Serpents jawbone

Since this event item no longer available how about we..
1.add it to next events rewards 
2.sell it in the uo store 
3. Add it to the custom housing menu (make it expensive) so we could build it into our homes..(do this with all the portals...)
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited September 2020
    Hopefully the team are thinking along these lines.....

    Ultima VII was The Black Gate.
    Ultima VII Part II Serpent Isle introduced the Serpent Jawbone.
    We are about to start The Black Gate event in UO.
    We have a fancy new quest system.

    Time for @Kyronix to write an interconnected story line for Ilshenar that would reward the Serpent Jawbone as an empty Jawbone with individual quests for each tooth and each tooth representing a unique place to portal. Thus incorporating some Ultima Prime into UO and adding some much needed story elements. 

    Prologue: Empty Jawbone
    Act 1: 8 quests for 8 teeth (1 per location)
    Act 2: 8 quests for 8 teeth (1 per location)
    Act 3: 8 quests for 8 teeth (1 per location)
    Epilogue: Complete restored Jawbone (Graphic change like Virtue armor set)

    Pretty please?
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