
I like that on most shards they have added a moongate out of WBB to the rest of the moongates.  

However, isn't time we had one INTO WBB through the moongate system?  Maybe make a story arc and let us donate gold to have one built or something.  Luna wins because the bank is so close to the gate (as is the stables too).  WBB needs a way in.   Just as easy as it is to get out.  Make WBB great again!


  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Theo said:
    I like that on most shards they have added a moongate out of WBB to the rest of the moongates.  

    However, isn't time we had one INTO WBB through the moongate system?  Maybe make a story arc and let us donate gold to have one built or something.  Luna wins because the bank is so close to the gate (as is the stables too).  WBB needs a way in.   Just as easy as it is to get out.  Make WBB great again!

    I agree! And, moreover, a New Story Arc with an Invasion and "Rubble-fication" of Luna could be a nice idea... >:) :D
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Move all of the moon gates into their respective cities.  No more getting mugged at the Yew moon gate.
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    #TimSt the risk is intentional.  Of course the design dates back to before Trammel existed, and anywhere outside a city was dangerous.  As it was supposed to be.  Felucca maintains that design philosophy.  Sorry if I sound unsympathetic, but keeping the danger is a good thing IMO.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • TimTim Posts: 839
     Rock said:
    #TimSt the risk is intentional.  Of course the design dates back to before Trammel existed, and anywhere outside a city was dangerous.  As it was supposed to be.  Felucca maintains that design philosophy.  Sorry if I sound unsympathetic, but keeping the danger is a good thing IMO.
    But most of the "world" is not Felucca, so no danger just inconvenience. Even in Fel there are crystal portals to drop you at the bank if you don't already have a rune there. The days of needing to use a Moon gate to get to town are long gone they are just a convenience to 99.999% of player. I don't see a reason they shouldn't be made more so.
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    I have no problem with the Trammel moongates moving within city limits.  But with Felucca, the original shard, leave them in their original locations.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Do enough people still use Fel moongates to make it worth wile for PKs to hang around them? Back in the day when moongates or moonstones were the only way into Fel I could see you point but now? 

    Not that I use moongates  other than Luna very often but I can see me using them more if they were at more convenient locations.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    I mention this now and then. If they put the moongate for Luna back where it belongs. Everything would be just fine. It's like they moved it on the test center while testing or for their own testing for convenience and when they made Malas live, they forgot to put it back. No city should have a moongate behind the safety of it's defenses.

  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    Gidge said:
    I mention this now and then. If they put the moongate for Luna back where it belongs. Everything would be just fine. It's like they moved it on the test center while testing or for their own testing for convenience and when they made Malas live, they forgot to put it back. No city should have a moongate behind the safety of it's defenses.

    Funny I live in front of that moongate on GL. :-) Always wondered why that spot was there.  Honestly I think all moongates should go to banks in Tram.  Good thing we have the Crystal Portal to get us there directly.  Putting a moongate doesn't make any difference now that we have a way to get right into the town as it is.  Its just a PITA trying to find a public crystal portal on some shards where I don't have runes or a way to gate and need to use the moongates and the walk to Brit from the gate is too long. Boring. 
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