Skills MISSING in Felucca Treasure Maps' chests ?



  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    I've gotten a Scroll of Transcendence for every skill from digging up treasure chests. 

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Mariah said:
    @ popps  First: thank you for the headsup on the scroll list, it would appear that page missed being updated for Stygian Abyss.

    To address your list:
    - Fencing found in assassin maps
    - Mace Fighting found in warrior maps
    - Archery - found in ranger maps
    - Wrestling found in mage maps
    - Anatomy found in assassin maps & (I think) warrior maps
    - Evaluate Intelligence - found in mage maps
    - Magic Resistance (Resisting Spells) found in mage maps
    - Stealing found in assassin maps
    - Stealth found in assassin maps
    - Musicianship found in ranger maps
    - Necromancy found in mage maps, Malas facet
    Here I quote, as you did, the wiki page:
    Powerscrolls (Felucca Only, All packages except Artisan, Cache and above) Skill is based on package and level is based on chest quality up to +10
    - Blacksmithy - Scrolls of Transcendence and Alacrity only
    - Tailoring
    - Fishing
    - Imbuing

    In conclusion, only powerscrolls that are available from champion spawns can be found in Felucca maps.
    Blacksmith, Tailoring, Fishing and Imbuing are already freely available through gameplay in Trammel facets.
    Thank you @Mariah for the heads up.

    Could you please kindly clarify something about the Scrolls of Transcendence and Alacrity ?

    You wrote : 
    - Blacksmithy - Scrolls of Transcendence and Alacrity only
    - Tailoring
    - Fishing
    - Imbuing
    Do you intend to mean that Scrolls of Transcendence and Alacrity can be found "only" for the Blacksmithy skill or dir you mean to say that they cover ALL of those 4 skills, that is, Blacksmithy, Tailoring, Fishing and Imbuing ?

    In such a case, would it be safe to say that Blacksmithy, Tailoring, and Imbuing Scrolls of Transcendence and Alacrity on would find them in the Artisan Professional package Treasure Maps Chests while Fishing Scrolls of Transcendence and Alacrity would be found in Ranger Professional package Treasure Maps Chests ?

    If this is the case, why are many players (as well as the UO-Cah web site) then reporting not being able to find, for example, Imbuing and Fishing Scrolls of Transcendence and Alacrity in Treasure Maps Chests ?

    Also, what about Begging, Bushido and Herding which you do not mention of in your list ?

    In what Professional Package Treasure Maps' Chests can the Scrolls of Power for Bushido as well as Scrolls of Transcendence and Alacrity for all of these 3 skills be found into ?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    sorry, I copy/pasted your list.
    I'm afraid I've made a mistake, wrestle is in warrior chests, as is Bushido.

    I am unable to confirm fishing, herding or imbuing. The only SoA and SoTs that come under the 'miscellaneous' heading are armslore and cartography, so no begging.
    Of course SoTs for those skills can be obtained from trade quests.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Mariah said:
    sorry, I copy/pasted your list.
    I'm afraid I've made a mistake, wrestle is in warrior chests, as is Bushido.

    I am unable to confirm fishing, herding or imbuing. The only SoA and SoTs that come under the 'miscellaneous' heading are armslore and cartography, so no begging.
    Of course SoTs for those skills can be obtained from trade quests.
    Alright, so, we just do not know about the availability of Scrolls of Alacrity and Scrolls of Transcendence in Treasure Maps' Chests for : 

    - Fishing
    - Herding
    - Imbuing

    I am not sure that I then understand what you say with
    The only SoA and SoTs that come under the 'miscellaneous' heading are armslore and cartography, so no begging.
    Of course SoTs for those skills can be obtained from trade quests.
    That you know as a fact that Scrolls of Alacrity and Scrolls of Transcendence do NOT spawn in any of the Treasure Maps' Chests for : 

    - Armslore
    - Cartography
    - Begging

    Is that so ?

    And while you may be right that Scrolls of Transcendence might be obtained from Trade Quests, are we sure that these particular skills do spawn also in Trade Quests as a reward ?

    I mean, why would they spawn in Trade Quests but not in Treasure Chests ?

    Why would there be any particular "scarcity" for these SoTs by having them "only" be made available through Trade Quests and not also through Treasure Maps ?

    Not to mention that Corgul also provides a source for SoTs....

    The problem though, is more with Scrolls of Alacrity..... these, other then the Clean Up Britannia (which comes expensive as they are random...), have no other way to be obtained other then from  Treasure Maps.

    Therefore, I think, it is very important to make sure that ANY and ALL skills to spawn in Treasure Maps Chests for Scrolls of Alacrity, but I would say also for Scrolls of Transcendence.....

    @Kyronix , @Bleak , could we please kindly have your comments in this regards and have a look on whether there is some skills' scrolls (Powerscrolls, Scrolls of Alacrity or Scrolls of Transcendence) that are prevented to spawn in the pertaining Treasure Maps' Chests ?

