Cross shard pvp, do you like the idea?

XrisXris Posts: 130
I don't expect dev's to work on this any time soon.....but what if we had a system (like lots of games) where you could que into an instanced pvp area? You could stay on your shard and PK or get in que for a cross shard brawl. Thoughts?


  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    NO  It will be abused to xfer items/gold to other shards.
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    You cannot open trade windows here, items put on ground will be destroyed immediately. You go in prepared, no looting, this is also instanced, meaning a special area with no other access to shards, only way to get their is to que.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    So what is the point in this if there no looting or anything.  Real PvP for fun and to prove who is the best went away with AoS, now it is nothing more than who has the best equipment.
  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 655
    come to Siege Perilous and loot whatever you like on your slain opponent's corpse... true risk vs. reward!
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    Max everyone wear basic crafted shitty imbued suits, you included,  on siege , theres no reward at all im sorry , all this  UO content is to be ignored on Siege since you wont even wear one single cloth artifacts or any good artifact at all, Siege concept is great but it just won't work with today'S UO
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    So what is the point in this if there no looting or anything.  Real PvP for fun and to prove who is the best went away with AoS, now it is nothing more than who has the best equipment.

    The point is to increase the amount of pvp available. You can get VVV points, yes the rewards are meh but they could be boosted also. Most games offer a way to organize pvp. Right now your options on atl to begin pvping are, stay blue and gank somebody at yew gate, go grey/red and get ganked at the gate, go VVV and die instantly from a guild/group of people ganking you. I want to start pvping again (haven't since 08ish?). Solo players can either hop around to try and kill pvmers or just get obliterated by a group. If your pvping to loot other pvpers potions and bandaids then yes you wouldn't like this.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Anybody can make a PvPer on SP and prove what REAL PvP is all about.
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Anybody can make a PvPer on SP and prove what REAL PvP is all about.

    So your solution to increasing the amount of pvpers is to make everyone make new chars on SP? That seems counterintuitive. I just want a system like just about every game has. I love WoW arena and battlegrounds, but UOs pvp seems too deserted and outdated.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    UO made arenas, UO has had how many different PvP systems, UO has tried to balance PvP how many different times and alls they hear is WAH WAH WAH you didn't do exactly what I wanted.  With your system all the whiners will whine that there is no reward (LOOTING).  Why should UO go to all the trouble doing all this when we all know everybody will whine that they don't get what they want.  You need to prove to the DEVs that on your shard that all you PvPers can act like adults and stop all the childish whining on Gen Chat.

    You wont even use what UO has given you, IE SP, but you want yet another system.  Have you even tried SP, no you haven't, that is why SP is there.
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Yes I have a char in 90s skills on SP. It stinks. I don't think you grasp the concept. It has nothing to do with skills, gear or looting.You can still do that all you want on your shard. The arena cant support 20+ players in a large playfield, or connect people across shards. This is an opt in area for just pvp. Also, every game has whiners and children talking trash in chat. The only thing I can prove to the dev's is that I'm paying 30$ a month for a game that's dying in front of my eyes. I just want something completely new and relevant for the pvp players. VVV stinks too.
  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 655
    Max everyone wear basic crafted shitty imbued suits, you included,  on siege , theres no reward at all im sorry , all this  UO content is to be ignored on Siege since you wont even wear one single cloth artifacts or any good artifact at all, Siege concept is great but it just won't work with today'S UO

    have you even looked at my suit? have you looked at other PvPer's suits?
    The majority of PvMers wears junk, that's true but many PvPers wear good gear including tangles, crimson cinctures, shroud of the condemned, mana orbs, legendary pieces, shadowguard artifacts, blackthorn artifacts etc. etc. all of which unblessed of course.
  • CazadorCazador Posts: 83
    Siege sucks, and has for quite some time. I’m glad you feel the way you do about siege. There’s a reason it’s peak player base is like 8. It sure isn’t due to all that sweet risk vs reward. It’s a dead shard and has been for 10 years.
  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 655
    ...let me guess, you ran through Luna, despise and then to Yew gate, didn't see anyone there in the 5 minutes your were on and logged off.
    It's useless to argue with someone like you.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited May 2020

    I get the concept, but cannot see what it would achieve, unless there were some specific special rewards from winning the PvP in this instanced place (like in other games for example), that could be taken back to your own shard, then I could get behind it, and feel that its not just hollow PvP going on like say Yew Gate.

    A huge part of the attraction of UO PvP, is the storyline behind that specific shards PvP. Who is raiding who, the drama, the politics, the alliances, the raiding of special PvM places/events to take/defend rewards, there is a point to it all. You could lose this with just a blank instanced cross shard PvP zone, it would not have the entire UO world behind it that the shards do, with populations that know each other.

    Siege in my mind still stands out as the best, most pure UO shard, it cannot be criticized in that sense. It's just a shame I didn't immerse myself in it years earlier when I had the time, and instead have found a great home on Europa. I dabble in Siege, I admire it as the best style of gameplay.

    One idea I have maybe. On Europa and Atlantic, our PvP populations move between each other quite freely, and we all seem to know of each other quite well, due to meeting all the time on the 2 shards, it's quite a healthy way of doing things. Sometimes the action is Atlantic, sometimes Europa, then the whole crowd comes over, quite fluid. This all depends on Shard Shields of course, so not everyone can join in, or they create extra characters on the different shards, which is quite easy on Production, not so easy on Siege - even though I know Max will say it is. I wonder if completely naked characters with no gear at all (but fully skilled), could move backwards and forwards to Siege and back, to bring Siege into the community loop going on with the other shards. This way, a player could be developed on another shard, and come to PvP on Siege, then flip back if required. Would this be contravening the Siege spirit too much? Or would it be beneficial to give PvPers a chance to get to Siege to add to the flavour?

