FCR / FC at 6 / 8 ?? How is that possible ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited February 2020 in General Discussions
My understanding was, that the CAPs for FCR / FC were 6 / 4 (https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/items/magic-item-properties/)

Yet, in General Chat I overheard players talking about some other player sporting 8 / 6 .

How is that possible ?

Is there anything (hacks, cheats, whatever....) that allows to "push through" the known CAPs FCR and FC and be able to enjoy a speed of 8 / 6 ?

What gives ?

How can then one compete in PvP (but also in PvM....) if such cheats exist ?

Anyone knows more ?


  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    edited February 2020
    You can wear as much as you want and it will display on your status.  Wearing it does not make its effectiveness exceed the cap.  I mean it would be a little common sense since different magics have different caps that the game knows which spells benefit from which caps regardless of how much is worn...  I am not really sure why you would think it would be any different than something like LRC, which you can easily wear 140+, but it still functions as 100.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited February 2020
    Merus said:
    You can wear as much as you want and it will display on your status.  Wearing it does not make its effectiveness exceed the cap.  I mean it would be a little common sense since different magics have different caps that the game knows which spells benefit from which caps regardless of how much is worn...  I am not really sure why you would think it would be any different than something like LRC, which you can easily wear 140+, but it still functions as 100.
    Well, I may well have misunderstood what was being told in General Chat but what I seemed to get, is that the 6 / 8 was actually being benefitted from, even if above the CAP.

    I guess, so to speak, that it would not be the first time that there is some bug or whatever in a game, that players might use when discovered to get an advantage that was not intended.... 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Popps, no offense , but have you always worried about others game play this much ? You seem to be all over the place too with your concerns. One day it's "you heard so and so makes this much gold doing this...so and so gains skills doing this..how do I craft this like that guy ? Yes we're all guilty of this, I"m currently doing it with my Avatar thread, but you are far and away the leader in this field. I'm just curious as to your motives....and to use your latest catch phrase.."so to speak".
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • IBTL
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Hey I want to keep the thread open, at least until Popps explains his thoughts. He's averaging (not that I"m counting) 3 posts per day since he joined.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I'm with Garth - I've been befuddled by Popps for a long time, and not being sarcastic about it either. I sincerely wonder about him sometimes. 

    Insofar as the topic at hand, there are times people think someone is OP with their item properties but there is absolutely no way they can exceed the programmed caps. A lot of it is a misunderstanding of the game's mechanics - on both the wearer's part as well as the observers'. If someone claims to reap the benefits of wearing overcapped items, they may also have a bridge in Brooklyn for you to buy.

  • You can conceivably have over 100 in each resist.  But it won't do you anymore good than just having all 70s...same with overcapping SSI and LMC...anything over the cap is just wasted numbers
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    edited February 2020
    One day I looked at my status and saw 13 fcr and thought surely I was bugged... Then I looked at my items:

    Ring: 4 fcr
    Bracelet: 4 fcr
    Spellbook: 2 fcr
    Jumu cloak: 1 fcr
    Mystic Guard: 2 fcr

    I was most certainly not exceeding the recovery speed of 6 though...

    Almost funny to think that if I put on Night Eyes I would have had 16 fcr, more than double the cap... todays gear *shrugs*
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Yes and no, you can have higer with different forms and so on.

    Depending on the template, he could be using stone form, and have under 70 magery, or mystic so hes casting faster.

    That being said, i see no point going over 6/6,

    And it wouldnt help to much from higher level things.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Kirthag said:
    I'm with Garth - I've been befuddled by Popps for a long time, and not being sarcastic about it either. I sincerely wonder about him sometimes. 

    Insofar as the topic at hand, there are times people think someone is OP with their item properties but there is absolutely no way they can exceed the programmed caps. A lot of it is a misunderstanding of the game's mechanics - on both the wearer's part as well as the observers'. If someone claims to reap the benefits of wearing overcapped items, they may also have a bridge in Brooklyn for you to buy.

    Problem is, that it is quite unusual to see players posting on Forums about bugs, hacks and what not....

    Sometimes, though rarely, this "might" instead happen in Chat or in a personal conversation taking place in some areas of the game which someone might casually overhear, especially if they are hiding or stealthing nearby......

    Now, I have no idea whether this 6 / 8 FCR/FC falls into the neighbourhood of anything related to that (bugs, hacks, cheats or whatever) but at least, whether I misunderstood or not what I overheard in chat, personally the impression that I received from what I overheard, is that the 6/8 was actually being benefitted, even when beyond the CAP..... 

    Sometimes things happen like that.... someone spills the beans.... not saying this is one of those cases, just wondering whether what I overheard is actually for real or not.....
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Its usuable, for example when the bard down in blackthorn uses there Howl of Cacophony spell on you for -5 fc/fcr then you will still be at 1/3 if you start at 6/8.
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