Oh Great, Another illegal seller spamming on Atlantic

@Mesanna. Today I see a new illegal gold, item seller spamming the crap out of Atlantic.

PLEASE tell us you are going to deal with this URGENTLY.

You now have 2 spammers to deal with. How about spending some time and OUR money tackling these annoying profiteers once and for all


  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    edited August 2020
    with EA and Broadswords finances why are you not taking legal action and cease and desist orders on these people, buying, earning or duping items in game, removing them from in game gold, and selling back to the players for $$$$, taking in game gold and then selling it for $$$$, and buy your inaction you are allowing people to earn a living taking not only form us the players but YOU I cannot get my head around. That YOU allow it.

    @mesanna its about time YOU convince US the players that you are actually going to do something about this. And also reassure US that YOU are not in someway involved as so many in gen chat are convinced of.

    What other reason can there possibly be for you lack of action on this?

    And Mods, dont lock this thread just because its pointing the finger at the Dev's here. WE the players have a right to know when action is going to be taken............
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    waiting for the lock in 3,2,1...
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    edited August 2020
    be really useful to get something from @Mesanna on this instead of a lock.  Makes us know that something is actually being done instead of silencing complaints. And YES I have emailed 
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    It is accepted behavior. If they allow Avatar, gotta allow them all. Make your own and spam away!
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Is the perpetually young avatar that appears in New Haven advertising his website to new players multiple times every day since I started playing two years ago an authorized vendor?  Certainly he appears to be an authorized vendor to new players.  After all since the game has allowed him to become a fixture in New Haven I don’t really see how players making purchases from him could be banned from the game.  If he isn’t authorized why is he still there and if you can’t get rid of him why no visual warning from the game when he appears.  Or, does he only appear on my shard?  Would really like an answer to this question.  Thanks.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    I don’t think Avatar is “allowed” just knows how to get around their attempts to block them. Although it does seem like they gave up trying.  Really weird situation there :/
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Not really weird. I can't think of or have seen anyone else share a way to stop him that doesn't have an even easier way around it. If I can think of a way around any "solution" so can they.

    Just stop buying from them is the only thing that might work. There is no shortage of sites that aren't run by ass holes. 

    PS giving new player the name of a discreet site is probably against the rules but what isn't in this discussion and no I don't run one.
  • RonFellowsRonFellows Posts: 148
    When you type like THIS. It does NOT help your CAUSE. lol
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Where else are the NOOBs and returners going to get enough gold to provide scrolls for their pets?  I see them have nothing and two weeks later they have more 120'd pets than I have.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I do not support RMT but please tell me what judge is going to support stopping anything that EA has allowed to happen for 20+ years.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    The problem is that UO does not offer any other alternative to third party vendors.  If the official UO store offered more items I could use I would buy them from UO.  I don’t consider at my age playing another 6 years to get the reward I want a viable alternative to a third party vendor.  For those things both entities sell I don’t see enough of a price difference for me to choose a third party vendor over UO.  Maybe the best alternative would simply be for UO to license the third party vendors.
    i use vendor search a lot and it appears right now that my shard has lost a lot of players that won’t be coming back.  I don’t see nearly the number items players really need being sold anymore and it appears at least a few of my regular buyers are gone.  I am not sure that I could argue anymore that even if I had enough gold to buy what I need that it would be being sold in game.
    i really think UO needs to address this access to items players need.  It does not make good logic to me to make it illegal to buy those items from third party vendors if UO is not going to offer a viable alternative.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    When you type like THIS. It does NOT help your CAUSE. lol
    YOU’RE probably RIGHT 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    just make it so EJ account cannot post in general ... he makes ej accounts or must as i have 12 avatar2 blocked...if they are paying accounts would be easy to ban him

    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    McDougle said:
    just make it so EJ account cannot post in general ... he makes ej accounts or must as i have 12 avatar2 blocked...if they are paying accounts would be easy to ban him

    But then how will new players ask for help?
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Tim said:
    McDougle said:
    just make it so EJ account cannot post in general ... he makes ej accounts or must as i have 12 avatar2 blocked...if they are paying accounts would be easy to ban him

    But then how will new players ask for help?
    the help channel?? in person ??
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited August 2020
    make it so brand new ej accounts characters can't spamm the exact same sentence over and over again, make their scripters life more complicated by adding filters, without harming the real new players, just make their life harder that can be easily done, and hes going to have to change his script , and when he does, well just tweak one of the filter again , you must fight the scripters to win, if you dont fight you basically let him do what he want.

