Archery Contest! January 26th at 9:30 pm Eastern:

Sponsored by the City of Skara Brae.


  • JepethJepeth Posts: 516
    edited January 2020

    Thank you to everyone who came out for the competitions! We had 16 people show up and 15 compete.

    In the 'unskilled' category the winners were:

    • 3rd Place Creedence with 100 points
    • 2nd Place Violet Darkthorn with 147 points
    • 1st place Maddam Grace with 172 points

    In the 'skilled' category the winners were:

    • 3rd Place Fruit Loop with 660 points
    • 2nd Place Saresa with 700 points
    • 1st Place Ashes of Eden with an incredible 820 points

    Special thanks to Governor Zoogi of Magincia for providing gate travel services and to Pam for donating some archery rewards!

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