
I wanted to see if anyone had any suggested PVM builds that use poisoning. Could be a caster, could be a warrior. I have 100 Poisoning on a stone for several accounts and wanted to see if I could make use of one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  • CazadorCazador Posts: 83
    Merlin said:
    I wanted to see if anyone had any suggested PVM builds that use poisoning. Could be a caster, could be a warrior. I have 100 Poisoning on a stone for several accounts and wanted to see if I could make use of one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
    You could, I don’t know how viable it would be, but the poison mastery debuffs poison resistance. So technically if you used a 100% poison wep or ran an 80 chiv build with consecrate. You could play some sort of funky necro/chiv warrior and corpse, injected, double strike for some serious damage.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited August 2020
    I ran a Nox mage for awhile about a year ago. It was actually pretty fun, and made a pretty good support character. Don't remember the exact build but it had Poisoning, Magery, Eval, and Med. I concentrated mostly on dropping Energy Fields to control the landscape, then Poison Fields where ever possible. Worked well in a 2-3 person group. The Poison Fields can really mess with Mob AI, and the E-fields can keep the Mobs locked in the poison fields. Have to be good timing the fields though.

    Once in awhile I'd try to cast Poison directly, but you have to basically be on top of the target for the high end effect. I wasn't good at it. Might work better with smoke bombs or invisi potions or something.

    Eventually I switched from Poison mage to Poison fighter running a Level III Poison Mastery. That build is Poison, Fencing, Anat, Tac, Parry, Healing. I think the Mastery bonus is based off poisoning and anatomy skills. Looks like it might have some potential, but haven't really had a chance to try it out.   
  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 238
    I appreciate the feedback and will post some results after I tinker around with one of my templates. 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Have grandmaster poisoning as a 7th skill on my grandmaster necro elder mage.  Poison field is great for followers with low poison resistance, for example lizardmen and brigands.  Just drop a poison field behind you and let them walk through it.  To use the poison spell you need to get in close.  Usually I cast a summons and then invisibility.  The monster loses interest in me and focuses on the summons.  When the monster turns its back to me I get in close and poison it.  Don't know if I would use it if you only plan on having six skills.  While it can be really helpful, it is slow and usually not really that effective on monsters with lots of hit points or the ability to resist it.  As a mage you are generally limited to casting poison one level less than what a warrior can inflect with a weapon.
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