    If they want to win, devs will have to adapt and tweak their scripts to catch him, fight the scripters with script. Why dont the devs just release out a script ingame that detect him and auto-ban him ? I dont know
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    McDougle said:
    just make it so EJ account cannot post in general ... he makes ej accounts or must as i have 12 avatar2 blocked...if they are paying accounts would be easy to ban him

    I do not see why legit players who want to actually play an EJ account should be so drastically penalized that they could not post in general just to stop a few sellers....

    No thanks.

    I must think that there MUST be other ways that could be found to STOP these sellers WITHOUT penalizing legittimate players....

    I mean, I am no Programming wizard BUT, would it be "that" hard at server up, the VERY FIRST TIME that the seller message pops up, that an automated software sees it and bans that players' ID ?

    I mean, we know that they can filter Chat speech for derogative and illegal words because they do ban users, so why couldn't they also look for certain keywords that sellers use and ban them the very first time that they pop their text up in Chat ?

    Sure, the might come back after a few days when they realize the ban but then, the automated code would again detect their selling text and ban then again, and over and over and over each time they do it.

    Also, I need to imagine that Broadsword can see the I.P. address of every single account that logs into UO, right ?

    So why couldn't they see what accounts these sellers use, double check the IP addresses they use, and just ban those IP addresses ?

    This way, even if they made other EJ accounts, they would not be able to log into UO from those IP addresses.....

    These are just a few hypothesis, what I am trying to say is, that I need to imagine that there MUST BE other ways to stop these sellers OTHER then penalizing all of the players that legittimatelly play EJ characters....
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    @ Mesanna. Today I see a new illegal gold, item seller spamming the crap out of Atlantic.

    PLEASE tell us you are going to deal with this URGENTLY.

    You now have 2 spammers to deal with. How about spending some time and OUR money tackling these annoying profiteers once and for all

    How do you know their gold is "illegal" and items are illegally duplicated?

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    Well, avatar has been spamming for the 3 years I have been back, no idea how long before that, but selling vast amounts of gold and items on pretty much all shards gives me a good idea that something isn’t right. Do you have plenty of +20 cloaks for sale for real $$$$ on multiple shards?  Also selling gold for $$$ is against the TOS and is deemed illegal as per the newsletters every month 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited August 2020
    Yeah, I used to be afraid of buying illegal items. But buying items from others is not illegal.

    I always thought the warning is referring to "game codes", not gold or items. If my friend sell me his cameo for $10, I pay him via paypal and he passes to me online. Is that illegal? If I do not mention this, would anyone be able to find evidence?

    Is there other warning other than this one below? I would like to see it.
    Codes should refer the ability to get UO store item, not items and gold obtained in game.
    Even items after redeeming from the code, can be sold between players.

    We would also like to reiterate that the Origin store is the only guaranteed provider of codes for Ultima Online. The validity of a code purchased from a third-party seller (be it a friend, in-game acquaintance, or recommended site) cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, any codes we find to have be fraudulently obtained will be disabled and an account that applies any of these codes will have that code removed from said account. This can result in the loss of game time, character slots, expansion access, Sovereigns (and the items purchased with them), in-game items and more. Please be advised that we cannot assist with any issues stemming from codes purchased via non-Origin means; you will be required to contact the vendor from which you purchased the code for further assistance.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited August 2020
    Well, avatar has been spamming for the 3 years I have been back, no idea how long before that, but selling vast amounts of gold and items on pretty much all shards gives me a good idea that something isn’t right. Do you have plenty of +20 cloaks for sale for real $$$$ on multiple shards?  Also selling gold for $$$ is against the TOS and is deemed illegal as per the newsletters every month 

