How does a free (Endless Journey) character access the bank?
I just made an Endless Journey account and created a character. If it matters, he is designated as "(young)". As I understand it, he should be able to use the bank and store up to 20 items. But my character can't even deposit gold, which means vendors won't sell him anything. Looking at my bank account, I see:

(The standard Bank Options gump always shows as well.) My character is not allowed to drop items or gold onto this thing. Saying "deposit 500" does nothing. I know there were bugs initially, but one would think by now they had been worked out. What am I doing wrong?
Update: I noticed there is an extra Bank Options command: "Deposit an item into Bank Box". Clicking it, the cursor changed to its select icon, and he clicked his drum. It got transferred to the bank! But I cannot drag it out, nor is there a corresponding "Withdraw an item from Bank Box". The system won't let my guy drag a pile of gold into the bank box either. So he is still locked out of using vendors. At a bare minimum, vendors should revert to their original behavior, and withdraw the necessary gold from your backpack.
... An actual new player might just give up.
Update 2: As is my usual, I recorded my "Goal Template" onto his Profile scroll. The chat gump showed, "This account is -1 months old". Maybe the problem is he doesn't exist yet, and the system needs to catch up?
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
That is in the back of my mind. I've got two accounts already, and the question is: will I be active enough to justify a third account? I sure could use a third house, though.