Runic Atlas & Jewelry Boxes

Estel_RandirEstel_Randir Posts: 189
edited August 2020 in General Discussions
Runic Altas: I really like the runic atlas (size could be smaller). I am so spoiled by them that when I go to use a runebook, I think man this thing is difficult to use vs the atlas. But please, please, please allow us to reorder the runes in it without having to dump them out. When marking runes for shops, etc in the cities, I organize them alphabetically & by facet. It really is such a pain when you go around marking runes to say.. all tailor shops in Tram & Fel only to discover you missed one. You either have to dump (one by one) all runes not in order, or live with it.

Jewelry Box: It was a great idea. But I have to say this is one of the worst implementaions ever created in the game. Jewelry management is tedious & very time consuming. When searching or archiving jewelry one of the best ways is by type. I.E caster jewerly in one bag organized into separate bags per the feature you are most interested in. I.E. SDI jewelry sub-bag or SDI / FC / FCR sub-bag. You then line them up by intensity. You get the point. You don't have to go one by one through every piece of jewelry to find what you are looking for. The jewelry box is sadly just like taking 5 bags (bracelets, rings, etc) and dumping everything into them into a big pile. No way to organize them, move them around, sort, anything. It stinks to put it politely. Even if you got a jewelry box for each type of jewelry (caster, skill, etc) there still is no way to organize / sort them.

Please make this item useful by adding a good sorting/organizing system & the ability to manually move stuff around. I really want this item to be useful for something other than just randomly storing stuff I may or may not ever use. Even a "jewelry bag" that was nothing more than a bag that counted all jewelry as one item is better than this thing. At least then you could organize items inside it.


  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Yesss these improvements are greatly needed!
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Cannot agree more. Even basic rune books are a pain to reorganize.  
    After the invasions I now have two filled jewelry boxes.  I know what’s in there but where?  Even the simple basic one word sort that bags have would be a great help.  
    Also, with rune books if no sort if you could just get an option to remove all the runes or selected runes at once rather than one at a time.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2020
    I prefer the old style runebook mainly as I cannot read the darn markings in the Atlas as the text is too small and there is no way to actually make it larger, it is also really crap colors for some facets to be able to actually see it too.  I also prefer to open a book and see all marks and not have to scroll through pages.  I only use an Atlas for like all FEL dungeons and all TRAM dungeons, (inc Lost Lands) and cemeteries to reduce the books for those, however the ability to sort runes in a book and empty a book in ONE click  is definitely a real 'quality of life function' that has been asked for years and would really improve the whole runebook functionality.

     I would also love a 'blessed book bag' that you could have in your backpack that could contain all your BLESSED books (rune and spellbooks) that upon death would leave the books in the bag and it would count as one item, or if not one the 1/5 etc.  

    As for the jewelry box, that is the biggest fail ever introduced, EVER.  (even worse than the seed box, but not by much, that is also a fail).

    All they needed to do was carry over the 'search' container function that every other container in the EC  has but no, they created a lemon and unless you want a dozen or more of em to do a partial sort they are useless.  All my jewelry is still in chests as at least I can sort it really nicely in the EC (sucks in cc but meh don't play it). 

    The other thing by making it so damn ugly, if you had 20 of em the space they would take up would be horrendous.  Why they didn't make the jewelry box a small jeweled box (ie something like a wooden box with gems inlaid in it could of had one inlaid with rubies, another with emeralds etc) that could sit on a table or chest or stack in the corner etc I don't know.  So many missed opportunities on something that players had been screaming for for YEARS.

    How they managed to come up with such a useless eyesore I will never know.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    The EC container search only item name which is useless.

    If any of you following the threads about suggested improvements, we already asked for search by Specs, e.g. 10 SSI etc.

    It would be good if everyone can check out other similar threads to add on before creating a new one.

    We all take precious time to post, and then they are buried below.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Arnold7 said:
    Also, with rune books if no sort if you could just get an option to remove all the runes or selected runes at once rather than one at a time.
    Funny thing, the option to remove all runes at once was a feature in the standard rune books a very long time ago. Then I took a break & when I came back, it was removed. I remember cursing a storm because I hit the remove all option one day when I intended to remove only one.
  • ActionEllyActionElly Posts: 176
    Agree to both! Especially the jewelry box when I realized that it had no organization I just used it as deco, and continue to use chests to organize them. =/
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    After the invasion and all the spellbooks I accumulated, I had the thought of making book shelves similar to jewelry boxes (ideally would only use 1 item as a lockdown) just so I could separate all my books by slayer type or damage.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    I don't find the EC one term search limit on bag searches useless.  It is better than nothing and since bags are limited to 125 items it usually results, at least for me, displaying a small enough number of items that I can quickly find what I am looking for.  I would prefer the multi term search Vendor Search provides but the game does not provide for that.   For jewelry boxes searching on one term would be better that the search only on item type that the game currently provides. I am guessing code used to create the jewelry box cannot be easily modified for adding a complex search.
    Maybe the best solution might be just to replace the current jewelry box with a much less complex container that looks the same but allows a multiword search.
    And, while they are at it maybe a house search.  Finding the right container for me is usually a lot more difficult than finding the item in a the container.  
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Arnold7 you did you know you can run multiple filters on EC containers? Its not really a search as much a filter.

    • Search for luck 
    • Will show all items with luck
    • Back space over luck
    • Type in swordsmanship (enter)
    • will show all items with luck and swordsmanship in description 
    • and so on.
    Clicking the X button will start over from the top
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Tim said:
    Arnold7 you did you know you can run multiple filters on EC containers? Its not really a search as much a filter.

