Mystic Thrower - Template Advice Needed
Hi Team Ultima Online!
I just about maxed out my Mystic Thrower template. This is what I am working with:
120 Throwing
90 Tactics
90 Healing
90 Anatomy
120 Mysticism
120 Focus
90 Chivalry
Lord GOD(GOD) has a writeup on it here:
I am discovering the casting times for my spell Mass Sleep / Rising Colossus to be very slow. How should I incorporate Faster Casting into my gear?
Any advice here?
jumus sacred hide
5ssi town bonus, cameo, 40ssi weapons (to achieve 1.5s swing speed with 150 stamina)
pendant of khal ankur (maninly for the EP and 10 hpi)
rest of suit are mostly legendarys with a few imbued pieces
its a tough template to pull off just because of the stats needed, plus casting, sdi, lrc. but not as hard as if you needed a ton of skill points on items.
if your on siege, get a blessed invasion spellbook, and make mage, or mystic mage