    Thank you SO much.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    sorry, I'm not clear. The only sots/soas that are under the Miscellaneous heading in the scroll books, that are also in the chests are armslore and cartography.

    I have never made, nor seen, a full list of transcendence scrolls from particular sources.

  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    I must laugh. Another Popps War and Peace, and yet he does not even treasure hunt. Do you know how many maps you could of farmed, searched for, dug and claimed in all this time? 

    We have not had new content in over 8 months, yet you want the devs to work on this?? Give me a effing break.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    jelinidas said:
    I must laugh. Another Popps War and Peace, and yet he does not even treasure hunt. Do you know how many maps you could of farmed, searched for, dug and claimed in all this time? 

    We have not had new content in over 8 months, yet you want the devs to work on this?? Give me a effing break.
    Well, wouldn't it be better if "first" the content that we have was to "work right" before we get new stuff ?

    I mean, if Scrolls of Power, Scrolls of Alacrity and Scrolls of Transcendence are supposed to spawn in Treasure Map Chests, well, then one would expect them to spawn....

    If there is whatever issue "preventing" the spawn for some skills, of any Scrolls of Power, Scrolls of Alacrity and Scrolls of Transcendence in Treasure Maps Chests, I do not see nothing wrong in finding out what the problem is and fix it, so that current, existing content that we have was to work right and players able to find scrolls for all of the skills they need, not just for some of them.....
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @popps - How many treasure chests have you actually done? Since you have been avoiding the question, I'm guessing the number of chests dug up is probably a couple less than the number of posts you have in this thread alone about them.

    I have to agree with the majority; play the game and figure it out like everyone else does... or at the very least start sharing the "UO Complete User Guide" you have been compiling over the past couple years with all your tedious questions. 

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited August 2020
    keven2002 said:
    @ popps - How many treasure chests have you actually done? Since you have been avoiding the question, I'm guessing the number of chests dug up is probably a couple less than the number of posts you have in this thread alone about them.

    I have to agree with the majority; play the game and figure it out like everyone else does... or at the very least start sharing the "UO Complete User Guide" you have been compiling over the past couple years with all your tedious questions. 

    As I said, regardless how many Treasure Chests a single player may or could do, individually, a pooled up effort of multiple players likely would achieve significant more "data" as whatever that individual could possibly achieve, normally.

    Hence, to my opinion, if a pooled up effort of multiple players comes up with results that show that there is a problem with scrolls for some skills not showing up in Treasure Maps Chests, I do not see how an individual, with much more limited resources, could find anything different other then by sheer luck from an extraordinary beneficial RNG.

    That is, I see it pointless for an individual to try replicate the already available findings of a pooled up effort by multiple players.

    You may see it differently, I can understand that, but that is how I see it.

    It is the same of asking a player to do testing of in game stuff without having the special tools which Developers have.... that's, at least to my viewing, something that makes no sense to ask to a player.

    A Developer can get done a way better stress test in an enormously shorter time as what a player could ever do, playing with no special tools as the Developers have.

    So, telling to someone "go find it for yourself" makes no sense to me when already many players have gone there and done that, and have reported their findings, and when a Developer could double check that in just a few hours of stress testing that particular game content with the special tools that they have at hand while a player would need countless time to gather the large number of Maps needed, dig them up, fight the spawn etc. etc..

    It makes no sense whatsoever to me.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited August 2020
    @popps you have not proved anything.  Cah did chests for testing.  They stopped when they saw the pattern of dropped scrolls. Players who actually do T Hunting are telling you the scrolls are there. But, you skim right over it.

    I've never received a 120 Tactics scroll at a Champ Spawn, therefore according to Popps logic, they must not exist.
    popps said:

    It makes no sense whatsoever to me.

    Seems that if something does not fit your agenda, you do not understand it.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    popps said:

    By the way, @ Arroth_Thaiel , do you by any chance also have a record of your findings for Alacrity and Transcendence scrolls in Treasure Maps' Chests ?

    Yes.  >:)
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    So, seeing as you ignored Pawain’s question I will also ask

    How many treasure chests did you dig up before you start with you endless drivel ?

    i hope it’s more that a few.   Do over 100 then get back to us.   Far too many changes happen due to casual players wanting everything off the bat 

    Lacrima said:
    Pawain said:
    Play. Get stuff. 
    I like this statement for UO :)

    This thread...…

    Thank god for Mariah, to at least respond knowledgeably to these type of posts, which quite frankly in the past caused chaos amongst players and wasted tons of Dev time and pointed them down all sorts of blind alleys and wrong directions.

    I've quoted 2 of the best responses in my opinion, I agree with both 100%.

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Sopopps said:
    So, seeing as you ignored Pawain’s question I will also ask

    How many treasure chests did you dig up before you start with you endless drivel ?

    i hope it’s more that a few.   Do over 100 then get back to us.   Far too many changes happen due to casual players wanting everything off the bat 

    That's a pointless question, to my opinion.