    Some players can really supply alot of stuff.
    Did you see the image from Pawain, the number of tabard that he has. I have another friend who has collected alot of Mask of Ankur. A few years ago, someone was selling off the Bane dragons he has kept for years, and he has quite a few. Then there is one vendor in Atlantic with seemingly unlimited supply of Blessed Deeds. Over the years I bought alot from him (Like 20 - 30) when price was still low and not as inflated as today.

    I am not protecting the guy but there are other genuine sellers out there.

    I am just thinking, if anyone can duplicate anything, the first thing to duplicate are items like Cameo, or Slither, Animated leggings of the insane tinker, etc. Items with very low drop rate.

    If anyone can duplicate a pet, there would be Blaze Cu every where else.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    It would probably take another Class Action LS to have any impact.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Its a bit off topic, but since my memory isn't what it was many years ago, in reading through this topic, the question came into my head that perhaps someone knows the answer to.  What was the reasoning behind, and who made the decision to no longer allow in game UO goods and accounts to be sold on Ebay? 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Diablo III had a real money auction in game.  You could put up items and sell for real money with a max of $250 on an item right inside the game, Blizzard got a cut and delivered the items.   They got rid of it a long time ago and now you cant even trade gold between players and you have to be in the session to be able to pick up any items that were produced in the session.

    UO just needs to be more aggressive with what they sell in the UO store.   

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    Seth said:
    Well, avatar has been spamming for the 3 years I have been back, no idea how long before that, but selling vast amounts of gold and items on pretty much all shards gives me a good idea that something isn’t right. Do you have plenty of +20 cloaks for sale for real $$$$ on multiple shards?  Also selling gold for $$$ is against the TOS and is deemed illegal as per the newsletters every month 

    Some players can really supply alot of stuff.
    Did you see the image from Pawain, the number of tabard that he has. I have another friend who has collected alot of Mask of Ankur. A few years ago, someone was selling off the Bane dragons he has kept for years, and he has quite a few. Then there is one vendor in Atlantic with seemingly unlimited supply of Blessed Deeds. Over the years I bought alot from him (Like 20 - 30) when price was still low and not as inflated as today.

    I am not protecting the guy but there are other genuine sellers out there.

    I am just thinking, if anyone can duplicate anything, the first thing to duplicate are items like Cameo, or Slither, Animated leggings of the insane tinker, etc. Items with very low drop rate.

    If anyone can duplicate a pet, there would be Blaze Cu every where else.
    Clothing less deeds were a holiday gift once. I had hundreds and were worth a few hundred thousand gold 

    The fact that there are not many blaze cu’s for sale leads me to think they can’t, yet

    just think about it will you.  Nobody has enough hours awake per day to generate that a pint of gold. And that’s just gold.  How do they so
    o enough champs to get endless 120 scrolls, on most shards. Doom arties etc.   Just think about that

    it is not possible 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Seth said:
    Well, avatar has been spamming for the 3 years I have been back, no idea how long before that, but selling vast amounts of gold and items on pretty much all shards gives me a good idea that something isn’t right. Do you have plenty of +20 cloaks for sale for real $$$$ on multiple shards?  Also selling gold for $$$ is against the TOS and is deemed illegal as per the newsletters every month 

    Some players can really supply alot of stuff.
    Did you see the image from Pawain, the number of tabard that he has. I have another friend who has collected alot of Mask of Ankur. A few years ago, someone was selling off the Bane dragons he has kept for years, and he has quite a few. Then there is one vendor in Atlantic with seemingly unlimited supply of Blessed Deeds. Over the years I bought alot from him (Like 20 - 30) when price was still low and not as inflated as today.

    I am not protecting the guy but there are other genuine sellers out there.

