Three simplifications for Animal Training
Animal Training is quite complicated.
I would like to suggest 3 minor simplifications that should be easy to impliment.
1. (This suggestion comes from @CovenantX )
All trainable creatures should spawn with a set number of control slots. (For example GDragons can currently spawn 4 or 5 slot, make all spawn as 4 slot) This way, you're simply looking to tame/buy a pet with the highest stats, (not a pet with primarily the lowest slot count, then secondarily highest stats). This should be fairly easy to impliment as many trainable creatures are already only available with a set number of control slots (example dread spider only spawns as 3 slot)
2. Only allow one magical ability to be placed on a pet, the same way you can only place one special ability or one area effect on a pet. Since placing a second magic ability deactivates the first. (There is a circumstance in which you may wish to place 2 magical abilities.. say you wanted vicious bite, you could train a pet in poisoning which opens up vicious bite, then select a different magical ability) In my opinion, the benefits of simplifying the menu and training process would outweigh the cons.
3. The animal lore & knowledge menu should display like the following (for all creatures, wild and tamed)

This makes things a lot more clear.
(3.5 :Please also give us a stable menu that shows a pet icon rather than a list so we don't have to give our pets such descriptive names to remember which is which in the stables. )
I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.
Breaking in the young since 2002
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
Pinco's UI for EC allows you to select various icons for your pets in the stables.
There are so many things for few Devs....
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Also, making the lore & knowledge menu display this way, will help you know & understand what modifications you can make to a pet before training. The current tamers already know, and there are a lot of people who do not want to welcome new people to the game and like things to remain complex so they feel a sense of power over people. It is these kinds of people who drive away valuable customers, UO does not need to cater for the elite unsavoury few, whom these changes will not even impact at all. Please welcome new paying customers.
Why should they have to release them because now they are pretty much useless as compared to the new ones which can be tamed ?
There should be something done to make them still viable and usable....
Greater dragon is a 5 because half the wild specs its still powerful...
Maybe its time to have legendary level 6 pets. It will not be over powered because the event boss will still one hit kill any pet even if there is level 10
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
If I"m gaing cartography i can do Tmaps and get loot while I gain.
Lockpicking I can pick chests and get loot and gain.
Crafting - do bods for rewards and gain skill.
Mace fighting - kill things and loot and gain skill.
Poisoning - Poison weapon and fight and gain skill.
Stealthing - Stealth through dungeons and gain skill.
Etc. Etc.
Every other skill you can PLAY the game. Taming is timer based and boring. Taming 1,000 polar bears is NOT fun. If I could take a tamed polar bear and train him to gain skill or kill ettins for loot - now that is something.
I'm merely pointing out why this game is so stupid and needs an overhaul if its EVER going to have a chance of attracting new players. The same 60 year old vets that play are not a player base that can sustain. No one wants to tame animals for 30 hours to gain skill. If they could tame an animal and use it to PLAY and gain skill then its interesting.
This playerbase is a mess. No one wants changes for improvement. Just because it was slow and hard for you doesn't mean it always needs to be slow and hard.
Dev teams main goal : Make the game fun.
Taming 1,000 polar bears is NOT fun. Fix.
And many Tamers, when they trained up their skills, did not have them as available....