Animal Training - Taming Skill Requirement

How much taming is required before I can train a pet. He’s at 100% and ready for the points to be distributed.


  • RockRock Posts: 567
    I don't think it is the same for all pets.  With 50 taming, I could train cougars and bears.  But yesterday on Test it turned out I needed 100 taming to start training a lesser hiryu.  I cannot speculate what is between, or above.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    What is your Taming/Lore with and without addons?
    What type of pet are we talking and how many slots is it currently?
  • cp0892933cp0892933 Posts: 3
    I got a vollem held in crystal because it didn’t have a taming requirement.  It’s currently only one slot I believe.  However when I use my lore it says he’s ready to train, but when I try to select stats it says I don’t have taming.  I figure this is something I can stone onto the character, just wasn’t sure what the magic number required was. 
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