Macro Command List

No wonder people script with third party programs.  

Here is the entire extent of the documentation I can find on the 2D macros and what they mean and how to use them. 

How about somewhere some decent documentation on the macro commands and what they mean and how to use them?  LIke delay - is this in seconds miliseconds what?

Next - how about on your next update - fix the 2D client macro system. You can only see two commands at a time when you edit/create a macro.  Also if you edit an  existing macro and add a new command to the bottom of the list - it gets shoved somewhere in the top. Thus you can never actually edit a macro and have to always delete and recreate.  Super annoying bug.  Fix.  


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Mariah said:
    What is missing, though, at that link, is an explaination of those single voices on the Macro list...

    What they do, how one can build more comples macros using a number of them and all that...

    A "Guide" of how to use those macro Commands, what they do and mean, individually, and how to compile several of them into a single, more complex macro....

    Also, another thing that I think is missing, is the "delays" that one sometimes needs to put in between macro commands... they are not always the same times, some are shorter, some are longer..... it would be good if one would know for each macro voice what delay should be appropriate to use....

    Oh well....
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    The two pages taken together should provide the information required. Delays are subject to the activity and the player's connection speed. There are too many possiblities to list them all, it would take a book. Experiment is a much better way, and the way most of us learned to use them in the past.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    edited April 2020
    The delays are all gonna be varible based on your casting times and swing speed. So that is had to do popps.

    But, if i remember right, every 1000 delay is 1 second, and if you want to cast on your self, then make sure it goes:
    Cast spell greater heal
    Wait for target
    Target self

    Or a combo
    Cast spell explosion
    Wait for target
    Target nearest hostile
    Delay 1000
    Cast spell evil omen
    Wait for target
    Target last
    Cast spell flamestrike
    Wait for target
    Target last.

    This would land explosion and flamestrike around the same time as evil omen landed
    Because different spells take longer to cast and so on. Its hard to get the timing right, and your specific build with fc,fcr will make a huge difference as well.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Mind you, chaining spells like that freezes you in place, but if you had someone with you that coukd paralyze the target and land a corpse skin, your golden
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    @Mariah Is there a corresponding page with a full description of enhanced client macros? The Creating Macros page is very general.  How would a power user know what the hundreds of Actions do?
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    edited April 2020
    Exactly - as others have said - please explain each of these in the list and how to use them.  What does each of these mean for example? 


    I haven't the slightest clue what that means and I've played this game 17 years.  Where is the help on what Update Range is and what these will do when you use them?

    And who's bright Idea was it to list the spells in order of Mage/Necro/Chivalry instead of alphabetical?  Super annoying.   

    And once again - can we get a feature request to show more than two actions on the screen at a time without scrolling?  The top of the page has so much wasted space and then the macro building section only shows 2 at a time.    

    Here - I've redesigned it for you.  This has been needed since the day I started playing.   
    Old on left...redesign on right.  Yes many ways to make even better but I'd settle for this. 
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    edited April 2020
    Anyone else's 'attack nearest hostile' not work well in large groups? Sometimes it picks a mob way outside range, even though I'm swarmed.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Rock said:
    @ Mariah Is there a corresponding page with a full description of enhanced client macros? The Creating Macros page is very general.  How would a power user know what the hundreds of Actions do?

    Theo said:
    Exactly - as others have said - please explain each of these in the list and how to use them.  What does each of these mean for example? 


    I haven't the slightest clue what that means and I've played this game 17 years.  Where is the help on what Update Range is and what these will do when you use them?

    And who's bright Idea was it to list the spells in order of Mage/Necro/Chivalry instead of alphabetical?  Super annoying.   

    @Rock I guess the same way most of us have, by trial and error. There has never been a comprensive guide issued - the devs like us to find things out for ourselves.

    MissE did make an enhanced client user guide for Stratics. ; it's quite comprehensive and kudos to her for creating it, but even she didn't list what every macro action does.

    @theo.  I have played for 19 years, and I don't know how to use those options either.
    the spells are listed in the order in which they were added to the game, by the devs at the time.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I have undertaken an amount of research on this topic, and done a considerable amount of typing yesterday and today. You can now find two new pages linked at the foot of this one:
    I can, if required, attempt to add more sample macros, but that will take me a little more time.
    If people would like me to include their favorite macros as samples they can send them to me at

  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Thank you Thank you 

    In the process of printing out now. (I've alway hated trying to remember what heading the command I was looking for was under.)
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    edited May 2020
    @Mariah thank you!  It is really great to start getting official documentation on making and using macros.  Since I only use the Enhanced Client, I can only intelligently discuss it.  I suggest something like the paragraph below be appended to the Macro Actions Available in the Enhanced Client page:
    Note that many actions will have Options available to them once dragged to the menu gump.  For example, you can set and later change the delay period (seconds, eg 1.2 or 0.5) of the Delay action by holding the cursor over it and pressing the right mouse button.  Macros can even contain elements besides items from the Actions gump.  For example all spells (from any spellbook) and "blue" skills (from the Skills gump) can become part of a macro.  An item from your backpack can also be dragged to a macro cell.  For example, if you want the macro to use the fishing rod, just do it.  These "non-action" Actions will often also have options available to them.  For example, a spell may be set to automatically affect your character or the currently selected target.  The default will be for the spell's target to be selected manually at that point within the macro, so it is often better to pre-define the target within the macro itself.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited May 2020
    Yes, @Mariah , thank you SO much for your help and efforts !!

