Mysticism and Equipped Weapons

RockRock Posts: 567
edited February 2020 in Skills and Stats
What I remember is that 80 Mysticism skill, a mystic's weapon no longer need the Spell Channeling property to remain wielded while casting mystic spells.  Am I just remembering wrong, or did Mysticism receive a nerf?

Training a guy today, he reached the magic 80.0 Mysticism skill.  But his weapon was disarmed the first time a mystic spell was cast.  "Okay, maybe the rule was more than 80."  Nope, at 80.1, it was still disarmed.  Confused, I looked it up.  From the UO Wiki:
Equipping weapons and armor requires the item to have the spell chanelling property, in the same way as the property is required for mages.

Well, on the one hand that explains why the darn black staff won't remain armed.  OTOH, what does it mean that armor requires spell channeling?  One would hope if the sentence were partially wrong, it is entirely wrong.  ( #Mariah : They probably meant to say "shields" rather than "armor", but still.)

The reason I think a nerf was done (instead of my bad memory) is that I remember thinking something like, "Okay, Mysticism is equally effective for both magic types and warriors."  There are three reasons for including warriors in that thought.  First is the Enchant spell (which can be cast without Spell Channeling), which buffs a weapon with a second attack such as lightning. The second is that weapons no longer needed spell channeling after a certain skill level.  Finally is the damage done by the Animated Weapon spell.  Like any weapon, its damage is buffed by Tactics and Anatomy, not native to magic types except for mages who use the Eval+Anatomy combo for defense instead of Wrestling.  Taking 4 pet slots, it is sort of a vary lame spell for anyone but a warrior to even bother with. (Compare with Blade Spirits and Energy Vortex, at 2 slots each.)

If a nerf was indeed done, why?  Chivalry, Spellweaving, Bushido, and Ninjitsu do not require spell channeling weapons.  Regardless of nerf or not, please (re)enable mystics to use non-spell channeling weapons when they reach 80 skill.

Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    You are correct, that should say 'shields' I will edit.
    the description of the spell 'enchant' says:
    Adds up to 60 Hit Spell of your choice (Fireball, Harm, Magic Arrow, Lightning, Dispel) to a weapon. If Focus or Imbuing are over 80 it also adds Spell Channeling -1 Faster Casting. Duration scales based on the level of the spell to be enchanted, base duration 150 seconds.
    The spell is cancelled if the weapon is disarmed
    So my question is, what level is your focus/imbuing?
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Currently his Mysticism is 81.7 and Focus 100.0.
    ... <oops! face>
    I'm embarrassed to say that I forgot that Enchant was a necessary condition for non-channeling weapons to remain armed. 

    In the words of the late, great, Rosanne Rosanna Danna, "Never mind."
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
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