I was wondering how everyone would feel about these as UO Store items:

The Relics were shard bound so that wouldn't upset anyone's apple cart. Seriously 99% of the player base missed out on these and would be happy to shell out their hard earned Sovereigns on them. Please. My 120 thief was able steal 3 of the 4 relics, which BTW, was from Halloween that same year.

The Relics were shard bound so that wouldn't upset anyone's apple cart. Seriously 99% of the player base missed out on these and would be happy to shell out their hard earned Sovereigns on them. Please. My 120 thief was able steal 3 of the 4 relics, which BTW, was from Halloween that same year.
I have spent 130 MILLION gold on the obelisk set. I do not own the cards or banners.
edited by joint decision of the moderators to comply with forum rules
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Cheers MissE