    I am just thinking, if anyone can duplicate anything, the first thing to duplicate are items like Cameo, or Slither, Animated leggings of the insane tinker, etc. Items with very low drop rate.

    If anyone can duplicate a pet, there would be Blaze Cu every where else.
    Clothing less deeds were a holiday gift once. I had hundreds and were worth a few hundred thousand gold 

    The fact that there are not many blaze cu’s for sale leads me to think they can’t, yet

    just think about it will you.  Nobody has enough hours awake per day to generate that a pint of gold. And that’s just gold.  How do they so
    o enough champs to get endless 120 scrolls, on most shards. Doom arties etc.   Just think about that

    it is not possible 
    Do you monitor how long people play?   There are people who are retired and have nothing to do that can play for many hours a day.  But, spreading falsehoods is easier than actually researching to find facts.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited August 2020
    JackFlashUk said:
    Seth said:
    Well, avatar has been spamming for the 3 years I have been back, no idea how long before that, but selling vast amounts of gold and items on pretty much all shards gives me a good idea that something isn’t right. Do you have plenty of +20 cloaks for sale for real $$$$ on multiple shards?  Also selling gold for $$$ is against the TOS and is deemed illegal as per the newsletters every month 

    Some players can really supply alot of stuff.
    Did you see the image from Pawain, the number of tabard that he has. I have another friend who has collected alot of Mask of Ankur. A few years ago, someone was selling off the Bane dragons he has kept for years, and he has quite a few. Then there is one vendor in Atlantic with seemingly unlimited supply of Blessed Deeds. Over the years I bought alot from him (Like 20 - 30) when price was still low and not as inflated as today.

    I am not protecting the guy but there are other genuine sellers out there.

    I am just thinking, if anyone can duplicate anything, the first thing to duplicate are items like Cameo, or Slither, Animated leggings of the insane tinker, etc. Items with very low drop rate.

    If anyone can duplicate a pet, there would be Blaze Cu every where else.
    Clothing less deeds were a holiday gift once. I had hundreds and were worth a few hundred thousand gold 

    The fact that there are not many blaze cu’s for sale leads me to think they can’t, yet

    just think about it will you.  Nobody has enough hours awake per day to generate that a pint of gold. And that’s just gold.  How do they so
    o enough champs to get endless 120 scrolls, on most shards. Doom arties etc.   Just think about that

    it is not possible 

    I was referring to the item blessed deed, that is no longer available in the game. But even clothing bless deed is tough.

    120 PS is not that hard because every kill you get 12 x PS chances, so anyone who has done it will know. Doom arties are still better because there is an "accumulation" of points and resetting after getting one.

    Anyway, I trust that they could have already send someone to check or spy on the guy, and screen their backpacks etc. We have friends and players who get warning or direct ban in the game for macroing, etc. What I wanted to clarify earlier was that:

    1) There is no rule that says we cannot trade item or gold in cash (outside the game). But correct me if I am wrong and point me in the right direction.

    2) The issue that you mentioned is related to "suspected" use of illegal methods to get items and gold. I think just reporting the character name and shard to the UO team should suffice. Someone may be assigned to check and investigate the character, but I do not think Mesanna would need to do it herself.

    Your job is done once you reported. :)

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited August 2020
    Seth said:
    Well, avatar has been spamming for the 3 years I have been back, no idea how long before that, but selling vast amounts of gold and items on pretty much all shards gives me a good idea that something isn’t right. Do you have plenty of +20 cloaks for sale for real $$$$ on multiple shards?  Also selling gold for $$$ is against the TOS and is deemed illegal as per the newsletters every month 

    Some players can really supply alot of stuff.
    Did you see the image from Pawain, the number of tabard that he has. I have another friend who has collected alot of Mask of Ankur. A few years ago, someone was selling off the Bane dragons he has kept for years, and he has quite a few. Then there is one vendor in Atlantic with seemingly unlimited supply of Blessed Deeds. Over the years I bought alot from him (Like 20 - 30) when price was still low and not as inflated as today.

