Dev M&G on Napa

Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    so basically when they took over the soulstones on Sonoma, they did it to see how many return for them. In order for anyone to actually see if they are their soulstones, each one has to have the security set for them. I have witnessed many people return and look at the ones that are locked down. But nobody can access the ones in the boxes. you can view them, but can't click on them.

    There are lot of people upset about the vet rewards and account bound items being deleted. But then again, people kept asking for a turn in for vet rewards, so this is there way of getting them out of game. 
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    they should put a chest for vet reward you could exchange the damn useless vet reward they were good before but now collecting dust in chest ( robe and cloak 3% physical resist ) you can swap it it will be awesome....because we choose it earlier and now they are useless and the same year vet rewards have much better stuff now
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    Thanks for posting this @Drakelord
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Fortis said:
    they should put a chest for vet reward you could exchange the damn useless vet reward they were good before but now collecting dust in chest ( robe and cloak 3% physical resist ) you can swap it it will be awesome....because we choose it earlier and now they are useless and the same year vet rewards have much better stuff now
    I seem to remember they had a turn in box somewhere where you could drop in a human cloak and it spits out a gargoyle's version. So there was/is something out there, but YES please let us trade in vet rewards 1 for one of the same year. Fashion changes. trends changes, and collection change so it would be great to be able to swap items 
  • DanpalDanpal Posts: 119
    Would be nice. A vet is not going to waste a 18 year pick on low level vet picks. This was the way to get items like dye tub. Banners ore carts vet teleporter tiles and the such.  I have two accounts and would rather save them for new rewards or shard shields soul stone.  Have a 17 year and a 14 year account. Not waste my pick on low level.  Only way to get the low level ones is buying them and from idoc once there gone from idoc there only going to be able to buy and that will jack up the price alot.
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    @Danpal , you, me and 500+ other people can see that coming and this is why we took out time and went to TC to have a 1 way Discussion and We all asked nice NOT to do that but We got the crickets!!.
    I can see now, Vet Teleporters selling for  200M Set, Garden Shed 200M and I can keep the Huge List going on and on...
  • DanpalDanpal Posts: 119
    @Mordred I went as well and voiced it myself. The only people to benefit will be the scripter because they have the huge stockpile.

    I stoped playing in 2003 because of the AOS update. I came back in 09. Shortly after I saw a old friends place went idoc. I was there the hole time waiting for it to fall just to get one item. Her statue. I did not want to resell it or anything. I just wanted it to dispay. I did not get it. But I talked with everyone there and they gave me it. I have it along with a few others of my uo friends some I would even call my uo family.  

    I also voiced my concerns with guildstones there going as well. So stuff from the past will be gone for good.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915

    They are slowly but surely changing everything about UO, erasing everything that has come before, from teams before them.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Nikard said:
    Thanks for posting this @ Drakelord
    your welcome
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
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