Trading Houses Question

RubyKnightRubyKnight Posts: 192
edited March 2018 in General Discussions
I have 2 accounts active. Can I trade house A to Acct 2 and House be to Acct 1? Just swap houses? Or do I need a 3rd account to deal with timers?
ICQ 568300481


  • SableSable Posts: 248
    You need a third account.  Once an account trades a house, it can't receive one in return for a period of time.  I forget what the exact period is, but I know it is longer than a house in decay.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I have done this many times and have never had to wait.  Maybe a DEV or MOD could tell us for sure.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    This page has the relevant information I believe:

  • RubyKnightRubyKnight Posts: 192
    Mariah said:
    This page has the relevant information I believe:

    Actually that information is quite generic and does not answer trading houses if you own both accounts. At least I could not find it in there.
    ICQ 568300481
  • RubyKnightRubyKnight Posts: 192
    I thought that the timer only came when you bought a house. So, If I but (Trade) a house, my first house goes condemned. I should be able to trade the condemned house away. And when you sell a house it does not become condemned. Is there any kind of timer after selling a house? I was under the impression that buying a house and placing a house were the only two instances of getting a timer. I just want to make sure before I try it so that I don't have to open an account just for a single house trade.
    ICQ 568300481
  • SableSable Posts: 248
    In the link that Mariah provided, look specifically at the Housing Rules section.  Immediately below that is the 7 day timer which is what I was referring to.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Sable said:
    In the link that Mariah provided, look specifically at the Housing Rules section.  Immediately below that is the 7 day timer which is what I was referring to.

    Seven Day Timer

    If you place a house or have a house traded to you, a one-week timer begins. During that time, you may not place another house or have another house traded to you. However, you can give away or sell a house, demolish a house or convert a pre-build house to a customizable plot without restriction.

    Account A  1 house and Account B 1 house

    Acc B gives house to Acc A now Acc A has 2 houses 1 ok and 1 condemned and Acc B ha zero so Acc B has no Timer on it

    Acc A gives Acc B the Condemned house and now both houses are fine and both Accounts have a 7 day timer on them.

  • SableSable Posts: 248
    I'm getting old and easily confused it seems!

  • RubyKnightRubyKnight Posts: 192
    Sable said:
    I'm getting old and easily confused it seems!

    I feel confused too! But if I am reading correctly I do NOT need a 3rd account to make this happen. I will try this in a bit and share my results.
    ICQ 568300481
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • RubyKnightRubyKnight Posts: 192
    Apparently resizing a house gives you a timer as well. I didn't think that it did but it does. Now I have to wait another 146 hours before I can accept a house. Really glad I didn't try trading houses the other way!
    ICQ 568300481
  • SyncrosSyncros Posts: 116
    Apparently resizing a house gives you a timer as well. I didn't think that it did but it does. Now I have to wait another 146 hours before I can accept a house. Really glad I didn't try trading houses the other way!
    Yea, and dont be attempting too many times else you get a timer put on it. 

    They need to toss in code that stops that from happening for resizing a house.
  • RubyKnightRubyKnight Posts: 192
    I completely agree.
    ICQ 568300481
  • Ok, I will explain how this Work!, as there is 2 different situations!!

    Assuming that the House Owners own Both Houses for a long time: 
    If you have 2 accounts and both have houses and you want to just switch owners, You DONT need a 3rd account.
    You will transfer the House on Account A to B (which will auto condemn the main original house B have) But you can transfer the same condemn house to Account A, with no problem!

    Now the second scenario:
    If you JUST placed a House with the account A, you will condemn your main House, you can Transfer BOTH houses if you want, to any other account, but you CAN NOT receive any other house (trade window) for 7 days.

    Let me know if you have more questions 

  • Regarding Resize:
    Lets say you current own a house and you place a small house someplace else, as soon as you place that house, you just condemned your main house, you CAN NOT resize the New Plot until you transfer the condemned house to another account.

    But lets imagine, you dont OWN any house, you placed a small plot and if you try to resize, the "system" for some reason will give you a "fault" msg saying that you cant receive a house for 7 days, just ignore that msg and place anyway!!.

    NOW, there is situations (happened MANY Times) that your account is "bugged" and would not let you place, bc the system is glitched and it is telling UO that you still own a house, That ONLY a GM or DEV can help you with!!, and it happens!!
  • RubyKnightRubyKnight Posts: 192
    I Resized a house and when I tried to trade a house to that account it says I have a timer. So, I guess my account is in fact bugged. I just have a few more days for the timer so no big deal. It is just annoying that I resized the house I have owned for 7 months.
    ICQ 568300481
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Resizing demolishes the old house and lets you replace it with another house, so basically you are placing a new house.  It is a great way to move a castle or a keep
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    The Expert has spoken...!   hehe  AR knows his stuff on houses...
  • BenBen Posts: 262
    edited February 18
    What about this situation...

    On Saturday evening I received a house on my second account from a player to decorate. (second account has no house). I finished Monday night. I tried to trade it back to him and could not do it. So, how long do I have to wait? I have read the rules and posts but still does not seem to be clear in this situation.

    And, after I trade the house back to him, how long before I can receive another house to work on?

    Any help will be appreciated.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 964
    edited February 18
    it's like ~7 days?.. a warning pop up before u trade or accept the trade.


    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • BenBen Posts: 262
    Thank you very much, KroDuk. I suppose I did not spend time reading this warning because I was in Felucca Yew Atlantic and a lot of melee was going on at the time.
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