  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    There are times, even on atl when you cant find anyone pvping. I was just looking for a system to bring pvpers from different shards together, that cant be used to xfer gold/items. Even with shard shields you have to pick a shard, wait to transfer (if its up), then go find people. Make an instanced pvp area, give VVV points for kills (improve VVV rewards first obviously).
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    The major problem with this idea is naturally the server would be just like SP and be of the East Coast USA so everybody else not living there would be a huge disadvantage due to ping.
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    The major problem with this idea is naturally the server would be just like SP and be of the East Coast USA so everybody else not living there would be a huge disadvantage due to ping.

    Every game deals with this. Sometimes I think you just like to disagree: D
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,396Moderator
    a system to bring pvpers from different shards together, that cant be used to xfer gold/items
    Character copy to Test Center?

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Xris said:
    The major problem with this idea is naturally the server would be just like SP and be of the East Coast USA so everybody else not living there would be a huge disadvantage due to ping.

    Every game deals with this. Sometimes I think you just like to disagree: D
    No IMHO the DEVs will not waste their time trying to do this even though you may thing it is easy as pie to do.  Total waste of time and resources and @Mariah just gave you the perfect solution so have fun on TC with all your PvP buddies.
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    How does TC pull active pvpers into 1 zone? Am I missing something here? I want a decent pvp system that connects players, that's it. I can log into WoW and que for a battleground, in UO you have to go find world pvp, and theres such a low population that there aren't enough players on to even find sometimes. I'd prefer if you just lock this thread. "Someone" is going to reply to this with nothing to add. I thought I'd try pitching an idea for pvpers before we lose the few that are left. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    edited May 2020
    There is only one TC so everybody that copies a char over or logs into TC is on the same shard.  We are not WOW we are UO and we do not want to be a WOW clone.  There are a ton of PvPers, just log onto Atl and go to Gen Chat and listen to them all.  So where are all these avid PvPers supporting your idea, oh that is right they are playing UO and PvPing.
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    There is only one TC so everybody that copies a char over or logs into TC is on the same shard.  We are not WOW we are UO and we do not want top be a WOW clone.  There are a ton of PvPers, just log onto Atl and go to Gen Chat and listen to them all.  So where are all these avid PvPers supporting your idea, oh that is right they are playing UO and PvPing.

    Hit the nail on the head. Can we close this now? Log into atl at 8am and try to find some pvp, theres pretty much none. TC is a copy, how does it put pvpers together? You would still have to find all pvpers across all shards, ask them to copy to TC, then find them on TC. I'm getting trolled in a pvp forum by someone who doesn't pvp. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    LMAO  If everybody came to Atl then how would all the PvPers get together?  Did you ever hear about Gen Chat or Global Chat.  Same thing for TC.  How you going to get all the PvPers together to go to your insta battleground, oh I know they will just magically appear, you know kind of like lucky charms.  Just to prove how much of a waste of resources this would be, this has been up for 4 days and not one other PvPer has bothered to post on here, LMAO.  I PvPed pre AoS when PvP meant something, now alls it is is who has the LEETest equipment and now I understand why you do not PvP on SP, you can't have all your leet gear with ins.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,715
    I’m just an outsider looking in here But it seems know one is even addressing the Elephant in the room 
    why is PvP so dead at this point ? 
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    the problem is pvp used to be player vs player, now its programs vs player.  That's like 80% of the problem.   Then comes the mass overskilling due to ridiculous global loot, then the tele jewels, then too many consumables.   Fix all that and pvp will be great again.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,715
    edited May 2020
    What he said @The_Higgs_1
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    TYVM @The_Higgs_1 ;  Old Skool PvP was fun
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    LMAO  If everybody came to Atl then how would all the PvPers get together?  Did you ever hear about Gen Chat or Global Chat.  Same thing for TC.  How you going to get all the PvPers together to go to your insta battleground, oh I know they will just magically appear, you know kind of like lucky charms.  

    That's what I'm suggesting.......its called instancing. You click a button, wait in que, and get teleported to a pvp area. Yes I guess they would "magically appear" from the que. Find me 10 pvpers at 7am EST, even in chat you wont find enough people to pvp with. Atlantic the most popular shard doesn't enough pvpers on at times. I was just suggesting a way to bring people together without xfers or shields. Am I the only one watching pvp slowly dissolve on UO? 
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Xris said:

    Am I the only one watching pvp slowly dissolve on UO? 

    I get what you are trying, and in a way, it's a shame you are being derailed quite so much.

    While you've tried, I don't think the idea can really take off.

    I do also think some of the guys above have summed up perfectly the main problem pvp has right now. See this post.

    the problem is pvp used to be player vs player, now its programs vs player.  That's like 80% of the problem.   Then comes the mass overskilling due to ridiculous global loot, then the tele jewels, then too many consumables.   Fix all that and pvp will be great again.

    For many years, I've been saying PvP is about me, the last human, v the machines. For a long time, I was quite macho and sadistic about it, I'd push the limits to fight the machines, and every win was a more glorious win because I'd fought against a robot and won. In the old days, you could still match the robots if you had enough skill - not anymore. It's all machines v machines now, and basically, it is no fun.

    The global loot, and too many consumables have also made a difference, but as Higgs has said, it's 80% the machines.

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,715
    The only machines back in the day was your dial up speed vs server/shard ping lol 
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