The Butcher May 21st 9PM EDT - Fiction

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator

Roark slipped around the edge of his shop along the edge of his pig pens. Stopping to scan the open area between his land and the edge of the forest he decided to make a dash for the tree line. Clutching his bag to his side to avoid it from smacking into his hip and making any noise he slipped out under the watchful gaze of the moon.

Sliding in between the tall sentries of the trees and blending into the shadows Roark soundlessly slips into the darkness to complete his quest for the wild ingredients needed to complete his marinades and sauces. Bored with his life as a butcher Roark had been experimenting with the next stages in the meat world. Cooking and preparing the meat to create flavorful dishes. Now that he has been using some of his marinades in the butcher shop, fancy lords and ladies have been sending their cook hands to buy his meats to fill their kitchens.

Passing from the wild woods and into the area of the enchanted forests Roark pulled his knife from his sheath watchful of the trees and grasses around him. Wild beasts and monsters from these woods have been attacking his village and trying to get into houses. They have been coming bold as can be during lunch and dinner times, not even waiting for the cover of darkness. In an attempt to keep villagers from harm the city guard has enforced a curfew to keep people indoors. If Roark was attacked, no one would be able to hear his calls for help or worse, his screams.

Creeping along Roark was able to find a bounty of items to use in his recipes. Wild garlic and sweet grass. Delicate mushrooms and small wild leeks. Finally as deep into the enchanted forest as he dared to go Roark found a small stream where the watercress is thick.  As he stooped to gather the gently waving leaves from the water a loud snap came from the other side of the stream.

Snapping his head up and bringing the knife up to eye level Roark scans the thicket before him and freezes. Knife in one hand and the crumpled leaves of the watercress clutched in the other, he decides it’s time to go. Slowly sliding one foot back, Roark steps back from the water’s edge and freezes as he hears a menacing growl echo from all around him. 

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