Loot write up for returning/ new players

I've seen lots of questions on this on 2 forums. Firstly, it's a lot to write so please feel free to add or suggest removal of something. I'm not the UO master, I'm just trying to help people. Second, this list is a moving target, templates change. Finally, I will offer no pricing. Its complicated, and I'm trying to help you know what has ANY value.

Start: jewelry 
Stats people like:
FC1, FCR3,HCI, DCI,EP (EP adds lots of value due to pvp use),HCI, +15 or more usable skills, SSI, DI, multiple high stats ie. 8 DeX 8 str etc...

You will need a good combo of these to be valuable. Antique is OK here, it still sells well. Note: clean jewels with lots of these mods, will be rare and valuable. Jewelry is very template specific, so put it on a vendor and be ok with it sitting a month or 2.

Stats people like:
8+ stamina increase, 8+ mana increase, 5 hp increase, LMC 8, str bonus, dex bonus,Intel bonus, MR, HPR, damage or resist eater 10+% (fire eater cold eater energy eater etc), high total resist, LRC, DCI 5.
Note: brittle/ antique will lower value (still can be very valuable though with great mods)
Studded leather/bone sells higher because of LMC bonus
Clean armor with high mods will get higher price.

I rarely look for pvm weaps from loot because you can imbue custom weapons people need. 
Stats people like:
20+ splinter, 50 hit spell (fireball, lightning preferred), 50 HLD,50 HLA, SC,DI, 100% elemental damage)
NOTE: antique and brittle will lower value a lot here, they wear down fast in pvp.
Weapons values are GREATLY dependent on their special moves. People like: AI, dismount, disarm, feint, paralyze, mortal, poison, (add your other used pvp specials)
Swordsmanship is generally preferred because it has great special move combos on weaps. Mace and fence weaps really have to be good to sell. Clean bokutos with SC, splinter, hld/hla are the hot seller atm.

Not sure I dont sell many

Again, feel free to add.


  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Edit: when I say "clean" it means no brittle/antique on it. Prized is ok (its repairable)
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    I saw someone looking for this, so I wanted to add it. This is a great way for new players to make money. High intensity low mod jewelry to be imbued is valuable. Example.....10 ssi 35 DI (NO other mods, no antique [prized ok]) could fetch 30 to 150m. The money is from the 10 SSI. There may be other valuable clean jewels if it's not imbuable.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    Adding a couple things to what Xris has posted:
    Xris said:
    ...High intensity low mod jewelry to be imbued is valuable. Example.....10 ssi 35 DI (NO other mods, no antique [prized ok]) could fetch 30 to 150m. The money is from the 10 SSI. There may be other valuable clean jewels if it's not imbuable.
    10 SSI with HCI and/or DCI jewelry can also be valuable. (Something like 10 SSI 20 HCI).

    Xris said:
    Not sure I dont sell many
    10 SSI is also a good mod to look for on Shields. If you can get 10 SSI with HCI and/or DCI on a shield, those can be worth a lot.

    Shields that have Spell Channeling without -Faster Casting can also be worthwhile.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,943
    - Bracelet (For SDI mage)
    SDI +18
    FC 1
    FCR 3
    All other specs are bonus
    e.g. LMC, LRC, Mana Regen, EP+25

    - Bokuto 
    Splintering +20
    Hit Lightning +50
    HLD +50

    - All Jewels (depends on sampire/warrior template)
    Clean or Prized
    SSI +10
    HCI +15
    DCI +15, DI +20, or LMC +8

    - Shield 
    Spell Channeling
    Reactive Paralyze
    DCI 15
    FC 0 (not -1)
    SSI +10 or more
    LMC or LRC will be bonus

    - All weapons with Armor ignore or Double strike (esp double axe and bladed staff
    Legendary, Brittle
    Hit Mana Leech >75
    Hit Stam +50
    HLD +50
    DI +40
    all other specs are bonus
    Hit Mana Drain 50
    Hit Fatigue 50
    stats bonuses and refers

    - All armor
    Legendary Brittle
    HP 5
    Stam 8
    Mana 8
    LMC 8
    Mana Regen 3
    All resist 17 or higher

    - Single Handed Weapon (preferred for 4x bard mastery)
    Spell Channeling
    FC 0 (not -1)
    Mana Regen 9
    HP Regen 9
    Int and Str bonuses, DCI, etc welcomed
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    Xris said:
    I've seen lots of questions on this on 2 forums. Firstly, it's a lot to write so please feel free to add or suggest removal of something. I'm not the UO master, I'm just trying to help people. Second, this list is a moving target, templates change. Finally, I will offer no pricing. Its complicated, and I'm trying to help you know what has ANY value.