    I am not protecting the guy but there are other genuine sellers out there.

    I am just thinking, if anyone can duplicate anything, the first thing to duplicate are items like Cameo, or Slither, Animated leggings of the insane tinker, etc. Items with very low drop rate.

    If anyone can duplicate a pet, there would be Blaze Cu every where else.
    Some players can really supply alot of stuff.
    Did you see the image from Pawain, the number of tabard that he has. I have another friend who has collected alot of Mask of Ankur. 
    No doubt that there may be out there players who can provide a decent quantity of a given item or two..... but of THAT much quantity of items like some RMT sellers can provide ?

    How much time spent in game, playing sitting at the keyboard, would be needed to pile up that large quantity of high end items in those numbers ?

    I have no idea how they are able to offer so many HIGH END items in such a large quantity, but knowing how long it takes to get 1 single Cameo, or 1 single Tangle, or 1 single <insert the name of the item of your choice> these people must have some incredible time at hand to play Ultima Online so as to stock up such a large number and quantity of High End items....
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited August 2020
    popps said:
    Seth said:
    Well, avatar has been spamming for the 3 years I have been back, no idea how long before that, but selling vast amounts of gold and items on pretty much all shards gives me a good idea that something isn’t right. Do you have plenty of +20 cloaks for sale for real $$$$ on multiple shards?  Also selling gold for $$$ is against the TOS and is deemed illegal as per the newsletters every month 

    Some players can really supply alot of stuff.
    Did you see the image from Pawain, the number of tabard that he has. I have another friend who has collected alot of Mask of Ankur. A few years ago, someone was selling off the Bane dragons he has kept for years, and he has quite a few. Then there is one vendor in Atlantic with seemingly unlimited supply of Blessed Deeds. Over the years I bought alot from him (Like 20 - 30) when price was still low and not as inflated as today.

    I am not protecting the guy but there are other genuine sellers out there.

    I am just thinking, if anyone can duplicate anything, the first thing to duplicate are items like Cameo, or Slither, Animated leggings of the insane tinker, etc. Items with very low drop rate.

    If anyone can duplicate a pet, there would be Blaze Cu every where else.
    Some players can really supply alot of stuff.
    Did you see the image from Pawain, the number of tabard that he has. I have another friend who has collected alot of Mask of Ankur. 
    No doubt that there may be out there players who can provide a decent quantity of a given item or two..... but of THAT much quantity of items like some RMT sellers can provide ?

    How much time spent in game, playing sitting at the keyboard, would be needed to pile up that large quantity of high end items in those numbers ?

    I have no idea how they are able to offer so many HIGH END items in such a large quantity, but knowing how long it takes to get 1 single Cameo, or 1 single Tangle, or 1 single <insert the name of the item of your choice> these people must have some incredible time at hand to play Ultima Online so as to stock up such a large number and quantity of High End items....

    Some players buy low sell high. Or they buy up all current items off the market and double the price on their vendor.

    I have done the same recently. Perhaps some items were totally sold out in the market, then a new player comes along and sell too cheaply because he does not have the price reference.

    I think all the allegations are too generic. What is "high end", how many, any photo evidence? Maybe a screenshot of the seller with a backpack full of cameo, slither, tinker legs, small soulforge, travesty mask (magery), etc. If there is clear evidence, then there is no need for this thread. The player could already be banned.

    But if the allegations are unclear and without proof, and yet a player is banned, does this mean anyone can get banned by just wanting to sell their excess stocks of high end loot?

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    edited August 2020
    Sir_Jerms said:
    Its a bit off topic, but since my memory isn't what it was many years ago, in reading through this topic, the question came into my head that perhaps someone knows the answer to.  What was the reasoning behind, and who made the decision to no longer allow in game UO goods and accounts to be sold on Ebay? 
    My memory is that there was a serious problem of people getting scammed with paid for items not being delivered and then going to UO expecting to being compensated. Who made the decision? I don't know if that was ever communicated. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that is was the legal team.
This discussion has been closed.