Chat window disappeared

fknbokesfknbokes Posts: 3
I posted in GD since i figured it might be a common issue that someone could help with. I realized it probably should have been here.
My chat window disappeared. I tried resetting settings in game. I tried switching to legacy chat and back. I tried reinstalling the game. Nothing has fixed the issue.
The chat box is gone. If i press enter to enter text as if the box was just hiding somewhere, it does nothing. i.e. my key bound actions activate. When casting a spell, the spell words don't appear above my head. When using text driven actions like Say "Bank" or pet commands, they work but the text doesn't appear above my head. None of the npcs talk, nor do i see other players text. All the trees appear felluca-ized regardless of facet.
This is happening on all shards, all characters. 
The game is basically unplayable since i'm not getting any sort of notifications or anything :(


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    I did a search for this problem and found it had happened before: Maybe something in that thread will help.
    You could also try changing the ui scale to something like 75% to see if the window has been pushed off the play screen.

  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    Ive been experiencing the exact same thing for a month. Thank heavens I use mostly the CC.

    I tried reducing the UI to 75% and 50%, of course, the text box wasn´t there, and anyway that would have still not solved not the inability to read players above heads, . Basically EC is mute and deaf.
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    Yipeeee! The Journal/System in EC is back after a month, and so are the overhead words (mine and others') I don't know what you did but it worked (I did nothing different, today the window was simply there)   :)
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