    Start: jewelry 
    Stats people like:
    FC1, FCR3,HCI, DCI,EP (EP adds lots of value due to pvp use),HCI, +15 or more usable skills, SSI, DI, multiple high stats ie. 8 DeX 8 str etc...

    You will need a good combo of these to be valuable. Antique is OK here, it still sells well. Note: clean jewels with lots of these mods, will be rare and valuable. Jewelry is very template specific, so put it on a vendor and be ok with it sitting a month or 2.

    Stats people like:
    8+ stamina increase, 8+ mana increase, 5 hp increase, LMC 8, str bonus, dex bonus,Intel bonus, MR, HPR, damage or resist eater 10+% (fire eater cold eater energy eater etc), high total resist, LRC, DCI 5.
    Note: brittle/ antique will lower value (still can be very valuable though with great mods)
    Studded leather/bone sells higher because of LMC bonus
    Clean armor with high mods will get higher price.

    I rarely look for pvm weaps from loot because you can imbue custom weapons people need. 
    Stats people like:
    20+ splinter, 50 hit spell (fireball, lightning preferred), 50 HLD,50 HLA, SC,DI, 100% elemental damage)
    NOTE: antique and brittle will lower value a lot here, they wear down fast in pvp.
    Weapons values are GREATLY dependent on their special moves. People like: AI, dismount, disarm, feint, paralyze, mortal, poison, (add your other used pvp specials)
    Swordsmanship is generally preferred because it has great special move combos on weaps. Mace and fence weaps really have to be good to sell. Clean bokutos with SC, splinter, hld/hla are the hot seller atm.

    Not sure I dont sell many

    Again, feel free to add.
    antique on armor is junk brittle is fine it will last a very long time and too bad this armor and these jewels don't drop anymore because of complaining and script farmers which idc if they script farm more goods to go around and the more there is the cheaper it is find a no name stam item now with 5 dex 8-10stam 8 mana hpr, mr, lmc and decent resists it will cost you many plats if you can even find it and they ruined great mage jewels about impossible to get skill ep hci dci 1/3 ssi and dmg thanks @Bleak @Kyronix... again also thanks for nerfing all dismounts besides gargoyles too when the only problem was the no-dachi being so overpowered and being able to do a flying scripted no dachi foot no other dismount makes you heal you pet but lets mess up pvp more... pfft sick of these people who are part time pvpers messing it up for those who have played for 20 years just for pvp 

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    I thought this was for returning/new players to get started with and then upgrade as time/skills/better loot MOBs permit.  What may be garbage to you with all your ubber loot and gold out the wazoo is a lot different than a new/returning player has.  Tell them what the pros and cons are and let them make informed choices other than people telling them oh that is garbage noob why don't you just quit now.  I give new returning players lrc/lmc suits jewels spell book and a rune book so I guess by your definition I just gave them garbage because it is not leet.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    SORRY forgot keep up the good work @Xris
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,943
    edited April 2021
    Once a long while, we get a nice surprise for a clean (POF-able) and almost perfect (95%) legendary replacement with desirable, imbued weapon specs.

    It should deserve 100% score if the Mage Weapon is replaced by HLD 50% instead.
    But since there is HLD 30 on the helmet, this is fine.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    The unfortunate truth about that staff is that you can craft a better one. That is why almost all weapon legendary are worthless for pvm. @Seth
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,943
    edited April 2021
    Nikard said:
    The unfortunate truth about that staff is that you can craft a better one. That is why almost all weapon legendary are worthless for pvm. @ Seth

    Oh, how do you do that? Even if you can reforge HMD 70 and HML 100 in one weapon, the imbuing would affect the rest of the specs because the sum already exceeded the max 600 points for bladed staff.