    Really usefull and MUCH appreciated !!

    As in regards to having more sample macros yes, I think that this would definitively be of help and, please, also try to include the making of "complex", more structured macros both for the Enhanced Client and the Classic Client....

    For that matter, morecomplex macros for the Classic Client I think could be of a greater help to many UO players since, at least personally, I find it way more difficult to make complex macros for the Classic Client as compared to complex macros for the Enhanced Client....

    By the way, in this post , @Norry makes an example of a complex Macro using "Target nearest hostile" , but I cannot seem to find this option within the Classic Client..... where is it under ?

    Your additional Link of Macros at lists a "SelectNearest" but that is not the same thing as "Target nearest hostile" ....

    I mean, nearest could be anything, also friendly.... the "nearest hostile" is instead whatever hostile is nearest to oneself..... where is such an option in the Classic Client set of options for Macros ?

    Also, with the Classic Client, what would be a working macro to release a pet after having tamed it ?
  • NecronomNecronom Posts: 79
    edited May 2020
    popps said:
    By the way, in this post , @ Norry makes an example of a complex Macro using "Target nearest hostile" , but I cannot seem to find this option within the Classic Client..... where is it under ?

    Your additional Link of Macros at lists a "SelectNearest" but that is not the same thing as "Target nearest hostile" ....

    I mean, nearest could be anything, also friendly.... the "nearest hostile" is instead whatever hostile is nearest to oneself..... where is such an option in the Classic Client set of options for Macros ?

    Also, with the Classic Client, what would be a working macro to release a pet after having tamed it ?

    Well, when you choose SelectNearest you'll get an extra dropdown menu on the right where you can choose Hostile... Also, if you wanted you could set the next macro to be AttackSelectedTarget.

    Edit: As for the release of a newly tamed pet.. I think <name> release set as a say would work? You would have to change the pet's name to correspond to the <name> though.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    @popps SelectNearest, as the page says, gives the same list as SelectNext. So your macro would be something along the lines of 'SelectNearest > Hostile, AttackSelectedTarget, possibly with a delay or waitfortarget action between them.

    Bear in mind when building complex macros that you are not able to do anything else while they are running without stopping them. I would not recommend them for use in combat. Multiple simple macros usually work better.

    As far as I am aware there is no macro to release a pet in either client - unless the option is in Pinco's. I only use the default UI.

    @Rock The information that spells and items can be included is mentioned in the main "creating macros" page, and includes two examples using items. Do you feel the information needs to be repeated on the list page which is linked at the foot of it?
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    @Mariah Not everyone will read the macro information pages in the order you would like.  Many will get to a given page via a search (UO Wiki or Google).  Thus "repeated information" can be useful in forming a robust information archive.  I wrote the suggested paragraph envisioning someone who got to the page wanting to know what can be used in a macro.  You did the hard work in laying out the hundred-plus Actions, but it may be useful to let the random-order viewer know they are not limited to Actions only.

    Currently the only page I see linked at the bottom is a "Previous Post", to a page describing Classic Client Actions.  If you also had a "related pages" section which kept all the various macro pages connected for such a viewer, then perhaps my suggested paragraph would become moot.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    The two new pages I created are 'child' pages of the main 'making macros' page. I guess I need a link back to the parent.  I'll have a look at it.

  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    Thank you! This is much better info! 

    One note is that on the record dress macro you should but a note that you dress yourself first then hit the macro and it stores what you last equipped. It’s counterintuitive. I would hav3 assumed you press record dress and then get dressed. Took me a few times to figure it out. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    I agree the dress macro is very confusing to me I still can get it to work 
    also disarm re equipping 

    heres what I’m trying to do in cc 

    I have a fishing pole and when sea creatures spawn hit a macro to swap out pole for shield and weapon I can’t make this work at all 

    I gave up on the dress macro 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    @theo & @skett I can try to add more, but the description says:
    saves all items the player has currently equipped except items in the left and right hand.

    so doesn't 'currently equipped' cover it?

    I no longer play CC, but if my understanding is correct to achieve the aim for the fishing macro you would first make a macro 'recordarm -> arm 1' while holding the weapon and shield,  Then you would make a macro with 'disarm', delay 10, arm ->arm 1.

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Skett said:
    I agree the dress macro is very confusing to me I still can get it to work 
    also disarm re equipping 

    heres what I’m trying to do in cc 

    I have a fishing pole and when sea creatures spawn hit a macro to swap out pole for shield and weapon I can’t make this work at all 

    I gave up on the dress macro 
    F1 RecordDress
    F2 RecordArm
    F3 DRESS
    F4 ARM
    F6 UNARM

    The first thing you have to do is put on suit and what ever you want to carry in your hands and then RECORD both.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Thank you I’ll try this 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    @Skett I have also found that I need to RECORD Dress and Arm everytime I log in
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