Bring back Yellow crystals functionality.

SmootSmoot Posts: 416
edited March 2020 in General Discussions
it was the only way to spawn a relatively strong mob for player run events, and did a number on scripters at idocs.

i dunno why they were ever disabled but i would like them restored to how they were.  thx.

@Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak


  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    We restricted them to use in a graveyard due to concerns over griefing.  We have no plans at this time to change that.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    lame :( .  maybe with the new idoc changes it would be a good mob to spawn at a fallen house to restore the original challenge of big idocs.  bigger the house, the more spawn.  its going to be multiboxed to hell and what some may call "griefing" many more would call "self policing" (since GMs never show up for that kinda stuff anyway)

    if it were automated and not spawned by a player, would achieve same effect, but not be griefing.

    still doesnt give a good option for player events.

    Yes, you can tame and release stuff, but very limited due to stable slots.  and even the strongest pets get killed in seconds compared to the harbingers. 

    thanks for the response @Kyronix altho not what i wanted to hear.  i would like the situation considered, because doing an event in a graveyard doesnt work all the time for RP purposes.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    Yellow crystals were a huge source of fun at IDOCs, just one guys opinions. Attended players had fun trying for garbs...even after the IDOC was over, and unattended players, well yea..... they didn't like it too much. : P : P Thanks guys for all, just giving opinions; I know some hated these things.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Thing is, they weren't just used at IDOCs, they were used to grief player run events, especially the occasional rares fests.  I remember attending a player event that was a wedding that someone ruined with one of these things.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    Thing is, they weren't just used at IDOCs, they were used to grief player run events, especially the occasional rares fests.  I remember attending a player event that was a wedding that someone ruined with one of these things.
    I could definitely see that as being a problem. I remember an auction we were at someone had 6 different characters in there... and randomly throughout the auction he started turning on 1 at a time to throw 100 exploding pots everywhere somehow with some script. It was hectic for them trying to boot him, b/c 100 of us were sitting in there and it was hard to see him moving around.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Kyronix said:
    We restricted them to use in a graveyard due to concerns over griefing.  We have no plans at this time to change that.
    Perhaps the team could just consider expanding the locations... say to graveyards and any area considered a dungeon.  That would enable players to use them where monster fighting is the primary objective without the potential for griefing player events or vendors on the overland housing areas.
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