Enhanced Client: How to move all the contents of one container to another?

Situation: my tinker-in-training is making Gargoyle earrings.  Lots and lots of them, as many as her Salvage Bag will hold.  Since she can't salvage them, she drops them in a trash barrel for Clean Up Brittania points.
It is very annoying and slow to transfer 40 or 50 items this way multiple times.  Is there a better way?

She has tried to use the "Loot all of the contents of this container" button.  All it does is move the contents of the Salvage Bag to the top level of her backpack.  She tried the same thing with the Salvage Bag within the trash barrel, but again, they went to her backpack instead of spilling into the trash.  There has got to be some efficient way, right?
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited February 2020
    Since you're not salvaging the earrings, don't worry about making them in the Salvage bag, just put the ingots in a backpack in your main pack. Set up an Organizer Agent with the destination container the trash barrel. Add garg earrings to the Organizer Agent by type. Click on the pack and select the Organizer Agent you set up for the earrings. 

    Every time the pack gets full just click the Organizer and it will move all the earrings into the trash barrel. (The Salvage bag might also have the Organizer available, if so, you don't even have to worry about a pack.)
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    #Arroth_Thaiel Thanks!  It works as you described.  Since I never used an Organizer Agent before, it took me a minute to figure out that one sets up agents from Agent Settings item of the Main Menu.  I knew about the Organizer button at the top of containers, but I never got it to do anything before.

    Yes, as  you suspected the Salvage Bag does have an Organizer button.  Since both it and my main backpack are set to "Organizer 1" (by default), I can send stuff to the trash barrel the same way from either container.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Hint/Warning all bags containers are set to the same Organizer. Changing on one container changes it on all.

    Agents are usually the answer to any repetitive moving of items. As you are new to using them I would suggest setting up a "loot" organizer agent to get gold, gems and anything else you regularly get off bodies. Then its just open up the body and one click to get the regular stuff moved to you backpack. Also there is the "Vacuum" Action that when activated will run the action on all open containers other than your backpack. So standing in a pile of bodies open them all, hit vacuum and all the regular stuff is in your backpack.

    Agents are my favourite life style addition to the game in the last 10 years. They don't do anything faster but save so much drag and clicking. My crafter/miner has up to 20 set up. Every thing from the one #Arroth_Thaiel suggested to the one I use to move ore around after mining and to feed my pet in combat. 

    The page on UO.com is  https//uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/technical/agents-settings-in-the-enhanced-client/  if you haven't found it yet
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    #Tim , thank you for the additional info.  It sure sounds like I need to start using this capability.  BTW, I know you cannot edit the post, but your link has a typo.  It is missing the colon between "https" and "//".  I'll repost the whole thing:

    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    You can just run the organiser from your salvage bag, dont have to put the items in your main pack.  Just select the relevant orgainser from whatever bag stuff is in.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Just for those not 'used' to the agents you can also set your Restock agent to feed a pet, ie take one bit of raw rib and feed a pet.  (just reset the target pet when you get it out the stable) I carry apples and ribs on my tamers, just reset the pet when I get it out then when I click on it it will feed either the rib or apple to the pet.

    Use the restock agent to fill spellbooks.  (the spellbook being the container) and select 1 of each spell to restock.

    Also scavenger agent, load in gold, and at spawns that drop lots of gold just hold down cntrl-shift to pick up gold.

    I have an organiser agent set on all my characters called 'Miscellaneous Mover' and just 'add' the item I am wanting moving either from pack to bin, or pack to chest or chest to chest etc I delete the item when done until the next time i wanna move something. 

    Just have a regular organisers for stuff you move all the time, I have one for gems, regs, resources, imbue ingredients etc that auto moves those items to the relevant chest when standing in front of it.

    Lots and lots of things can be done with the agents. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    There is a way, with the Agents or other means, to move Items "en masse" directly for one S&L Chest to another one? I'm trying to sort some Chests I have hoarded in one of my Houses, and moving the Items one at a time is becoming very time-consuming and carpal-tunnel inducing... :'(
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Not exactly. You can loot the entire contents of the container to a designated loot container in your pack. put the empty chest you're going to use in your pack, set it as your 'loot bag', then use the blue 'loot all' button on the chest you are emptying.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    There is a "bug" that I'm hoping they don't fix (Please ).

    If after you set your "loot bag" you can drop it into another container or on the floor and secure it. It will remain your loot bag and "loot all" button will move thing to it if within reach. Will also work if you put it on your blue beetle or other pack animal.

    I personally have a hard time remembering that "Actions" simply automate what you could do with dragging and dropping items. Get too far away and it won't work.

    Another thing I noticed is if you're "right click to loot" stops working on corpses you may have set a loot bag that is no longer in you backpack. Toggling the "set loot bag" will cure the issue.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I don't consider that a bug but working as intended.   What's it matter where your loot bag is located? 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Mariah said:
    Not exactly. You can loot the entire contents of the container to a designated loot container in your pack. put the empty chest you're going to use in your pack, set it as your 'loot bag', then use the blue 'loot all' button on the chest you are emptying.

    Thanks, @Mariah ! :)
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