    • Search for luck 
    • Will show all items with luck
    • Back space over luck
    • Type in swordsmanship (enter)
    • will show all items with luck and swordsmanship in description 
    • and so on.
    Clicking the X button will start over from the top
    This should be done for jewelry box too, it has 500 items.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2020
    Seth said:
    The EC container search only item name which is useless.

    If any of you following the threads about suggested improvements, we already asked for search by Specs, e.g. 10 SSI etc.

    It would be good if everyone can check out other similar threads to add on before creating a new one.

    We all take precious time to post, and then they are buried below.

    No Idea what you mean.  If I want a bracelet with say 18 sdi, 3 mr, intel, lrc for example in that order of importance I will search
    then over type in the search box for spell damage increase then over type with 18 which will filter all the bracelets that have 18 sdi, then overtype again for the mr etc etc.   works perfectly fine for looking at all the bracelets with those mods on.  You can drill down to whatever you want.  I can search my jewelry chest for all jewelry with speed increase 10 then whatever other mods i want by just typing over.

    Same as armor bits If i am trying to get say legendary 20+ lrc pieces with hit point regen etc.  
    So in my sleeve chest i will search legendary, reagent cost 2 .... then hit point regeneration  etc sometimes have to mess with the description to 'fit' the amount of letters  you are allowed but the search function in the EC beats anything else we have.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited August 2020
    Yeah, thanks for sharing too, I was using the search but was not aware it can search and filter by specs.

    I find it weird that I need to press X to search a new item, now I know why. It is not just a search box, it is a filter that adds up each phrase until we press X.

    But I hope they can add this search function to jewel box 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2020
    Seth said:
    @ MissE
    Yeah, thanks for sharing too, I was using the search but was not aware it can search and filter by specs.

    I find it weird that I need to press X to search a new item, now I know why. It is not just a search box, it is a filter that adds up each phrase until we press X.

    But I hope they can add this search function to jewel box 

    Yeah I use it ALL the time for suit building. I have a chest of each for hats, gorgets, sleeves, leggings, chests, gloves, rings, bracelets etc and depending on what template I am building for depends on what mods i need, so initially will start with a basic 'ask' ie legendary 20 lrc mage mods and just keep drilling down til i get the best fit. If i need that with say 15+ phy resist on the last piece to fill a gap will start with that and then drill down for the other mods. I rarely bother crafting any more as with the search function I don't have to wade through 125 bits of stuff just collect bits that are decent toss em in a chest and when I need a suit just use that search feature. Is why that jewelry box was such an epic fail.  All it needed was the same 'search' function to be useful but instead we got JUNK.  Once my 'decent' bits hit 125 in the chest I will cull them by searching first for any that say have the word 'minor' or 'lesser' in them and cull from that point, so eventually I tend to end up with 125 legendary bits.  Not that there aren't major or greater bits that I keep but for culling you can start at the bottom and work up.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Yeah, this should have been highlighted when the box was in TC last time. 

    So now we have loot from jewel and put into a regular container to filter out what we need... Another waste of time, lol.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2020
    Seth said:
    Yeah, this should have been highlighted when the box was in TC last time. 

    So now we have loot from jewel and put into a regular container to filter out what we need... Another waste of time, lol.
    The jewelry box was never put on the test center for testing it just came in a gift token.  I don't recall it ever being issued for testing, if it was they would of been told in no uncertain terms it was not fit for purpose as within  24 hour of it being issued the flaws were apparent to everyone.  I know it was the most disappointing thing ever issued in my opinion after such a long wait for this item.  I know I claimed it on my first token and rushed to put stuff in only to empty it straight back out when I realised how utterly useless it was.   Some ppl were happy that it gave them their lockdowns back but frankly people were asking for a jewelry box for years to help them sort jewelry so to get nothing a but a lockdown reducer was imo such a total waste.  If I wanted lockdowns I would toss stuff in the bin, I wanted a jewelry box that was useful for storing and SORTING jewelry.   The complaints started immediately and they have done NOTHING to fix it so I guess the horse bolted long ago. I have given up expecting any 'fix'.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited August 2020
    I think you are the man who can fix this! SOS!

    I decided to add this to my wishlist (see below).

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    This has come up before with regard to the jewelry box, and we've answered it in a previous newsletter, but the basis is that the back end functionality for what is being requested would need to be implemented from the ground up.  As we said before it's on our radar but not something planned for the immediate future.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2020
    Kyronix said:
    This has come up before with regard to the jewelry box, and we've answered it in a previous newsletter, but the basis is that the back end functionality for what is being requested would need to be implemented from the ground up.  As we said before it's on our radar but not something planned for the immediate future.

    That is what I do NOT understand.  Every single container in the EC can already be searched, surely it wouldn't be that hard to add that existing functionality to whatever container is used.  I mean this was something asked for for years and years, from at least 2002 to 2017 (15 yrs).  I just wonder what anyone was thinking to finally 'give' us a jewelry box without so much as any thought for it's functionality and/or use.  You can already increase the amount a container can 'hold' ie bank boxes hold more than 125 items, and can be searched.  I guess we wait another 15 yrs for it, as that is how long we waited the first time.  I think I will be dead by then.  Well maybe not, but I will be 73.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Kyronix said:
    This has come up before with regard to the jewelry box, and we've answered it in a previous newsletter, but the basis is that the back end functionality for what is being requested would need to be implemented from the ground up.  As we said before it's on our radar but not something planned for the immediate future.

    Thanks and appreciate the reply.
    It may help to push this up the priority list (when no one is looking).

    1) They have waited very long.
    2) It feels half-done and probably do not meet original intent.

    By original intent, most would assume it should have the search function like regular containers.

    It is like finally yielding to my son's request to gift a car after x years, and the car comes without a steering wheel...

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
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