    Regardless how many Chests I may have dug up, they would or could have never been as many as, supposedly, several players might have dug up for UO-Cah to produce their records.

    There is no way that a single player can produce more testing work as compared to a pool of players. Or, it would be much harder I should say....

    So, I need to assume that the findings indicated by UO-Cah on their Web site in regards to what may or may not spawn in Treasure Chests to be way more accurate and precise as whatever a single player could do.

    Sure, I could find this or that scroll in a Treasure Chest out of sheer luck which the UO-Cah did not get but overall?

    I need to think that overall the effort of a combined pool of players is way more accurate and precise as that of a single player.
    So once again you have an opinion on something you personally have little experience of.  Bravo
  • popps said:
    popps said:
    popps said:

    Hence, I think it would be beneficial if the Developers could give a close look at the Code to see whether there may be issues preventing Scrolls of Power, Alacrity scrolls and Transcendence scrolls for some skills to spawn in the pertaining Professional package Chests and fix it so that they can finally spawn.

    At least, that is how I see it.
    How about this Popp's  do about 100 of each class of map and each package type of map,  document what you get and supply the info to the Dev's.  this would probably give them the information they need to determine what is and isn't dropping. I've done possibly a couple thousand maps and i personally don't think it is enough to say what is and isn't dropping in the chests. I didn't document it though because i play the game to have fun, not worry about whether i am getting a certain pixel or not.
    Don't the Developers have "stress tools" to test their Code and see how it works way, but WAY more efficiently then a player ?

    Imagine the time it would take to a player to obtain (i.e. farm Monsters who drop them), dig up the thousands of Maps that it would need to test whether or not the Code functions well, and imagine how long it would take to a Developer who could simply "mass spawn" Treasure Chests for all packages to their liking and see what spawns in them....

    Clearly, to a player it would take months, to a Developer some hours....

    I would imagine then that it is way more productive and efficient that such a test was to be done by the Developers with the mighty tools that they have at hand rather then any player....

    Wouldn't it be ?
    The best way to figure this out would be live testing and that would mean playing the game.  it will take a lot of people, doing a lot of maps to determine if certain skills aren't dropping,and they would need to document it. personally, i wouldn't do it and i wouldn't complain if some weren't dropping because there are so many other ways to get them playing the game.  
    The Developers, I would imagine, do not need to hunt for monsters to get Maps, nor to dig up chests and fight the spawn....

    I need to imagine that they have Developers tools (like those clickies or Gates on Test Server) which would enable them to "mass produce" all Packages Maps, open them up with no spawn to have to fight and see whether all scrolls that should spawn, be them Scrolls of Power,Alacrity Scrolls or Transcendence Scrolls, so spawn in the pertaining Treasure Chest for the related Package skill.

    I do not see just how any player of group of player could so such a testing as efficiently and realistically as a Developer could do, considering the Developing "stress tools" that they can have handy....

    Asking to players to do such testing, which would require months upon months, when a Developer could do it in a few hours, I would imagine, is simply inefficient.
    That's not "live" playing and would muddy the data in my opinion. that's simply a dev manipulating the data.  and yes it could be done with a group of players over time, but that is my point in all this, it is going to take time to know the data from actual players playing the game.  and this is all pointless since people have already stated they are dropping, i have gotten many of the alacrity scrolls you surmise aren't dropping.

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • popps said:
    Pawain said:
    . . .

    How many chests have you dug up to verify the scrolls are not there?
    @ popps I don't see where you answered this part of @ Pawain 's question.  How many have you dug up under the new system?  
    I will take it that you do not want to answer this one . . .
    It is not a pointless question, if you haven't dug any up, how do you know what is and isn't dropping. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited August 2020
    popps said:
    Pawain said:
    . . .

    How many chests have you dug up to verify the scrolls are not there?
    @ popps I don't see where you answered this part of @ Pawain 's question.  How many have you dug up under the new system?  
    I will take it that you do not want to answer this one . . .
    It is not a pointless question, if you haven't dug any up, how do you know what is and isn't dropping. 
    Because rather than actually play a treasure hunter in UO, he'd rather play a forum warrior on the boards. Ask a million questions about things he can easily see if he played the game. 

    I do think it's funny that people have answered his questions but he doesn't want to accept the answers. Point blank crafting/fishing scrolls have never been in treasure chests yet he would rather spend an hour writing a post about how he disagrees based on stitched together internet blurbs.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I really think this thread has gone far enough, I hope posters will agree with me.
    A couple of points.
    Developer could double check that in just a few hours of stress testing that particular game content

    That's a few hours spent away from what they're supposed to be doing to get you information that experienced treasure hunters have already given?
    It is the same of asking a player to do testing of in game stuff without having the special tools which Developers have.... that's, at least to my viewing, something that makes no sense to ask to a player
    And yet that is exactly what you ask of me. I am not a developer, a fact you are aware of.
This discussion has been closed.