Do you want the old GuildStones (or sort of) Back??? Please cast you vote... :-)

IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
edited January 2020 in General Discussions
As in Thread Topic. I REALLY REALLY would have back the ol' GuildStones, even if as a pure Deco item (an idea for an UO Store Item maybe?) & whitout the "gestional" functions of the original ones. (This, clearly, as long as they would retain their most BASIC function IMO: to be nameable as by a Guild!)

  1. GuildStones: is it at last the time for their (even if nerfed and/or as UO Store Item) comeback???18 votes
    1. Heck, yes! GStone us, Dear Devs!!! :-D
    2. Meh. No. I see no reson. Not interested, and so on...


  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    adds a bit of flair and depth to game play for a guild to have a stone - gives it more meaning.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    I still mourn the loss of our guild stone, I would love to have one back, even if purely deco.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Violet said:
    I still mourn the loss of our guild stone, I would love to have one back, even if purely deco.

    I second (and third, and fourth, and so on! :D ) that!!! :)
  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    I would love to see guild stones back in the game, i would also like it to revert back to the old ways, because it makes more social interaction with players around the guild stone / guild house.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    jadav said:
    I would love to see guild stones back in the game, i would also like it to revert back to the old ways, because it makes more social interaction with players around the guild stone / guild house.
    If the old ways come back, you back to the same problems for the reasons for the change. House with stone can fall, stone gets stolen, guild leader gets pissed and tosses the stone. If they come back, it would have to be purely deco.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Deco only would be a really neat gift idea. Randomly generated stones of all established guilds would be a major trading hit. 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Urge said:
    Deco only would be a really neat gift idea. Randomly generated stones of all established guilds would be a major trading hit. 

    My idea was to be able to have new "Named" GSs for new founded Guilds, even if only Deco ones.
    Personally I'm not interested in randomly named one: AAMOF it is the exact opposite to my request, but, oc, at each and everyone its UO, I suppose... :)
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Urge said:
    Deco only would be a really neat gift idea. Randomly generated stones of all established guilds would be a major trading hit. 
    Nah. A guidstone should be only with the guild leader. Having randomly generated ones poses the threat of misrepresentation of guilds.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    No reason the exisiing guild system can't remain but just add a guild stone that may be accessed to produce the same gump that the menu gives.  Make it either/or to operate a guild.  If the guild leader tosses the stone or leaves without passing it on the existing menu system still works.  Only the gm or 'emissary' can operate the stone. 

    Don't see why it has to be rocket science.

    Cheers MissE

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  • Without screwing up the currently deco only legacy guildstones, there should be an option within the Guild Menu for the Guild Leader to "Place a Guildstone"

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216

    Without screwing up the currently deco only legacy guildstones, there should be an option within the Guild Menu for the Guild Leader to "Place a Guildstone"

    This is a sensate observation, IMO. I'm a "Legacy" GSs collector too, so maybe the new ones should have, e.g., a different graphic...
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