects the rarity of the item and the current value that people can buy gold for, not that I ever had pay money for's part of the economics behind the prices. There is a lot of gold in the game so the monetary value goes down on gold and thus items go for more.