Just how much time are the Dev team spending on RMT store items?

JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
edited April 2020 in General Discussions
I understand UO has a small dev team, 5/6 people? 

as in the title, @Mesanna please enlighten us as to how much of their average working day goes into the $$$$$$ store?

There is no time to create new ToT majors, cant fix scripting, T maps are pretty much hated, but wont be looked at

Has this just become a cash cow and NOT a game to be fixed and run properly?  
It seems almost daily there is a new piece of crap in the store? Can you PLEASE concentrate on game play, especially as we seem to be have plenty of players returning due to be in lock down?

It seems the standard answer players get at M&G and if we get a reply here its a big fat NO, to everything.

But they CAN roll out endless things in the store

Can we at least have a bit of balance here and get some fixes done

Chest of Heirlooms fix would be a start..........I see on the M&G that you will "look at it" to fix them, but WHY wasn't  it tested thoroughly before release? are you seriously saying you just flick the switch (which you said you couldn't by the way) to fire up ToT3 (Draconi's work) without actually making sure it worked? 
You should also know ToT promote AFK and scripting killing, I assume you spend time in game actually checking? bu them prob not as you are too busy with store items............. Just take a trip to the Dojo, its rampant 

 It makes NO sense that things get broken on release and not fixed (Navrey Holes)


  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    You are clear that this is a for profit business correct? I think adding things to the store is just fine. 

    As for broken things, Well I have a ton of stuff around my house that has been needing fixing for a very long time. I'll get to it sooner or later when I have time. The kids are pretty active, My company and employees need some help, and church is every Sunday. 

    Seriously I get tired of the ongoing rants, maybe we all should just be thankful that we have a game we love and can play. It's not perfect but it sure let's us escape and have some fun. I can't truly remember a time I let an afk/scripted anything get in my way of having fun. Not saying its right just saying it doesn't take anything away from my particular experience. 

    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited April 2020
     Nabin you accept it's not perfect?   Well I don't, and I dont accept that they appear to be milking the store for all its worth instead of making the game we play perfect. Is this end game stuff here, for profit before its closed?

    As for your house, thats your business and your standards of course

    How about a mix of both, game play that works and store stuff

    And there is PLENTY of time, if there is time to make more stuff for the store, there is TIME for gameplay. Cant make profit if there are no players.......

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    edited April 2020
    Did you miss that ToT was an unscheduled, last minute addition because of the world situation?
    It was unplanned, that's why it was not updated. Something Kyronix has already explained.

    They are currently working on an overhaul of the quest system, as described in this month's newsletter. Enjoy the unexpected extra, yes there are a few hiccups with the old code, but it's still fun to do!
    If the situation in the dojo annoys you, put in a GM call and move on. There's a lot more to Tokuno than the fan dancer dojo. Try the citadel, I have.

    I have a theory about the problem with chest of heirlooms. See if you can follow my logic.
    Chest of Heirlooms is based on the item crafted as 'footlocker' Footlocker is a multi-tile container. There was a change to how those containers worked. I've hunted down the publish notes for it:

    I believe that change to the container style is what is preventing it being seen, it is no longer the same item as it was before.

    Oh and Treasure maps may be hated by you and a few other vocal posters, but I don't hate them. I still enjoy digging maps and I'd much rather get a +10 magery PS than a titan's leg bone.  I even made a video to help other players see how they can be done. Maps are still fun, in fact I think they're more fun than they were before.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    @JackFlashUk - I've said it before but I think it's worth repeating - the Treasures of Tokuno re-activation was a last minute and unplanned response to a global crisis.

    Under normal circumstance the content would have gone through the normal design pipeline that would include updates & balance related to the narrative, the mechanics, and the rewards AND moving all that work through our normal testing process of TC->production.  As I stated in my previous post re: ToT - we did not do that as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and a sudden influx of players who may be looking at UO as their only comfort in these uncertain times.  

    So while the activation of the event was relatively simple, the implementation is never "Just as simple as turning on a switch".  There is a unseen amount of planning, scheduling, and discipline crossover that has to all fit together in order to release something which is why we never say anything is "just as simple as filpping a switch".

    With regard to store items vs playable content, the store items actually account for a very small portion of the overall grand scheme.  Last year we released 4 major publishes that revamped various sytems and included a tremendous amount of playable content.  Despite the assertion that the "Tmap is pretty much hated"  more people are doing Treasure Maps now than before.  Was the revamp perfect?  Of course not - but perfection would not have been achieved if we had all the time in the world, regardless of whatever else was on the schedule.  As we've mentioned in the newsletter, Pub 109 is focused on updating a number of major, outdated systems (such as the quest system) so that we can push content out faster and easier.  The store items do not impact the scope of that work at all.  

    On a final note - despite the fact that we are fortunate enough to be safely working from home and Britannia forges on, this crisis impacts us too.  We all have families and we all are living under the overbearing cloud of uncertainty.  The impacts are very real.  Despite trying to focus on work as a distraction from the overall terrible situation we are facing globally it's impossible not to be victim to such.  I would kindly ask that everyone keep that in mind as they continue to participate on these forums.  Thanks.
  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    I wish we had a like button *like* Thank you 
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I think that's all that needs to be said on this topic.
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