A Clue! Willows Obi ??
While my mage was filling in a runic atlas for another character, he came upon something he could not pick up in front of the dungeon Destard:

What is it a clue for, and why could he not pick it up?
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I missed this event, but it looks like you had to follow the clues.
I know that because there is also a parrot in Luna with Willow on it.
And every time I look at these, it makes me remember her.
But other people don't like to see the reminder.
They did not like her, like I did.
People have asked if they could rename the parrot.
Or remove all of the leftover stuff like that.
Its shard history, so it has to stay.
I'd rather the parrot be changed to "Spin the wool" says the parrot.
I don't like seeing all these clues. Because it reminds me of how divided our shard was.
Not everybody wanted Willow removed from our shard.
For me, it was heartbreaking, because she was the one who preformed my wedding to my husband. That's the kind of memories that I want to remember...