Governor Sweetz 'Uhmazin Race und Party'

MargeMarge Posts: 722
This Friday, the 24th at 8:30 Est, Governor Sweetzpeez of Britain will be hosting a race and a "Koranation" Party. The Race will be held on the Bunny Field of Skara Brae; located behind Gregario's Hut. (She wants to use the pretty field before it poofs.) After the race, there will some fireworks in the field. All are invited to the party.

For the race, Governor Sweetz ask that 'flappies' send a 'hummie er elfie involuntarie wurker' and a swamp dragon. (She wants to try to have a part of the race on swampies.) If you do not have a swampie, she will have some already tamed and ready to transfer to you.

Hope to you there!
Lady Marge
(Once again 'involuntarie sekretarie wurker' to a goblin governor
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