    Add intel +5, Mana +4, clean (no brittle, antique) and POF-able. How do you manage to craft this useless weapon? I can use it because its what I wanted to make all this time, :D

    A similar but less powerful imbued version of this was used to murder the Shadowlord in Ararat.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Seth - where did you loot that staff and what was your luck?
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,943
    keven2002 said:
    @ Seth - where did you loot that staff and what was your luck?

    It is from the Shadowlords at Ararat. The screenshot was taken on the BMV, the background is near the bow or front of the ship with ladders leading up to the top deck.

    Its a warrior so the luck was 1000 (honor) + 150 minax sandals + 19 year account luck from statue.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • GreatHartGreatHart Posts: 8
    Returning player after 11+ years. This is really helpful. People are mentioning luck from a statue. Is this like a virtue statue or something? I can't find anything online. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    I hear that certain combination of properties do NOT get generated on Looted items for some reasons.

    Does anyone have, by any chance, a comprehensive list of what combination of properties is excluded from the Loot Tables and on what items ?

    Thanks !
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    This is a great post and has been very helpful.  Magic Item Properties page on the wiki was helpful too:

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,943
    Correction to my post, based on friend's input for the bokuto mage min requirement:

    - Bokuto (what needs to be on weapon)
    Splintering +20
    Hit lightning +50 
    Spell chanelling 
    Mage weapon -20

    It is ideal if HLD is on weapon but that can be substituted from gear. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SaulGoodman1SaulGoodman1 Posts: 285
    edited August 2023
    Creating a new character - Part 1

    I like to start any new character with 49 x 2 skills (so you can still do the new player quests). then the rest on a third skill.

    Always keep your (young) status as long as possible because 1.) Nothing will attack you unless you attack it and 2.) You will lose your trying buffs (see below).

    Say you're an stealth ninja archer, I start with 49 Hide then 49 Ninja (I like to start high with skills that are hard to level) saying that, archery and hide are not that hard to level, Ninja is.

    Then most points into str, then dex, leave int low for an archer build and lock it so it doesn't rise.

    Then I go and buy skills from all the trainers around haven, you can do new player quests every five mins to get 500 gold per quest.

    Then, and ONLY then you can do new player training quests, if you select ANY new player training quest and have not bought the skills you require, it will not let you buy the skill until the new player training quest has either been completed or dropped.

    So for a stealth archer with ninjitsu, you visit the Archery trainer, the Stealth trainer, the anatomy trainer, the Healing trainer, and whatever other skill you need trained, buy the skill by left clicking the trainer, choosing train (skill name) then he will tell you how much it will cost and you drop that amount from your backpack onto the trainer.

    After you have bought all the skills you need go back too each trainer (around haven) and accept each skills training quest. Once you have ALL the training quests head East out of Haven to Old Haven (it looks like a block of buildings on your map) You will see a icon on your Gump that indicates that you are in a high level training area, its the same icon as if you where to eat an alacrity skill training scroll.

    So for an archer build I always start with a fast bow, faster the better, HCI ring and bracelet, a. quiver (at least one quiver, each quiver will hold 500 arrows) I usually run with four or five insured quivers so I don't run out of arrows quickly.

    Arrows are very expensive from NPC archers in haven so you can either beg players for some or find a gypsy camp, the gypsy maiden will sell arrows for like 11gp per arrow (if she is newly spawned, the more ppl buy from her the higher the price of the arrows). The other option is to head to Ilshenar and fight Ratmen Archers, which isn't that hard if you have bought all the required skills (unless a paragon ratman Archer spawns  :) ).

    Once you have stocked up arrows, bought all skills, have a fast bow and hit chance increase ring and bracelet, head to old haven (it is the only place you will get the new player skill increase buff). 

    End of part 1 

    Oops I put this in the wrong place I guess, I just re-read the title post, this is more of how got start a character than whatever a loot writeup means  :/

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