How To Remove Ships Already Placed

So funny story, i live on the artic isles and tried placing a ship off the coast however ( shockers) i might have placed it too far so i cant reach it and cant tele onto it lol. Anyone got tips/ advice?


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    depends on the type of ship you have.

    If its one that requires a key, recall/sacred journey and target the key.

    If it has a rune, you should have one in your backpack and in your bank box.
    If you don't have it, then you can get another by going to docks.
    purchase it from harbor master.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    Also you might be able to place a row boat and move closer.
    they cost 6252 and is purchased from a shipwright.
    I get them at Zento, near the docks (directly south of the mint)
  • oh great thx

  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    As a adenda to Cindys posts  the recall /sacred journey will not work on Siege or Mugen
  • As an adenda to Lady Storm on Siege you use gate travel to get to your ships. You need 0 magery or rrgs for this, just 40 mana
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    Thx Max i did forget to add that in.
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